A Plea For the Republicans to Put Biden in Jail

One thing positive you can say about the Democrat Party is they are united in their support of actions taken by the Biden Regime. Unfortunately Biden’s every move is apparently designed to destroy the United States. I do not believe Biden is merely incompetent. I believe he is a puppet of his Communist Advisors. His Communist Advisors tell him what spending bills to propose and what policies to push that will more quickly bankrupt the United States. Their plan is to destroy the effectiveness of all our institutions hoping the people will turn to Socialism, their name for Communism, giving them power to crush any opposition and enable them to enrich themselves for life. I take the position that the Democratic Party is a criminal organization seeking power over the citizens and the ability to enrich themselves at taxpayer expense. The spending bills sponsored by the Biden Regime that caused massive inflation were number one on the hits charts of Democratic Elected Officials.

The Republicans are hampered by division within the party. They are unable to agree on a House Speaker who is so needed to counter the criminal actions of the Democratic party. They are faced with President Biden who apparently took in millions from foreign entities for favors and has not been charged. Biden is a multi-millionaire. You do not become a multi-millionaire in Government Service unless you sell influence.

Biden has received millions from China for his Presidential Library. The money has been funneled through private citizens in China. If you think that money did not come from the Chinese Communist Party you should be wearing a Dunce Hat. Joe took son Hunter with him on Air Force to make business deals in foreign countries. Why would he do that? Maybe Hunter can explain. In his e-mail to family members he complained he had to give 10 per cent of his take to the “Big Guy”. Who is the “Big Guy”? Biden has been compromised by money from our enemies. Even now Biden wants to meet with the Communist Dictator of China, whose goal is to destroy the United States. Why would any honorable man want to meet with someone who wants to destroy our nation? Why would any honorable man claim that we need a rising China when China has vowed to destroy us.

In addition to causing huge debts by spending more money than we have coming in and causing massive inflation the Biden Regime Communist Inspired Green Bad Deals has been severely destructive to the United States. We were once energy independent but thanks to the policies of the Biden Regime, Joe now has to bow down to our enemies begging for oil. Biden has destroyed our energy independence. He is also trying to force us to buy expensive electric cars, where most of the main components are made in China. China’s investment in Joe Biden is really paying off.

Joe’s open border policies are causing severe economic trials to the taxpayers as we are forced to support the millions coming in illegally. For this act alone Biden should be in prison. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We will soon be having terrorist attacks against our citizens from the illegals who have crossed our borders as soon as they are able to get organized. Public Enemy number one lives in the White House. The number on priority for the Republicans should be to remove Joe Biden from the White house and put him in prison where he belongs. It was once said of the very evil Adolf Hitler that he was good to his dog. That was the only good thing that could be said about him. If the news reports are correct you cannot even say that Biden is good to his dog. The reports are Biden kicked his dog.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Constitutional Amendments the U.S. Needs Now

There are three Constitutional Amendments that need to be passed by the States now. They are:

  1. A prohibition against the president of the United States signing Executive Orders.
  2. A Balanced Budget Amendment.
  3. A method for the citizens to remove a President and Vice President from office without having to rely on corrupt Senators and Congressmen to do that job.

First let us start with Corrupt Joe Biden and his use of Executive Orders. Joe Biden has amassed a fortune in government service. There is no way he could have made millions unless he was selling influence. He is totally paid for by corrupt people. His executive orders allow him to gives favors to those who own him without getting approval of Congress or the Senate. In other words he is bypassing those we elected and are supposed to represent us to enrich those who own him who will also pass more money into his hands for the service he renders. The Democrat Party has become a crime syndicate and will not rock Joe’s boat because they are getting payoffs as well. Those executive orders are costing us millions in added debt that will bankrupt the country if the Democrats stay in power. If executive orders are banned we will not become victims of corrupts Presidents or corrupt Senators or Congressional Elected Officials.

