Will the Democrats Dump Biden?

There is a rumor going around that the Democrats will dump Joe Biden for another candidate this coming November Election. But this is a rumor you protest. Yes it is, but those who work for the government know that rumor is often the best source of information. Working for the Democratic Party is not officially […]

The Curse of Biden on the United States

How did Joe Biden, as corrupt as he is, become President of the United States? I consider the Democrat Party a criminal organization. Their political office holders are in office for power and to enrich themselves by giving favors to their monetary contributors and giving freebies to people they think will vote for them. Joe […]

Joe Loves to Help Our Enemies

Joe Biden told us we need a rising China. Why do we need a rising China? China wants to destroy us preferably through subversion rather that militarily. They do not keep their goals secret. But Joe Biden’s family and Joe himself is on the Chinese Payroll. The Biden Family has business interests in China. Remember […]

How to destroy China

The Chinese Communists have plans to destroy the United States. It is no secret . They openly admit it. And what is the reaction to this from many politicians? They openly support China. Foremost supporter is Crooked Joe Biden. He reminds us that we need a rising China. So why does Joe think we need […]

The Scourge of Biden

Joe Biden’s term as president has likely been the worst curse even to come on the United States. We have had runaway inflation hurting every citizen, massive debt accumulation, unbelievable corruption among politicians and government employees, attacks on our rights enumerated in the Constitution, Marxism being promulgated in our schools by government edict, government law […]