Thoughts on Joe Biden Seeking a Second Term

As we watch Joe Biden on the news we can see he is so senile he is not fit to be President. The Democrats are so corrupt they are trying to convince the public that Joe is fine and has all his marbles but people who watch TV know differently, although Biden voters are too stupid to even recognize his senility. The Democrats are even able to get Doctors to claim the Joe is fine. I wonder how much they pay them for that. How could any honest person vote for any Democrat who would support anything so dishonest? In addition to Joe’s senility he is breaking our immigration laws by letting anyone who comes to our borders in. Even the government investigator who was supposed to be deciding whether to charge Biden with breaking the law by having classified documents implied that a jury would recognize his senility and not convict him. First Federal Law Enforcement tried to hide information they had on Biden breaking the law and them opted to claim he could not be convicted because a jury would recognize his senility. They did not express it that way but we got the implication. Probably half of all Federal Law Enforcement Officials should be fired.

Joe Biden is plainly corrupt and dishonest. He has signed some executive orders that the courts have ruled were illegal. His response has been to try to find some some way to break the law anyway. Courts have also ruled his agencies have been violating our Constitution by pressuring non governmental organizations like social media and news media to suppress information unfavorable to the Biden Regime. Clearly Joe Biden is a danger to the people of the United States.

Joe has received millions for his Presidential Library from “Chinese Citizens”. Nothing happens in China without permission of the Communist Party. Are all these donations a reason why Joe says we need a rising China? Has he been bought? What would happen if China decided to attack the United States? I think we all know. We would all be killed by Nuclear Bombs while Joe tried to get the head Communist on the phone.

Joe is currently being investigated by Congress for influence peddling. Here is a guy who became a multi-millionaire in government service. How do you do that ? I think we all know. What are Democrats in Congress doing? They are trying to protect Joe from being held accountable and are obstructing the investigation. As for the Republicans they resemble the Keystone Cops by being too inept to convict Joe. Everything about Joe Biden spells trouble for the United States.

The Democrat party knows how inept and corrupt Joe is but they insist on having him rum for office anyway. That tells me two things. They want someone to be a Democrat President who will work closely with China and keep money flowing to them. China has shown a wiliness to pay big money to get favorable treatment. They need U.S. money coming to them from manufacturing to help them dominant the world. The other thing is they are confident they can manufacture enough votes to get Joe back in and suppress any attempts at verifying illegal votes by the Keystone Cops. After all, the Democrats are the ones who coined the phrase “By any means possible”.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.