Second is a Balanced Budget Agreement. Biden and his fellow criminals in the Democrat Party and some Republican enablers, also criminals, have been spending billions of dollars we do not have. We have debts we probably can never repay. I think this is really a planned effort to bankrupt the United States. The Democrat Plan is Marxist Government they hope will come with bankruptcy, keeping them in office for life. Think how much they could steal if they were guaranteed staying in office for life. The Democrats have embraced Marxism as evidenced by their embracing the squad and Bernie Sanders. Marxists are a big part of their “big Tent”. Biden is too senile to know what is happening around him. All his Marxists advisors are calling the shots. Not only does Biden belong in prison but a lot if not most Democrat Office Holders as well. May I remind you that most of the Democrat Congressmen and Senators back the reckless actions of a Corrupt Joe Biden.

The founding Fathers were Honorable and God Fearing Men. They could not conceive of the corruption of Office holders in our time. They relied on Honorable Office Holders impeaching corrupt office holders. Now 40 percent of all Democrats do not believe in God so they thrash our Christian Code of Ethics. I am not aware of any surveys of how many Democrats Office holders believe in God but I suspect it is a lot less than the 40 per cent of Democratic Voters who surveys have indicated do not believe in God. Biden is breaking our laws by allowing millions of illegals to cross our borders. These people are costing us billions of dollars we do not have. We do not know how many are planning on attempting to commit terrorist acts or how many are dangerous criminals. Biden is committing crimes against our citizens. The Republicans cannot impeach him for his illegal acts because the Democrats have enough political power to prevent an impeachment and they, being corrupt, will not take action against fellow criminals. A amendment from the states allowing for the citizens to take direct action to impeach a criminal in the White House would bypass these criminals in House and Senate. I might add it would also bypass some criminals in the Republican Party as well.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

U.S. Election 2024

In the last National Election in 2000 in the United States the Democrats made the Republicans look like a bunch of fools. They came up with some brilliant new voter strategies never before tried, even by the Communist Chinese. While the Republicans were asleep at the switch they were planning how to operate a voting system that was perfect for permitting fraud. Mail out ballots to everyone, that could not be verified, and allow “vote harvesting” or collecting votes in nursing homes or neighborhoods with no identify required of those who collected the votes. Ballot drop boxes were also provided with no election official to determine if people bringing in large numbers of ballots were committing fraud.

You know much more of the story. Electors counting ballots at night after sending poll watchers home, more ballots coming in than there were registered voters in some areas, election officials putting covers on windows so no one could see what they were doing at night, ballots being counted in spite of coming in late which were contrary to local laws, election officials not verifying addresses or voters on mail in ballots, a higher percentage of people voting than would be even remotely possible and a great wave of votes for Biden when Trump had a lead at the end of the election.

The Democrats look to Communist China for inspiration but now the Communist Chinese are likely looking for inspiration from the Democrats. All the things done in the last election had to be carefully planned. Was it the Criminal Democrat National Committee who swore an oath to each other to secrecy like the Mafia? (I am taking the position that intelligent people consider the Democratic Party a criminal organization)Or did they set up a secret shadow organization to coordinate their voting schemes? The Democrat Controlled Voting Precincts had to have someone to advise them on what to do without getting caught. Where are the non profit organizations who investigate government wrong doing?

In addition to having a massive amount of planning to pull off these voting schemes, to protect the guilty, there had to be a lot of planning in covering up their crimes. One advantage the Democrats had was where the worst of the questionable schemes were happening the Democrats politicians had control of any investigation of wrongdoing. You read the news reports. The Democrats were screaming voter repression and intimidation when the real issue was the Democrats being exposed. Some places the Democrats were even trying to intimidate those who were questioning the legitimacy of the vote by threating to charge them with voter intimidation. And our criminal led Justice Department is always willing to send someone a letter if they think it might cause them to back off.

And of course the Left leaning news media is always ready to champion those trying to destroy our nation and the Democrats fit that description. The news media is ever willing to lie, hide information or ignore information if they think it will benefit anyone who is trying to destroy the United States. The current Democratic Party is their dream come true.

