In a Free Society Do the Majority Usually Choose to Do Good?

In a Free Society Do the Majority Usually Choose to Do Good?

It has been said that the majority of the people, if they have a choice, will chose to do good most of the time.  You would think that might be true considering how unpopular the Biden Regime is currently with a majority of the people apparently ready to vote against evil. Biden, with his dementia, is a puppet of his Marxist advisors. It is likely half of Americans do not know the country is now being run by Marxists. You would be hard pressed to find anything the Biden Regime has done that has not weakened the United States, from unlawfully bringing in millions of foreign invaders to surrendering to a few guys in pick up trucks carrying guns in Afghanistan.

The founding fathers envisioned public servants who served out of love of freedom, country and their fellow man. They made arrangements for impeachment of leaders who became unfit to serve because of mental or physical challenges or for breaking the law. They did not envision they type of charlatans we now have holding office today, men and women who use public office to enrich themselves or gain power. Joe Biden is a good case study. He is now a millionaire. How does an elected official become rich in government service? Biden’s son, Hunter, made some sweet deals in China and Ukraine which brought him a lot of money. He was involved in businesses he had no experience in while daddy was vice president. Were foreign powers buying expertise or influence? Do the deals smell? Did not Hunter send an e-mail to family members saying he had to give half of his take to the big guy? Who comes to mind to fit that description? Was it one of the guys on the biggest losers show on TV or does someone else come to mind? No impeachment will be forthcoming since a lot of other Democrats are feeding at the same trough and will protect their own.

The Republicans are confident they can take back the house and senate next year and the Presidency two years away. I suggest they are overconfident. There was a lot of evidence of wrong- doing in the last election. For the most part attempts to investigate have been blocked by the Democrats. Very few people have been charged and convicted of fraud. If there was widespread fraud as most citizens including a number of computer forensic experts believe, what will change next election? If there was widespread cheating the cheaters will be emboldened by not getting caught and will be better at cheating next election.

Joseph Stalin is alleged to have said, ”it is not who votes but who counts the votes who matter” I remind you that the Democrat Party has embraced communism by inviting Bernie Saunders, who prefers to be called a socialist, and the “squad” in their ranks. The Democrats will embrace anyone they think will keep them in power. They are willing to work with the Chinese Communist Party in receiving advice on how to win elections and probably did in the last election. What is there not to like for the Democrats in getting advice from the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party has an unbelievable record. They have not lost an election in 60 years! It is amazing that the CCP picks candidates that they people love so much they have not wanted any other choices in 60 years. The Democrats could take a lesson from the CCP and start referring to Joe and Kamala as our “great leaders” Once they people realize how great they are no one else would need to run for office.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.

When Cancer Comes Calling

When Cancer Comes Calling

Cancer comes in the life of nearly everyone at some point. We are either diagnosed with it or a loved one is. In times past a diagnosis of cancer was tantamount to an impending death sentence. When my father was diagnosed with colon cancer 45 years ago chance of survival was only about 15 percent and he died not long after diagnosis. Today due to early preventative exams and advances in effective treatment nearly 90 per cent of people diagnosed with colon cancer survive.

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is still a scarry experience even with the current cures which would have been considered a miracle a few years ago. Twice last year I faced the possibility of a cancer diagnoses affecting my life. I was having acid reflex like problems and sought medical assistance for that. The doctor put a camera down my throat to examine my esophagus and discovered a hiatal hernia. He also discovered a lump on my small intestine. Then came the cancer scare. As the doctor explained the only way they could determine if the lump was cancerous was to remove it with about five inches of my small intestine. While I was under sedation they would do a quick biopsy of the lump. If no cancer they would then sew me back together. If cancer were found they would then take our more intestine and parts of other organs.

That did not sound appealing at all. To add to my stress two doctors told me if I did not get the lump removed it would almost certainly become cancerous within a year. I was faced with some choices, none of which sounded good. I was leaning toward doing nothing. I reasoned, since I am a senior citizen how much longer will I live with or without the operation? I am still of sound mind and physically able to take care of my own needs. In the future that might not be the case. Would this be a good time to pass away? As a follower of Jesus Christ I have tried to do his will and had no fear of seeing his face. My big reason for not leaving was I did not want to leave my wife whom I adore.  It came down to my wife and children wanting me to have the operation so I agreed.

