The Miserable Failures of Joe Biden

In Comrade Biden’s first year in office 2.000.000 people illegally entered the United States with encouragement from an incompetent and corrupt president. And these are just the people who turned themselves in and not the thousands who slipped across the border, likely because they had criminal records. Joe is breaking the law and is committing […]

Service to Our Fellow Man

This being Easter Week it seems like a good time to talk about the teachings of Jesus. When Jesus walked upon earth he taught us to serve one another. Indeed, he spent his life serving others without any financial reward. He taught us to do as he did, which means we are expected to spend […]

A Comparison of Two Large Religions – Christianity and Communism

Comparison of Two Large World Religions-Christianity and Communism This blog will contrast and compare two of the world’s largest religious movements Christianity and Communism.  You might protest that any movement such as Communism that is Atheist cannot be a religion since the usual definition of religion includes worship of a personal God or Gods. Another […]