After the last election I wondered what new schemes the Democrats would come up with next election. To my surprise they came up with nothing new. The playbook they used last election worked so well , why change the plays. The Democrats have a problem. They are planning on supporting a Joe Biden who is unpopular with the majority of American Voters. The House Hearings appear poised to reveal the massive corruption of Joe Biden. Their continuing support of Joe Biden is very telling. They are so sure they can “produce” enough votes to elect Joe Biden they have no plans to make any changes. And the sad thing is the Republicans who we would expect to counter Joe Biden’s Criminal Regime do not seem up to the task.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Amazing Takeover of the United States

Many people in the United States fear destruction by a foreign power such as China of Russia. What they tend to forget is the United States has the resources to destroy either nation. Why is that important? Our enemies realize the cost of attacking the United States would be their own destruction. They still use saber rattling as diplomacy hoping to frighten enough Americans into demanding our corrupt government people make appeasements to give them advantages in their quest to take control of the world.

Our biggest concerns is not global warming or enemy attack but evil and corrupt people within who desire to enrich themselves and to have power and control over us. The poster boy for corruption is Joe Biden. He may be the most corrupt president ever. Many revelations are coming forth, now that the Republicans are able to have investigations of corruption, that Biden or his crime family have received millions from foreign entities for no explained reason. Evidence has now come forth that indicates Biden used an alias in his dealings with foreign entities. Why would he need an alias if he were doing legal things? His supporters know he is on the take but do not care as long as they think they can profit from his misdeeds.

We do not know what Biden agreed to when his family took Chinese money. We do know he said we needed a rising China. Did he agree to make sure we continued to buy goods from China to enable them to have enough money to finance their plans to destroy us. It is no secret China wants to bring us into subjection. They openly admit it. Why would people vote for a man who is willing to sell influence for money?

I believe Biden is purposely trying to destroy the United States. He has done some many things detrimental to the United States that I am convinced that no one could be that incompetent. I believe he should be tried for treason.

Millions are coming in unvetted who may be cartel members seeking to prey on our citizens or terrorists working for foreign governments. Lots of drugs are coming in with these immigrants and most of the drugs are likely not found. This has to be a plot by Biden and his leftist controllers to destabilize the nation. But the question is whether Biden is getting money from the cartels. They are making billions on Biden’s lack of enforcement of our immigration laws,

I believe the Democrat Party, almost without exception, is a criminal organization. I base this on a couple of things. They supported Biden’s nomination of department heads who are also criminals. We need look no further than our Federal Law Enforcement, who are stonewalling investigations of Biden and his family suspected for wrong doing. They had incriminating information that they hid from the public. They investigated people whom the Biden Regime considered there enemies. They are the people the Democrats supported. They support Biden in his illegal immigration activities.

They support Biden in his deficit spending designed to bankrupt the United States. How would they benefit from destroying our democracy? If the Communists could take over they would have a life time political job which would enable them to steal for life.

Crook Biden has had several Court decisions against his illegal activities. He appeals accusing the court of being extremist. One court has said they believe he violated the Constitutional rights of the citizens by trying to influence social media to suppress information unfavorable to the Crooked Biden Regime. It seems most of the government has become corrupt. The news media as well as social media seem to be willing to do the bidding of the corrupt Biding Regime. They are willing to lie to protect corrupt people. It seems the corrupt people in our society almost outnumber the honest.

Will the Republicans save us? Not likely. A lot of Republicans are among the corrupt. They look out for their own kind. The Republicans also fear upsetting people who are corrupt and are not bringing them to justice. They are are also counting to win at the polls next election. Will that happen? If we can believe the polls nearly 50 % population will vote for Biden even though a much larger percent think he is doing a terrible job. Do we also need to save us from ourselves? In three short since Communist Biden came into power the letists have taken control of our government, the news media and social media and are now have their evil eyes on our secondary education system.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Slow Walking the Biden Impeachment

The Republicans have a gold mine of information coming in implicating Joe Biden is corrupt. Why are they taking to long to bring charges? They seem to infer that they want to have solid information to present in an impeachment trial and are going slowly. Maybe. We do know the Democrats are 100 percent corrupt and would not vote to impeach one of their own no matter how much evidence is presented. We also know that some Republicans are also corrupt and would not vote to convict Joe if they feel it would hurt them politically regardless of how much damaging evidenced is presented. That type of Republican would likely also consider a bribe offer to vote against impeachment if the money was right. Are the Republicans slow walking the impeachment process because they ae not sure the all the Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to rock someone’s boat by voting to impeach? Do the Republican Leaders need more time to attempt to convince their fellow party members to do what is right?