I came through the operation fine with no sign of cancer but the recovery did not go well. I ended up with three infections that almost did me in. Finally I have mostly recovered. Before I got to that point the Dr. told my wife she had an aggressive form of cancer and her chance of survival was only 40 percent. Now he thinks her chance of survival is much improved. She has had one chemo treatment which was accompanied by an infection which made her very ill. The loss of hair which accompanies chemo is happening now. She is in good spirits and has faith she will recover. Her faith is giving me hope. I have appreciated family and friends who have been so willing to help with caregiving and any other way they can.  It has been very difficult being a caretaker to someone who has been so ill but I consider it a privilege to serve some one who has been such a joy to be with for so many years.

Jesus spent his entire life serving others at no financial gain for himself. He also taught us to serve our fellow man with no expectation of financial gain but a reward of living with him and the father in the next life. He also taught us to help the poor which would come from our own personal wealth. In spite of the love I have for my wife I have still struggled with selfishness as I thought how her illness was preventing me from playing outside with my big boy toys. I also struggled with being patient as her needs were constant. Her sickness allowed me to learn to put my needs and desires aside for her.

We all have to leave mortality at some time. We both have tried to serve the Lord and our fellow man and have faith we will see each other again when we part and rejoice with the Lord.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.

How American Institutions are Helping Communist China Destroy the U.S.

Many years ago our Economics Professor told our class that Karl Marx was brilliant. She never mentioned the abuse he heaped on the Russian People. Did she consider Hitler brilliant? Both he and Karl Marx are credited for being the cause of the death of millions. College Professors love to tell their students of the beautiful theories of Marxism. They do a great disservice to their students in not pointing out the theory of Marxism is far different from actual practice. I have often wondered if college professors are in denial. Have they been taught false doctrine so long they no longer recognize the truth? And what about their students? Are they so enthralled by the theories of communism that they do not study the history of Marxism? Doesn’t that make them lazy? Maybe they are part of the population who are incapable of understanding the difference between good and evil. Or maybe they love a lie. It is true that some people will repeat idle gossip, also know as lies, because it gives them a feeling that other people are impressed with them. Professor Jon Zubieta of Syracuse University was quoted as saying “young college students were once ambitious and inquisitive. That characteristic has been replaced by woke orthodoxy and Heaven help you if you deviate.” Students are totally ignorant of economics, civics and Western Cultural Heritage. College professors who were taught the false doctrine of Marxism are now teaching it to our children. According to national research 38 percent of Americans are conservative politically and 24 percent are liberal. In 2017 Professor Mitchell Langbert of Brooklyn College surveyed 8.688 tenured track Phds at 51 percent of the top teered liberal arts colleges in the U.S. He found that 60 percent listed either Democrat or Republican affiliation. He found that of those who listed Democrat or Republican the Democrats outnumbered Republicans by just over 10 to 1. Thirty- nine per cent of the colleges were totally free of Republicans. This indicates Marxists have nearly totally infiltrated higher education. No wonder students are of such poor quality today. We need to elect people to public office who will change that bias that is helping the Chinese to destroy our country.

What is wrong with this? Plenty. When colleges claim to be a place where freedom of ideas flourish they are not telling the truth. And in a society where there are more conservatives than liberals college professors are at war with the American people who contribute a great deal in treasure to many who are trying to destroy our freedoms. These schools receive tax funds and use them  for propaganda purposes, that is only teaching leftist philosophies. And in addition many of their students will find their way into secondary schools where they will teach Marxist Propaganda to your children such as Critical Race Theory.

Why would educated people embrace a system as detrimental to a society as Marxism? Marxism have no problem killing, torturing, putting people in prison, forced labor camps or do anything to force people to do their will so they can stay in power and steal from the treasury. The late Senator,Daniel Patrick Moynihan,from New York once remarked “ideological certainly easily generates into an insistence upon ignorance” Is there a sub set of people in our society who love a lie. Are there people in our society people unable to comprehend the evils of Marxism? You would think that American Marxist professors do not need any help teaching Marxist philosophy but there is plenty of help available.

