Can Joe Biden Destroy The United States in Four Years?

When  the Founding Fathers worked together to write a Constitution they envisioned a Republic with elected officials who served in office motivated by love of country and their fellow man. They realized that some would do evil so they set up a system of checks and balances with a President, two legislative bodies and a Supreme Court to thwart the evil designs of men. Never did they realize that so many would seek office just to gain power and seek riches through untoward deals through political connections.

This brings up Joe Biden, Joe Biden has spent most of his life in politics. Somehow he was able to become a multimillionaire in government service. Taking his son with him to China gives a clue to how Joe made his millions. The Chinese needed influence in American Political Circles and saw a great opportunity to help Hunter Biden and a business partner to set up a business in China. But does Joe prosper from Hunter’s business? According to e-mails sent to family on Hunter’s lost laptop he claimed he had to give half of his ill-gotten earnings to the big guy. I wonder who the big guy could be? Then there was the Ukraine adventure. Hunter as placed on the board of a company in Ukraine, although he had no expertise, and was paid a lot of money for his ignorance. When that company was investigated for corruption in Ukraine Joe threatened to cut off aid to Ukraine it the prosecutor was not fired. He was fired. Joe is not the guy in the white hat.

Joe has been compromised by these shady dealings, particularity in China. We have an acute shortage of gasoline. According to Senator Marco Rubio Biden is letting half a billion barrels of oil be exported to China every day. It would be bad to stop exporting oil to the people who hate us in China. They might retaliate by closing the Biden Family Business there.

And who does Joe blame for the high gas prices? Surprisingly enough it was not Donald Trump, but Mr. Putin the Russian Dictator. Many experts say the causes of today’s 40 year record inflation proceeds the war in Ukraine. Biden calls the gas hikes Putin’s Gas hikes when they are The Biden Communist Regime’s gas hikes. Putin was not the one who cancelled the gas pipeline nor set up obstacles to drilling oil. Ross McKitrick, an expert on energy said “Most of the gas price increase was caused by domestic restraint on the supply side”. Biden and his Communist Regime did that.

Now we come back to removing politicians from office. Joe Biden has been involved in shady business deals and illegally allowing foreigners to enter the United States and using taxpayer money to support them. For these two acts alone he should be impeached. But that will not happen. Corrupt people, like a mafia family, look out for each other. If one corrupt politician is impeached they could be next.

When Joe was running for president his corrupt campaign managers kept him out of public view to hide his senility. If Joe were tried in court today the court would likely rule him incapable of understanding the charges against him. Meanwhile the country is being run by a group of communist advisors in the White House. The Democratic Party has, since Barack Obama, whose favorite professor I college was a Marxist, embraced Marxism.

What will happen in the next two and a half years? Will the Marxist feel confident enough, like Hitler, to openly take over all of the government not just the presidency? Or will they feel they need more time to solidify their position? If the latter is their position expect a replay of the last election when millions of un- traceable votes came in by mail to elect Joe. Will the Republicans prevent fraud? They did not last election and likely will not next election.

The Biden Communist Regime has set up a misinformation board to attempt to suppress free speech. He is even threatening schools with loss of funding if they do not teach the communist doctrine known as Critical Race Theory. He is requiring this evil to be taught in the military . To what end? Probably to divide the military by race.

The Marxist are running the country. If you plan on voting them out of office they have plans to stop you. It is called untraceable mail in votes with Democratic Poll Workers certifying them. The 2000 mules documentary gave insight into how ballot boxes were stuffed by people going to dozens of ballot drop boxes. They got away with last election. That will be considered a warm up to the next election when the criminals will be more brazen.  

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.