According to polls about 35 percent of the people actually think Biden is doing a good job. Could it be that some Republicans do not want to make these brain dead people mad? Or if they do vote to impeach are they afraid the left wing news media will attempt to destroy them politically? They do know how corrupt news media works.

Let’s get this show on the road. Biden has earned an impeachment process. The Republicans should take a page from the Democrat Party Playbook on harassment of Donald Trump and bring as many charges against Biden as they can dream up. Apparently the Democrat Theory is the brain dead will think Trump must be guilty of something since so many charges have been brought against him. They are also hoping something might stick. Bringing a lot of charges against Biden might convince the brain dead that Biden must be guilty because so many charges are being brought against him.

I would hope that some of the things that might be included in charging Biden in an impeachment action would include:

Receiving bribes from foreign entities in exchange for influence.

Promoting sex trafficking

Promoting the illegal importing of dangerous drugs.

Weakening our armed forces to give China an advantage.

Refusing to enforce our immigration laws.

Being mentally incapable of functioning as President.

Income tax evasion.

Supporting deficit spending in an attempt to bankrupt the United States.

Allowing security risks to come into the United States.

Lying to the Citizens of the United States.

Putting the interests of China ahead of the interests of the United States.


Add your own charges. I am sure we can come with hundreds of reasons Biden should be impeached.

The Democrats are currently in a panic mode with so revelations coming in on Biden’s misdeeds. They fear they will not be able to manufacture enough unverifiable mail in ballots or harvested votes to get Biden back in office for a second term. Look for them to find an alternate and have their puppet Biden declare he will not seek a second term. I feel confident they will find someone just as corrupt and incompetent as Joe. There is no shortage of them in the Democrat Party.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Corruption in High Places in Government

The Founding Fathers of our country, I believe, were inspired by God as they worked to bring about a Constitution, Bill of Rights and a new nation. I believe they were good and honorable men who were not perfect but had a desire to do good. They had respect for the teachings of God as manifested in the wonderful principles in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There are some in our society who want to dishonor them by accusing them of being racist. These people are evil and deserve no respect from the Citizens of the United States.

The Founding Fathers envisioned a national government made of of men who served the best interests of the people rather than their own self interest. What happened? How did we get corrupt elected leaders like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and appointed leaders like Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Alejandra Mayorkas, and Anthony Fauci? And how did we get a Senate and House majority and President from the Democrat Party majority all misleading our country?

There are a lot of instances in world history where nations have fallen not only because they had evil leaders but because of the moral decay of the citizens. The Bible gives a great example of how nations fall. The children of Israel were protected by God and became a great nation when they followed his teachings. When they turned away from God and ignored his teachings God stopped protecting them from their enemies and they were eventually conquered and scattered among the nations. The Children of Israel had righteous kings who kept them focused on the things of God and also unrighteous kings who lead them away from God and hastened their decline. We have many unrighteous leaders who are hastening our decline as a nation. Is this a manifestations of how evil the people have become as they elect unrighteous leaders who appoint other unrighteous people to lead our government agencies?

Let’s look at some of our present leaders in national government. The poster boy for corruption has to be Joe Biden. He became a multi-millionaire while in government service. In spite of his political appointees in the FBI and Justice attempting to hid his sins, House Hearings are beginning to reveal his dishonesty and corruption. The FBI and Justice Department are resisting releasing information, but subpoenas have exposed Biden’s corruption. The Departments are redacting information to protect those who assisted Biden in his crimes. Preliminary information from the House Hearings indicate that Joe and his crime family may have received $14,000,000 from foreign entities for no explained reason. Can you smell bribes? And did not Hunter Biden, an important part of Biden’s Crime Family, complain to his family in his infamous e-mails, that he had to give 10 per cent of his income to the “Big Guy”. I am surprised a Democrat Spokesman did not claim Donald Trump is the Big Guy.