The Chinese Communist Party with adoring approval of left wing Marxists in American Universities have set up Confucius Institutes at over 100 colleges in American. The guise is to teach Chinese language and culture to American College Students. Here is what Li Changchun a member of the Chinese Politburo said. ”The Confucius institute is an appealing brand for expanding our culture abroad. The Confucius Brand has a natural attractiveness using the excuse of teaching Chinese language, everything looks reasonable and logical.” In other words they can teach Marxism with the approval of colleges and the U.S. Government. And did we mention that the Chinese Communists do not allow Americans to set up Freedom Institutes in China? There is a reason for this. Our leaders and either Marxist infiltrators or stupid or both.

The two greatest temptations of men are lust for power and money. You can follow both with the Confucius Institute. Having an institute on your campus is perceived by college administrators as growing their kingdom and power with it. Then follow the money.  The Chinese Communists are spending a lot of money at American Campuses to do their propaganda institutes and college administrators want the money communists spend there. Leftist administrators are willing to sell their souls and the souls of their administrators for money or power.

Where is the State Department as the Chinese try to manipulate our college age students. How many in the state department are Marxist Infiltrators?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Can the United States be Saved from the Biden regime?

Now that Joe Biden has been president for two years let us look on what his regime has brought to the people of the United States. One of Joe’s first acts was to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline, which was helping the U.S. remain energy independent. This malicious act was not only detrimental to the U.S. economy but it caused a huge rise in oil prices and we had to import more oil. Our main form of transportation is with internal combustion engines. Citizens have had to pay high prices for gas making it difficult to afford other necessities. Since so many of our goods are delivered by truck these goods have increased in price to cover the cost of gas to deliver them. Thanks to Joe the costs of everything has gone up, which is called inflation. Joe claims this inflation is temporary. So what? What right did he have to cause this burden to come upon the people by his reckless actions?After the Democrats, and their allies in the radical news agencies spent four years attacking Donald Trump and conservatives, Joe Biden promised he was going to unify the nation. How is that working out? With the Democrats and their allies in the radical left news media attacking anyone who’s views conflict with the radical left viewpoint, along with their radical left partners in social media banning non radical left opinion, which they call misinformation, we have to say the unification has been a farce. Biden is trying to make a nuclear deal with Iran. These are the people who lie and cheat. Is not this like trying to make a deal with the Devil? What is Biden’s plan? If they promise not to cheat we will promise not to look? Sounds like Obama’s don’t ask don’t tell for the military.

China is trying to destroy the U.S. Biden rarely criticizes China. Surprisingly he wants to ban imports from sections on China where slave labor is alleged to exist. What a great idea! Everyone in China is a slave to the state. Biden probably makes too much money from his families’ businesses in China to care what the Chinese do.

Biden made a mess of handling the Covid debacle. His administration has suppressed discussions about Covid origins probably to avoid embarrassing his friends in China. His beloved Dr Fauci has been caught lying about U.S. tax dollars supporting the Wuhan lab where the Covid virus is believed to have originated. Biden’s Administration has been suppressing our freedoms in the guise of controlling covid. Biden has been breaking the law allowing anyone who shows up at our borders entrance into the United States. Millions of unvetted people have come in. We do not know how many of these people are criminals, cartel members or terrorists. We do not know how many of these people have Covid. All of these people are on the public dole burdening the citizens of the U.S. with supporting them , probably for a long time. Then there are the drugs the cartels are sending into the U.S. with these illegals killing thousands of our citizens. There is blood on Biden’s hands. Biden is a criminal who needs to be in jail. No one seems to know how to take him down legally.

Biden’s spending bills are bankrupting the U.S. Not having a plan for paying these bills further increases our huge national debt. Biden lies by saying these spending bills will cost us nothing. As he is borrowing money and pouring it into the economy inflation is higher than it has been in years. Everyone is feeling that hidden tax in their paycheck as the price of everything is going up rapidly. An of course our national debt is growing. The radical left is not concerned about the national debt. They figure if they can flip the U.S. to communism they can cancel the national debt.

Then there is the Biden retreat from Afghanistan. He left billions in military equipment to a terrorist organization. He made the U.S. the laughing stock of the world when the country with the mightiest armed force in the world retreated when a few guys showed up in pickup trucks with guns.

