Will Crooked Joe Run for President?

So far, the Democrats are not giving any readable signals. The polls the Democrats do not control are not good news. Some Democrats are ready to hit the panic button. They are the party of “by any means”. I can well imagine them currently meeting behind closed doors crunching numbers. How many useful idiots can […]

Joe Loves to Help Our Enemies

Joe Biden told us we need a rising China. Why do we need a rising China? China wants to destroy us preferably through subversion rather that militarily. They do not keep their goals secret. But Joe Biden’s family and Joe himself is on the Chinese Payroll. The Biden Family has business interests in China. Remember […]

How to destroy China

The Chinese Communists have plans to destroy the United States. It is no secret . They openly admit it. And what is the reaction to this from many politicians? They openly support China. Foremost supporter is Crooked Joe Biden. He reminds us that we need a rising China. So why does Joe think we need […]

The Scourge of Biden

Joe Biden’s term as president has likely been the worst curse even to come on the United States. We have had runaway inflation hurting every citizen, massive debt accumulation, unbelievable corruption among politicians and government employees, attacks on our rights enumerated in the Constitution, Marxism being promulgated in our schools by government edict, government law […]

Retribution, A new Leftist Propaganda Campaign

The Leftists are very concerned losing the upcoming Presidential Election. They fear Donald Trump might win and insist those who broke the law during the Biden Regime be tried in a court of law. Criminals who break the law while holding public office are rarely held accountable. They either agree to resign and draw their […]

Can Every Problem Be Solved With a Pill?

According to the source of all knowledge, the internet, man is plagued with 450 types of mental health issues and 26,000 physical illnesses. With all those maladies do we even want to be on planet Earth? With 450 mental health issues it is likely all of us suffer at least a dozen mental health issues […]