Then there is Nancy Pelosi. While House Leader she pushed through deficient spending that caused huge inflation to all Americans as well as a national debt that we probably cannot repay. She was supported by all the Democrats in Congress which indicates they are not fit to serve the

People of the United States. The only reason I can see for doing these things is to cause our economy to collapse hoping the people will embrace the false hopes of Socialism which the Democrats champion. Socialism is the bridge to take us to Marxism.

Chuck Schumer is one of the darlings of the Democratic Party. When the Democratic Party won the White House, The House and the Senate through dubious means, he famously said, “Now we can fundamentally change the United States.” What he meant is the Democrats can transition the United States from a Democracy to a Marxist Country. That guy should be in prison for treason.

Of course another beloved disciple of Socialism is Adam Schiff. Have you ever heard him tell the truth? He has been accusing Donald Trump of all the crimes he has himself been committing. He is the one who needs to be in jail.

Then there are the political hacks in our government agencies. They lie to the citizens of the United States. They know of the corruption of government officials and bury the information in their files so the public will not know the truth. When their records are requested for House Investigations they either refuse to provide information or greatly redact information when a subpoena is sent to hide incriminating information to protect the guilty. And their is Alejandro Mayorkas who daily lies to the citizens claiming the border is closed when the news media, the left does not control, shows thousand of illegal pouring across our borders. These people should be in prison for fraud and other criminal activities.

Will any of these criminals ever pay for their crimes? Probably not. Left leaning people have infiltrated law enforcement, the Democratic Party, the news media and the courts. They can likely block justice from happening. Will Biden be the nominee for the Democrats next election. Not likely. His crimes are being revealed so quickly the Democrats will realize they cannot gain traction with their efforts to hide his sins. They will also realize that their is no way to cheat to get a man so unpopular elected.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman for Her Price is Far above Rubies

The title of this blog is a quote from the Old Testament. It reveals how God views a righteous woman. When God created the earth and made it beautiful and habitable, he placed Adam on it. He then said, “It is not good for man to be alone. We will create a helpmate {companion] for him”. He then created woman, the most beautiful of his creations. God’s plan was to have families as the place where his spirit children would be born in circumstances where a righteous man and woman would love them, protect  them, care for them and teach them the commandments of God that are designed to bring happiness to them.

It was my privilege to marry a virtuous woman to experience what God expected. When I met my wife to be I was impressed by her poise, friendliness and respect her classmates seemed to have for her. I happened to be at a lake where her Senior Class was having their last activity together before separating for whatever was to come after high school. I had assumed the respect her classmates had for her came from her being popular in high school. As we began dating, I began to realize the real source of that respect. This girl was one who always took an interest in the things other people were doing. She was kind and helpful to everyone. She did not criticize others even when they were not present. She was always willing to give freely of her time to help and encourage those who had challenges. She was able to overlook the faults in others and see the good in them. She always had a positive attitude.

As we continued to date, I realized she was the person I wanted to marry. I had always been shy and awkward with few natural talents and struggled with schoolwork. She was brilliant, talented and had world class people skills. There is an old adage that says in love opposites often attract. For some reason that remains unknown to me she agreed to marriage. My life has been wonderful ever since she agreed to marry me. Our first year of marriage was spent in college and them I worked a year while she was finishing her senior year. We had to pay our own way through and we did not have any money beyond basic expenses. Had I known how wonderful being married to her was going to be I would have asked her to marry me when we met.

I have learned so much from her over the years. Her kindness and compassion for others has been my inspiration. I have observed how other people seem to light up when she enters a room. To have a conversation with her seems to be a highlight for some people. One of my cherished experiences with her happened when she was an English Teacher in Juvenile Prison. She had an aide who was a college graduate in English Education but could not pass the state teacher exams. She had taken them several times without success and became discouraged and gave up. My wonderful wife encouraged her to try again and offered to help her study what she needed to pass. They studied together either at our home or hers for hours and them she took part one of the teacher exam and she failed again. My very positive wife pointed out to her that she came within three points of passing and urged that they keep studying and finally she passed. They continued on and finally all parts of the teacher exam were passed. How many people do you know who would be willing to devote that much time to someone who is not a member of her family without any monetary reward? For her friend, she was able to start getting a teaches salary which meant a substantial salary increase to help her support her daughter. I could give many other examples but this one is an example of how far she will go to help others. My great blessing has been to have her as a mother and teacher to my children. Our five children are very good people who have inherited her traits or been taught by her to serve others and do.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that if you treat your wife well, she will likely treat you ever better. I have learned a wife needs her husband to tell her he loves her. I have heard men say they do not need to tell their spouse they love her because she already knows that. My answer to that is do you think Jesus knew his father in Heaven loved him? If God felt a need to proclaim that “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”, is there a message here for what we need to say to our spouse. If you tell your wife you love her I do not think she will ever say, “I get so tired of hearing that.”

