The Curse of Biden on the United States

How did Joe Biden, as corrupt as he is, become President of the United States? I consider the Democrat Party a criminal organization. Their political office holders are in office for power and to enrich themselves by giving favors to their monetary contributors and giving freebies to people they think will vote for them. Joe Biden’s attempt to cancel debt of college students is an excellent example of these freebies. Let us face facts. Political Office is a great way to becoming wealthy. Joe Biden proved that by becoming a multi-millionaire in political offices. It stands to reason that a criminal organization would choose for their leader someone who would be one of them and help them achieve Joe’s success in become wealthy.

But why would people vote for Joe Biden who he does not enrich or give freebies to? Has the majority of the citizens also become corrupt? Has the majority or near majority of our citizens become so corrupt that they voted for Joe Biden? Is a country where destroying unborn babies meets most people’s approval an indication of depravity? Or were those unverifiable mail in ballots and unverifiable harvested votes the things which Joe elected? The fervor that the Democrats exhibited in fighting against any investigations or audits in the last national election makes them suspect.

What has Joe done for us lately? He has been hosting, celebrating and promoting sexual deviants in the White House. Are you aware of any hosting, celebrating or promotion of strong family units in the White House? Recently he declared a Transgender Day if Visibility to be celebrated on Easter Sunday the same day of a Christian Holiday. All Christians should be concerned that Biden and his Communist Advisors planned that as an attacked on Christian Values.

Let us review some of the Achievements of over three years of the Biden Regime. We were an energy independent country when the corrupt Biden Regime came in. Thanks to Biden’s policies we are now buying oil from our enemies and paying huge prices at the pump for gasoline. Biden and his criminal family have been getting a lot of money flowing in from the enemies of our country including China. Is there any wonder Biden has been so supportive of the Communist Regime in China? The Biden Regime supported printing more money since we could not pay off our huge national debt and they wanted to spend more money to increase our debt. That meant our prices increased significantly while wages did not go up to keep pace.

The Biden Regime invited people to come in illegally which included terrorists and criminals and refused to enforce our laws against illegal entry. The terrorists will soon be organized to make well planned attacks on the people of the United States. We are now having a spike in crime which is partly the result of criminals coming across our borders at the invitation of the Criminal Joe Biden. We ae now in the position of having to support millions of illegal immigrants that Joe invited to come here illegally. Governments at all levels and already deeply in debt. This has to be a plan orchestrated by Joe Biden and his Communist Advisors to destroy the United States. Joe Biden belongs in prison, but his fellow corrupt Democrats will prevent that from happening.

Joe and his Communist Advisors are attacking freedom of speech in the United States. Evidence has been revealed in court hearings that the Biden Regime worked to get Social Media, who has great power on getting information to the public, to suppress the free speech people who attempt the reveal the lies of the Biden Ragime.

The Biden Regime has been active in using lawfare to harass people who they deem to be their political enemies. All the lawsuits against Donald Trump are a prime example. The Biden Regime has secretly met with some of their Democrat Counterparts in State or local Government who are prosecuting charges against Trump. Trump has a lot of money to defend himself but may yet be bankrupted by those who have unlimited funds from taxpayers to pursue their vendettas against Trump. Other political enemies to the Biden Regime may not be so lucky. They may have to get a plea bargain because they do not have the funds to defend themselves against a government agency that has unlimited funds to persecute them, and I mean persecute not prosecute.

Do we need any more reasons to vote against Joe Biden? I cannot think of any reason to vote for him.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.