We have searched for any positive things the Biden Administration has accomplished and are unable to find any. We do not see any possibility of anything changing in the next three and a half years. Biden is so senile he can only parrot what his communist advisors tell him. The Republicans do not have enough political power to remove him from office. The Democratic Party long ago embraced Communism so they see no problem with Biden’s Communist Advisors trying to destroy the United States by using the puppet Biden.
In the last Presidential Election, millions of unverifiable and untraceable ballots were mailed in and counted as Biden votes allowing him to “win“ the election. The documentary 2,000 mules explains how the astounding “victory” was orchestrated through illegal activities in various parts of the U.S. These things had to be well planned, involving hundreds of people including the verbal attacks by the Democrats and their Communist Allies in the news media on anyone who questioned the results of the election.
There have been charges brought for voting fraud but these are misdemeanors, like going a few miles over the speed limit. Pay your fine and get back on the road. The Democrats have been able to block most investigations of voter fraud. With the above mentioned, what will prevent voter fraud in the upcoming November election? If you said nothing, go to the head of the class. Even if those involved in fraud are caught, the recipients still get elected to office. It is possible that enough fraudulent or unverifiable votes will allow the Democrats to keep control of the house and Senate next election. If we know what criminals are doing that will not prevent them from doing it again. Only Jail time will stop them, at least while they are in jail.
So what do we have to look forward to while Joe Biden is still in office? Since Biden took office we are transitioning from the greatest country on earth to a third world country. Compare what happened in Venezuela, a once prosperous nation, to what is happening in the U.S. under a Biden Communist Regime. We have huge price increased. We have millions of cars but cannot afford the price of gas. Those who paid into retirement accounts so they could have a comfortable retirement will soon see the purchasing power of their retirement funds dwindling. Your comfortable retirement may soon be destroyed by American Communists. Are you ready to stand on the street corner to beg?
In a recent interview, Macroeconomic Analyst Luke Gromen said the Federal Reserve is likely to change course on raising interest rates to curb demand to slow down inflationary pressure on the economy. He predicts with rising interest rates the Federal Government will be unable to pay interest on its reckless 30 trillion dollars in debt. That means the Federal Reserve will print more money to pay off its debts. That means your retirement savings will purchase much less in your anticipated comfortable retirement. Are you going to be able to afford the basic necessities of life? Do not expect the Federal Government to help you. They are 30 trillion dollars in debt. Your social security is not a sure thing.
In addition to becoming poorer you will lose freedoms under a Communist Regime. Joe’s Communist advisors have convinced him to set up a misinformation department. The goal is for this department to transition into an organization to be able to arrest people who make statements that conflict with Communist Dogma. Communist China has such a department with a different name which was probably the inspiration for Biden’s Communist Advisors. Having Joe Biden as President is not a walk down Happy Street.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.