My other advice for adding ingredients to a happy marriage is to have a “date” with your wife. Even if you do not have the funds you can walk together in a park for free but spend time talking to her as you walk.  Take an interest in what your spouse is doing. I had a friend who was a farm worker complaining he came in for dinner and his wife wanted to talk and he was tired. I pointed out to my friend that his wife was home with their small children all day and she needed adult conversation. My advice to him was he needed to listen to her talk because she probably needed that more than he needed quiet. As a quiet person I stumbled on the perfect solution in my home. My wife is a person who loves talking to others while I am the introvert. When I came in from work and we sat down to eat I would ask her what was the best thing that happened to her that day. That got her talking and me listening. I never asked her how her day went because I wanted her to think only about the positive things that happened that day. It was a great bonding experience as I learned about all the things that excited her. If you do the things I experienced I do not think any negative results will come from it.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Questions U.S. citizens Need Answered

How did Joe Biden become a multi-millionaire as an elected Federal Politician?

Are all Democrat Politicians crooks or do only crooks run as Democrats?

Are the Republicans investigating corruption in the Biden Regime or just name calling?

Was the big guy mentioned on Hunter Biden’s E-mails Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

With evidence mounting of corruption in the FBI and Justice Department why do not the Republicans who control the House, and therefore funding, defund both agencies?

If the FBI and the Justice Department were dismantled would anyone miss them other than dishonest people?

When Federal Agencies refuse to give information to Congressional Commissions investigating them for wrongdoing why are the Republicans afraid to immediately defund them?

With polls indicating most US Citizen are dissatisfied with the policies of Joe Biden, why are polls showing a close race between him and Donald Trump?.

Is a large percentage of U.S. Citizens too dumb to come in out of the rain.

Under Governor Newsome, California has become one of the worst places to live in the United States. Does the citizens continuing to vote him into office indicate that Californians are hopeless?

Joe Biden is a criminal who continues to violate our laws. Why are the Republicans too incompetent to remove him from office?

What did Joe Biden promise the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for the millions of dollars flowing from China to the Biden Crime Family?

With employees throughout the United States begging for competent workers why are there beggars on every street corner.

With Government Social Service Agencies Claiming to have services available for the needy, are the hoards of beggars in need or in greed?

With the Democrats backing a man for President who is incompetent or dishonest does that mean they think they can “deliver” any amount of votes needed to get him elected.

Is the Biden Regime the most corrupt in the history of the United States?

Most of the news media in the United States is corrupt. Is it all ideology or do the decision makers also receive bribes from the Chinese?

With our welfare system, which doles out money without any interest in teaching people to become self reliant, have we created a permanent class of leeches?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

An Interview With the White House

An Interview with the White House

This week the forum has an exclusive interview with Will I. Lie a spokesman for the White House which we present below.

Forum: Mr. Lie, thank you for interviewing with the Forum. The Republicans are currently having hearings in the House claiming Joe Biden made millions from foreign entities peddling influence.

Mr. Lie: This is Republican misinformation. The reason for these hearings is to deflect attention from Donald Trump by trying to smear Joe Biden, a man of impeccable character. We know Donald Trump is guilty or our courageous and honest prosecutors would not have indicted him. He was able to avoid being found guilty in his Russian Collusion Charges because of the chicanery of his lawyers but this time he will be found guilty of all sixty charges including the most serious one of defying the Democratic party. Donald Trump is not only guilty of the current charges against him, but hundreds of other charges brave prosecutors are planning to bring. No man is above the law and Donald Trump should spend the rest of his life in prison. There is no proof that Joe Biden ever discussed his son Hunter’s business dealings with him. Joe was never in business with Hunter.