In addition to all the abuse we have been suffering Biden is now attempting to federalize our elections. Perhaps he has noted how efficiently the communists have been able to get the “right kind of vote” in. The mayor of New York is giving illegal aliens the right to vote. It is highly likely Biden and his communist advisors plan to give the millions of illegals in the U.S. the right to vote. The theory is uneducated immigrants will always vote Democratic. One of the provisions of Biden’s “steal the vote” bill is no requirement for a “voter” to identify himself. That way Democrats can flood the polling places with people not eligible to vote or who died years ago. What a great opportunity for people to vote several times. Do we need to point out that nearly all the Democrat office holders support this crime against the people of the United States?

Then there is the senility of Joe Biden. The Democratic National Committee knew about this when they nominated Joe Biden to run for president but criminally hid these facts from the citizens. That is why they kept Joe out of the public as much as possible and do not let him answer questions currently. Joe and his communist advisors and the Marxist leaning Democratic office holders have been trying to destroy this republic for two years. Could they complete the job is the next two years? We have some of the smartest people in the world among our citizens. Where are the people who know how to legally take down Biden and his communist supporters and save the United States.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

People of Virginia vs. the Communists

The Democratic party masquerading as the party of the people won the top three offices in the state of Virginia in 2014 and held on to those offices until the election of 2021. During that time the state government turned radically left. Here is what they delivered to the State of Virginia. Working with radical leftist politicians the cities and counties they brought in critical race theory to the public schools. That is the teaching that white people are oppressors and non-whites are their victims. This doctrine of the devil was not only detrimental to white children to be told that lie, but also non-white children who then believed there is no avenue for them to succeed. This evil is pure Marxist in intent. Marxist in the past have tried to create discord between the haves and the have nots by trying to convince the have nots that the haves (in Democrat terminology that is the middle class) stole from the have nots. This did not play well in a prosperous country like the United States so the Commies switched to critical race theory in an attempt to divide people by race.  

The National Democrats also embraced Marxism during the years the Democrats controlled Virginia. As you know an avowed Marxist who prefers to be called a Socialist, Bernie Saunders, was invited by the Democratic Party to Caucus with them. Four Marxist infamously know as the squad, were actually elected to congress as Democrats and were excitedly embraced by the Democrats. In the Democrat’s “big tent” even if people want to take away our freedoms or overthrow our government there is always room for them.

One of the evils of the Virginia Democrats was embracing Black Lives Matter a known Marxist organization. We do not know if those who started Black Lives Matter were recruited and trained by the Chinese Communist Party. What we do know is under the guise of being a social justice organization they organized many demonstrations in cities throughout the United States. In most of these demonstrations property was destroyed and fires were set. Some lives were also lost. This organization needs to be classified as a domestic terror organization.

Do we need to be reminded in these Democratic cities the politicians ordered the police to “stand down” as their partners in crime were breaking the law? Do we need to be reminded that when the very few criminals were arrested most were not prosecuted? Do we need to be reminded that Marxists funded the legal fees of the few who were prosecuted? Do we need to be reminded that Democratic Politicians in Virginia did not condemn the criminals. One Democratic Mayor in Virginia even got on a bull horn to encourage the rioters.

Black Lives Matter has been setting the agenda for the Democrats in Virginia in recent years. They hate native born white people and have been trying to cancel out dead white people from history with the help of the Democrat Party. Richmond once had some magnificent and priceless statues of Confederate Military and Government Leaders. The white hating Black Lives Matter People tried to destroy them while elected officials did nothing but encourage them. After failing to destroy the statues they turned to their allies in the Marxist Democratic Party. The City has a Black Democratic Mayor who many consider incompetent and a bigot. He was on board and even removed some statues which was against state law. He had nothing to worry about. The top three politicians in Virginia were Democrats and no way were they going to hold him responsible. He even had a campaign donor remove the statues at a huge fee the City had to pay.

The Robert E. Lee Statue was owned by the State of Virginia. We do not know if Governor Northam met secretly with Black Lives Matter  and agreed to remove the Statue but he was in a big hurry to remove it. He did not care what white native born Virginians thought about removing the statue. Governor Northam is so corrupt he made the Black History Museum one of the recipients of the Lee Statute to make sure it is never re-erected.

