The Latest Democratic Party Outrage

As if we needed any further evidence of the corruption of the Democratic Party they are now backing Joe Biden for re-election. What is wrong with that? Let me count the ways. Joe Biden is severely mentally incapacitated. While we should be compassionate toward individuals suffering like he is it is dangerous to have him […]

Who will Rescue the United States?

Years ago when “western movies” were popular there was a TV series about the Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger was always available when someone needed a rescue. Immaculately dressed in black with a mask that stayed perfectly in place regardless of what kind of scuffle the great Lone Ranger was involved in, our hero would […]

Easter, The Great Event

Each year Christians through out the world celebrate the greatest event that has has happened in our world. This was the atonement and resurrection of Jesus which we call Easter. When God placed man in the world he commanded that we be perfect. This meant we would always do his will. From the time of […]