Forum: But Mr. Lie, Hunter’s former business partner claims Hunter called Joe and put Joe on the phone on numerous occasions when he was negotiating business deals with foreign entities.

Mr. Lie: Hunter and Joe have a close relationship and Hunter was able to clear his mind and think clearly after talking with his father. His father has always been an inspiration to him. If he had his father say hi to his business associates it was to give him confidence to go forward in making deals that would be fair and equable. There is no proof Joe ever discussed business with Hunter’s business associates. Joe loved to discuss the weather, golfing and relaxing at the beach with even strangers

Forum: It has been claimed that Hunter had no expertise in the Businesses he was involved with in foreign countries, so he was selling influence through his connection to his father.

Mr. Lie: That is more Republican misinformation. I think the people of the United States realize this is a lie. Joe has said more than once that his son Hunter is the smartest person he knows. Hunter has amazing business acumen as evidenced by companies putting him on the board of directors. A brilliant and skilled businessman like Hunter is so versatile he can transfer his skills and knowledge to any type of business and succeed. Hunter is so accomplished he does not need any help, other than inspiration, from his father.

Forum: News reports indicate illegal drugs were found in the White House. This led to speculation that Hunter may have left them there since he has had involvement with illegal drugs in the past.

Mr. Lie: This has all the ear markings of a Donald Trump stunt to frame Hunter Biden. We think it likely that a Donald Trump operative, under his direction, planted the drugs in the White House. Like many people Hunter has experimented with drugs, but may I point out drug possession is a misdemeanor. Hunter admitted a mistake was made and is now clean. The Republicans are trying to make a misdemeanor into a serious crime to sully Hunter’s reputation.

Forum: Hunter Biden was charged with failing to report all his income and pled guilty in a plea bargain. It was claimed that federal prosecutors agreed to plea bargain favorable to Hunter because he is the President’s son.

Mr. Lie: Hunter either forgot to report the tax liability or misunderstood how the tax law applied to him so therefore he really did not really commit a crime. He agreed to correct the error and pay his taxes so I think a plea bargain was appropriate would have been done for anyone in these circumstances.

Forum: Some claim that Joe Biden is mentally impaired and not capable of leading the country. What is your response to that?

Mr. Lie: That is more Republican misinformation. Prominent doctors have examined Mr. Biden and pronounced him mentally fit to lead this country. We learned from the Covid Pandemic, with our experience with Dr. Fauci, that doctors never lie or mislead the public. That is settled science. Joe loves to do challenging word puzzles while relaxing at the beach to keep his mind functioning at peak levels. It has been said that Socrates was the most brilliant man in ancient Greece. I think that history will, because of Joe’s many accomplishes in office, judge him the most brilliant political leader of his generation.

Forum: Some have claimed that Joe Biden spends an inordinate amount of time at the beach when he should be working on the challenges this country is facing.

Mr. Lie: This is more Republican misinformation. Joe spends a lot of time at the beach because being there clears his mind. He is not relaxing. He does his best work sitting on the beach contemplating complex issues facing the nation. He brilliantly came up with the inflation reduction act while sitting on the beach. The whiskey he drank invigorated his mind and he came up with this plan to invigorate the U.S. Economy. Had he not been on the beach that day our economy would have been in shambles today and prices would have tripled.

Forum: Hunter said in his e-mails that he had to give the “big guy” ten percent of his income. This led to speculation that the big guy is Joe Biden. How would you respond to that?

Mr. Lie: That is a lie. Mr. Biden and Mr. Biden would never do anything unethical so Joe Biden could not the “big guy”. Many devout Christians pay a tithe which is ten per cent of their income to their churches and since the Bidens are devout Christians I think Hunter was referring to paying ten per cent to the Lord whom he referred to as the “big guy”.

Forum: Thank you Mr. Lie for interviewing with the Forum.

Mr. Lie: it has been my pleasure to set the record straight.

