The 2024 Elections in the U.S.

Recently Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute did a survey of people who voted in the 2020 National Elections in the United States. A strange thing happened. With anonymously and with no fear of being arrested for breaking the law one in five voters admitted they committed fraud in their voting and therefore broke the […]

The Celebration of Christmas

Christmas was originally a day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know when Jesus was born nor can they agree on why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th. You have heard it said that you can line up all the Economists in the world and they would never come to a conclusion. […]

An Interview With the White House

An Interview with the White House This week the forum has an exclusive interview with Will I. Lie a spokesman for the White House which we present below. Forum: Mr. Lie, thank you for interviewing with the Forum. The Republicans are currently having hearings in the House claiming Joe Biden made millions from foreign entities […]

A Secret White House Meeting

Mr. president. We your advisors have set up this meeting because we are alarmed that the extreme right might take control of the House and Senate this November and stop the great progressive gains  that our party has made since you have been in office. The polls seem to indicate that the majority of the […]