The people of Virginia have had enough of Marxist Democrats and in the recent election voted all Republicans to the top three offices in Virginia. We hope we set the standard for what the nation will do in the next election.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Chinese Sponsored Chaos in the U.S.

One of the tactics of Marxist’s in their attempts to over- throw governments is to create chaos wherever they can. It is not difficult for the Chinese Communist party to create chaos in the United States because they have infiltrated every institution in the United States from elected Democrats to Business Employees to Education to the news media. The CCP also has support from independent Marxists organizations in the United States that have the same goals as the CCP.

An example is the lawlessness and riots caused by Black Lives matter and Antifa all across the U.S. It is likely both organizations take their orders from CCP at worst and at best both organizations work independently for the same goals. Consider how much chaos they caused in our cities with support from Democratic Elected officials. The old tactics for Marxists was class warfare, but since the U.S. is such a prosperous nation dividing people by race seems to work better for them.  

After the Marxists create chaos their job is only half done. Then they have to protect their operatives from being arrested and brought to justice. That is easy for them. They get agreements form Marxist elected officials to order the police to “stand down” while Marxists Criminals are destroying our cities. If the police have to make an arrest, for instance a Marxist is trying to kill a policeman , the government prosecutor will claim insufficient evidence to prosecute.

The Marxist News Media is willing to do their part as well. They love to lie and tell anyone fool enough to watch their broadcasts these people are social justice advocates or peaceful demonstrators often with burning buildings in the background or criminals looting businesses as they tell their lies. What is sad about this is a lot of people are dumb enough to believe these lies. It is amazing that Black Lives Matter and Antifa are able to get what you would expect to be decent people to join in the riots. Lenin liked to call these type of people “useful idiots”.

The chaos at the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021 was interesting. Black Lives Matter Supporters were seen on video encouraging people to burn down the Capitol Building and storm the building. There were accusations some of the instigators were from some of our government agencies. Since the CCP has infiltrated so many of our government institutions this is a believable story. Surely the Marxist Democrats and the Marxists New Media were doing their best for Marxism but labeling the riot at the Capitol as an insurrection. An insurrection without weapons? People who make these accusations are liars.

There has been a lot of chaos in the lives of all of us from lockdowns, requiring masks, shots and social distancing. Was this a part of CCP’s central planning to release the virus from their lab? What was Dr. Fauci’s involvement in funding the Chinese Communist Party’s research which brought about a world wide pandemic? Is he a CCP agent? What about Biden? His son got a sweetheart financial deal with the Chinese. His lost laptop had a letter to family indicating he had to share his wealth with the “Big Guy”. Who else could the big guy be other than Joe Biden? Has Joe been compromised by CCP money? What about the chaos in our lives from runaway inflation? Did that chaos happen as a result of advice from Joe’s Marxist Advisors? Is Joe to senile to understand what is happening?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.

China-the Bully from Asia

Two of the things that cause so much abuse and evil in the world is lust for power and lust for wealth. Adolf Hitler wanted to be Furrier of the world and caused massive suffering on millions pursuing his evil designs. That explains communism. A small group of people control every aspect of the lives of the majority. Once they get in power they use the power of the military or police to force the majority to do their will. Anyone who challenges their authority will disappear, be killed, beaten or be sent to re-education camps where they will endure psychological abuse to be brought into submission.

Some of these communist tactics are used in the United States with some adaption. Leftist infiltrators in our government have gained enough power to make Sensitivity training mandatory for government workers. In sensitivity training the communist inspired ideology that white people are racist and non-whites are the victims, a tactic to pit whites against non- whites to foment dissension is promulgated. Even judges have gotten into the act by making attendance at sensitivity training a part of their sentencing.

It is estimated that up to two million people are in re-education camps in China. Radicals in the U.S. would love to extend sensitivity training to re-education camps where citizens would be forced to accept communist ideology. There are many radical organizations in the U.S. who take orders from the Chinese Communist Party. Others are independent but working on the same goals as the CPP.

A report entitled Three Warfares of China by Andy Marshall, Director of the Office of Net Assessments of the Office of the Secretary of Defense can be read on line. These non-combat wars are designed to help China conquer the world. One of the warfares is known as Public Opinion Warfare. It is “constant on going activity aimed at media influencing perceptions and attitudes, media leveraging all instruments that inform and influence public opinion including film, television programs, news agencies, the internet and the global media network.”

How does the CCP do these things? They can have their own agents infiltrate news organizations and use their influence to get other CCP agents employed or other like minded communists. The film industry is well known for promoting  leftist dogma and even trying to silence those in the film industry who reject communist ideology. The CCP has many allies in the film industry.

The big social media companies are another fertile field for the CCP. The social media has hordes of Marxists silencing anyone who challenges communist dogma by shutting them down on social media and calling their ideas misinformation.

CCP is giving loans to poor nations they know cannot repay the loans. They have deals to own whatever they are making loans for when the countries cannot repay the loans. Then the CCP can send their agents to these countries to bride and influence government officials. The CCP has control over a lot of what is happening in this country. From family businesses making money in China to an expensive diamond ring for Joe Biden, we think Joe has been compromised.

The CCP is giving a lot of money to American Universities expecting favorable affection from educators and getting it. The educators will sell their souls for money. Then there is the Disney and the Basketball pros who will put China in a favorable light in exchange for money. The same goes for American Businesses who make money in China.  They will also trade their souls for money and never criticize China for wrong doing.  What can be done to stop China, with all the help traitors in the U.S. are giving them, from dominating the world? Do not expect politicians, government bureaucrats, media leaders, entertainment executives, or business executives to lead they way. Many of them want the wealth through bribes or income from that comes from being subservient to the CCP will bring.

We need to remember how quickly the communists took control of a prosperous Venezuela and made it into a communist cesspool. Could a communist takeover happen in the U.S.? You bet it could if we elect another Joe Biden. I realize it might be difficult because people in the U.S. own a lot of guns. But look how easy it was for power hungry politicians to guide sheep like citizens to wear masks and stay home by making them think they would die if they did not. An order to turn in our guns will likely be a sheep herding experience for Marxists.

Patriotic Americans need to take action. Vote out of public office those who are subservient to the CCP. Boycott products of woke corporations. Write to elected officials when they commit Chinese crimes or before they do. We who love the United States and support freedom need to take the Chinese Communist Party’s design on world dominance seriously. We need to stop treating China as an honored guest and treat them like the evil enemy they are. We should ramp up our criticism of their human rights abuses. Instead of our refusing to buy goods made in slave labor areas of China we should apply that tactic to all of their exports. China is using money form the U.S. to fund their evil designs for world dominion. We should stop trading with China denying the beast money to use for world dominion. As Donald Trump so famously said, “we can win a trade war with China”. There are other nations where we can buy the cheap goods that we crave. We should advocate for independence for Hong Kong and Tibet. We need some quick strike basses near China to threaten them with destruction like the are doing to other nations.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith and does not reflect the views of the CCP.

Welfare in the United States

Trying to determine how many in the United States receive some type of government assistance I found this estimate on the internet that it includes 68 million of the people in the U.S. It did not say what year that was but indicated it was 21.3 percent of the people in the U.S. The information did not say if these figures included the millions of illegal immigrants who receive welfare benefits. The figures did not indicate who provided them so they may be suspect. It seems strange 21.3 percent of the population are unable to support themselves. Is this normal from a historical standpoint? If so how did people survive before our welfare state began? Or does this indicate welfare is not providing basic needs but the desire of welfare promotors to make everybody equal?

The Federal Government considers SSI, VA Service and non service related disabilities and Aid For Dependent Children as Welfare. It does not consider Food  Stamps, state medical assistance, unemployment benefits and workers compensation as public assistance. Why does not federal government bureaucrats declare all benefits non welfare. That way they could say we had conquered poverty and no one was on welfare.

Welfare is a 700 billion dollar industry. How would you ever dismantle an industry where so many feed at the trough? Ronald Reagan said,” we should measure welfare success by how many leave welfare, not by how by how many are added.”

Authors of the book, Human Cost of Welfare, Phil Harvey and Lisa Conyers interviewed many welfare recipients and came to this conclusion. “Not only does our welfare system fail to offer opportunities for advancement or improvement, but it traps individuals and families in the very poverty it is designed to eliminate.” This reminds me of the old adage, “give a man a fish and he will have one meal. Teach him to fish and he will have food for a lifetime.”

Welfare benefits is an anti-work program. When a recipient starts earning money the welfare benefits stop so many take the attitude why work? According to an article by Patrick Hagan and Robert Bector in an article entitled How Welfare harms kids when past and future recipients on AFDC are combined the average length of stay is 13 years. Research by Congressional Budget Office Director June O’Neill shows  that increasing the time a child spends on welfare may reduce the child’s IQ by 20%. According to their article the more welfare received by a boy’s family during his childhood the lower the boy’s income will be as an adult. June ONeil also shows that a 50 per cent increase in monthly AFDC and food stamps results in a 43 percent increase in illegitimate births within a state.

Here is what a child raised on welfare can look forward to according to How Welfare Harms Kids. It triples the level of behavioral and emotional problems among children. It nearly triples the level of teen age sexual activity. Doubles the probability a young woman will have children out of wedlock. It doubles the probability a boy will become a threat to society, engage in criminal activity and wind up in fail.

Radicals are always claiming it is unfair for the middle and upper class to have what the lower class is denied. They call it economic justice. What about the middle class woman who must work to help support the family and have to pay for day care and also are taxed to support someone who gets to stay home with their Children. What is fair about that?

Welfare discourages the formation of families. Boy friend could get married and support his wife and children. Or boyfriend could move in with girl friend and live in an apartment paid for by taxpayers and eat food supplied by taxpayers. That is an incentive not to get married. Before someone writes and tells me the mother cannot get welfare if she is living with her boyfriend. I will explain how that works. I once reported to the social worker that a welfare recipient was living with her boy friend. The social worker asked the recipient if she was living with her boyfriend and she said no. As was explained to me the policy of the social service department is if a person denies boyfriend is living in they are required to believe them.

The ills of the world could be solved by people returning to God. But we know that is not going to happen because more and more people are rejecting God. It is unfortunate because God’s commandments are designed to bring us happiness. He said it is not good for man to be alone which means being married. There are many scriptures dealing with how we treat our spouse, children, parents or other people. If everyone treated others they way we want to be treated what a positive effect that would make on billions of people. Every study I have seen involving families have shown that children who grow up in a home with a father and mother fare much better than those who do not. Our welfare system does not teach people to fish. A welfare system that does not teach people to fish needs to be disbanded.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Will Hillary Clinton Finally Receive her Coronation?

Will Hilary Finally Receive Her Coronation?

As we look forward to the 2024 Presidential Election a few things become obvious. Donald Trump is very popular among Republicans and it is almost like he has a cult following. If he wants to be the Republican Candidate it is unlikely anyone on the Republican side could derail him.

The Marxist Democrats recognize the great threat Donald is to their lust to exert power and control over the American People, stay in power and fundamentally change our free society to a Marxist Movement. The Democrats worked tirelessly for months accumulating false reports and false testimony attempting to frame Trump for a fabled Russian Collusion. FBI and other government agencies committed crimes in trying to frame Trump. Even after he left office they were still trying to impeach him hoping they could bar him public office. Do the Democrats need to classed as a domestic terror organization?

If Trump is the Republican Nominee then who will the Democrats nominate? Joe Biden is too senile to run for office but he was too senile last election as well. That is not an issue with his Marxist Advisors who control the shots. The big issue is Biden’s approval ratings. Biden’s approval among the people is less than 50%. Even Democrats are smart enough to know backing Biden would be suicidal. Expect an announcement that Biden will not seek reelection. Without Biden who will the Democrats turn to?  It will not be kamala Harris. Her approval rating among our citizens has gone through the floor and into the basement.

What other options do the Democrats have? They need a candidate who is loved by the left which is the Democrat party base. Would they consider Bernie Sanders. They would love to have Bernie as President but would not likely pick him as a candidate. Although the communists have succeeded, through their allies in the educational establishment, in convincing young people that communism is the hope of the future most Americans do not buy those lies. They will not vote into office a communist who prefers to be called a socialist. Bernie is out. So why not Hillary Clinton? She has not admitted to being a Marxist so she is less controversial than Bernie. She is a proven vote getter carrying the leftist states of California and New York. That is a lot of votes and electoral votes. She is the darling of the radical left. She moved to New York and ran for Senator and won. She has name recognition being married to Bill Clinton who was re-elected even after his very public affair.

The Democrats realize they have to control the votes so Hillary will not get shut out by the electoral vote count. Will the Democrats have enough power to do away with the electoral vote? Their default move could be vote manipulation. The big Democrat cities usually do not purge the rolls of people who have died or moved. Fertile ground for getting a lot of mail in votes from people you cannot identify. If someone wants to canvass to determine if voters exist the Justice Department will come to the rescue and accuse them of attempting to intimidate the voters.

The success the Democrats had in getting votes that could not be verified exceeded their expectations in the last election. Do not expect the Republicans to do much to prevent fraud. They were the same people who got caught flat footed in the last election. If widespread fraud occurred like half of Americans believe there no reason to believe it will not happen again. Votes counted that cannot be verified, suspect voter rolls and voting machine that came from foreign countries that the owners refuse to give passwords to prevent an audit. Expect a replay next election.

Do not be surprised if Hillary is crowned as Queen and President of the United States after the next election. She has already been on national television reading her acceptance speech of the office of president which she was planning to deliver before Donald Trump derailed her. Hillary had not given up her obsession to become president.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.


Is Control of the World by the Chinese Communists Inevitable?

Communist China is currently trying to build the most powerful military in the world to attempt to bully and intimidate non communist countries. They even made threats against the United States. Currently if an all out war between the United States and China happened, we would sustain tremendous casualties, but the end result would be annihilation of China. That is why China will not likely attack the United States. However as you will recall China attacked U.S. forces in Korea after an incompetent Harry Truman promised not to use nuclear weapons on them. The Biden Crime family is getting money from its business interests in China. Would Biden promise not to use nuclear weapons in a war with China? What do you think? In a land war with the massive numbers the Chinese have it would not go well for the United States. However, being reluctant to attack the United States will not stop them from making threats against the United States and other countries. A good example is the Chinese flying planes over the Republic of China to test Joe Biden’s response. They got what they expected. Joe said it was not nice to fly planes over the Republic of China. Would the United States do anything to prevent a Chinese invasion? Not likely with Joe being our Commander in Retreat. The retreat in Afghanistan gave Joe experience in appeasement. We might expect Joe would send Kamala Harris to discover the root causes of China’s actions but nothing more. We would expect Joe to tell the military to stand down to avoid a world war and would point out that no one wants war.

One thing for certain with a Biden Regime in power there is a good chance for Chinese world dominion. China is aggressively trying to dominate the world. They are investing in grants to American Universities to buy influence. It is a fertile field since so many professors identify with the left and are communist cheerleaders. They are willing to support evil as long as evil sends them money. Research indicates that most professors identify as Democrats politically. This is toxic since 40 per cent of Democrats do not believe in God and are drawn to Godless Communism. You have to wonder how educated people are drawn to communism when you consider the historical brutality of communism.

The Chinese Communists are spending millions of dollars in their quest for world dominion. They have infiltrated every American Institution From government to Businesses. In our elected officials we have one senator, who is a communist, but prefers to be called a socialist and four Members of the House of Representatives who consider themselves Marxists. These people, along with other left leaning politicians are working with Joe Biden and his handlers to destroy our country. We do not know how much money is funneled to The Biden Crime Family by the Chinese Communists but we can feel comfortable knowing Joe has been bought. His favorite thing to say is “we need a rising China”. That is the country that is trying to overthrow the governments of the world so they can have world dominion.

The Chinese steal our copyrights, make millions selling drugs to the Mexican Cartels to distribute in the United States. We clearly need to depose Joe and get a new Sheriff in town. The Chinese even control what businesses in the United States say about Communist China. It they say anything negative they take action against American Businesses. Business leaders are willing to sell their souls to the Communists for money.

We need a leader who will stand up to China. One who will make an issue of their human rights abuses without apology. We need a leader who will stop supporting Chinese tyranny financially. China has been able to bully the world financed by money from the United States by buying their exports. We need a leader willing to diversify our trade with other countries to stop our financial support of Chinese world dominion goals.

The Chinese have been spending so much money on world dominion goals they will go bankrupt. Then the Chinese Empire, like the Russian Empire before will be broken up into other nations. No one can know how long this will take but before that happens they can cause a lot of mischief. With the leadership we have in the United States currently it will be easy.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.