This is an opinion forum for Conservatives and People of Faith. This was a make believe interview. As far as we know there is no spokesman for the White House by the name of Lie. We do think there are many liars who are spokesmen or women for the White House. l

Politics In These United States

Crooked Joe Biden is now further trying to bankrupt the United States by forgiving millions in education loans. His equally crooked legal advisors will probably claim the citizens have the right to the pursuit of happiness mentioned in the Constitution and cannot pursue happiness if they have a huge college debt. Therefore his actions are Constitutional. Joe’s stated reason was the college that offered the degrees lied to those who enrolled telling them they would make a lot of money if they completed the program making them victims. If they lied I am sorry, but I am not the one who lied so I do not feel any obligation to contribute by tax money to cover people I did not lie to. Neither did I fail to be diligent in researching since I had no interest in the college offerings and their record of success. I do not feel I am responsible for the lack of due diligence on the part of the students.

What is Joe up to? Does buying votes come to mind. I think I heard up to $25,000 per student might bring them happiness and a vote for Joe. Is Joe taking our tax money and paying $25,000 per vote for well pleased former college students? One family member who has a huge college debt thinks forgiveness of college debt is something he deserves. He was upset that other family members did not share his enthusiasm. Even is he does not get his windfall you can bet he will vote for Joe for his attempt to shake down the taxpayers. What else might be involved. The Chinese Communist Party has vowed to destroy us. War is too costly and they might lose. However if they can bankrupt us that would be a wonderful solution. They have a wonderful ally in the Biden Regime. Recent revelations seem to indicate the Biden Crime Family has received millions from Communist China for no recognizable product. How much “cooperation” will he give to the Chinese Communists for the money that is flowing his way?

Joe has been saying for years he had never discussed son Hunter’s business deals with Chinese and other bad actors with him. Now it appears Hunter’s former business partner contradicts that. The White House now amends Joe’s position and says that he was not a business partner with Hunter. Which brings up the question of how Joe became a multi-millionaire in government service. Did he cut deals through his influence in government or was he just a very smart businessman. If you choose smart businessman I have a dunce hat you can wear.

The Southern Border continues to be a disaster. Joe is breaking our immigration laws and the Republicans are still confused about what to do about it. The solution is simple. Joe should be in jail. The latest estimates on the cost of illegal immigrants to US taxpayers is $151,000,000,000 per year. That comes out to over $4000 to every citizen in the US. Bare in mind that most of the citizens do not pay taxes so the burden on those who pay taxes is immense. What motivates Joe in this illegal activity? He hopes the Democrats can retake the House and hold on to the Senate and Presidency. Then the Democrats can give the illegals citizenship who will gladly vote them into office until they can set up a one party Marxist Society.

Corruption in government is being investigated now that the Republicans control the House. It was not being investigate when the Democrats were in control because they embrace corruption. The extent of government corruption is now being exposed in hearings in the House. Government agencies have become so powerful and corrupt that they refuse to give in- formation to those conducting hearings in Congress. It is obvious they have been doing illegal things or they would not refuse to turn over information. Even when they do turn over information so much has been redacted to cover their illegal activities it is difficult to determine what illegal activities they were involved in. Government bureaucrats have a good old boy network where the protect each other from being exposed in their corruption. We need to finally have a justice system where wrong doers in government are punished rather that have their sins covered by fellow corrupt government workers. Lying to the public or news media should result in immediate firing.

We learned from the Covid Years how dishonest and controlling government agencies can be. No one has been held been held responsible for the lies and cover up these government workers did to deceive the public. They actually did a disservice to the Citizen of this nation. There does not seem to be any limit to what bureaucrats will do to control the citizens. They even restricted movement of people and obstructed worship to control our lives.

We need a major overhaul in our political parties in the United States. The Democrat Party has become so corrupt it needs to disbanded and a new party of people of character needs to be formed. The Republicans need reformation as well. Just like churches that can excommunicate people who do not follow the teachings of Jesus the Republicans should have a code of conduct for whoever is allowed to represent them. Those who do not represent the best interests of the people should be bounced. With a very corrupt Joe Biden in the Presidency some Republicans are reluctant to rock the boat with impeachment proceedings. If they are not willing to do what is best for the Citizens of the united States they should not be Republicans.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith