A Dedicated Father in the Home is Irreplaceable

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden he then declared it is not good for man to be alone. He did not make that statement because he suddenly realized Adam needed company. He was stating an eternal principle that we all need to be part of a family with a father, mother and children. Indeed, he commanded them to multiply (have children). He gave Adam a wife and commanded him to cleave to her and no other woman. This commandment was meant to apply to all men on earth. When Adam and Eve had children, Adam then became a father. Father is an eternal word and is the word our Father in Heaven wants us to use in referring to him. David Blankenhorn, author of Fatherless America said “Today American Society is fundamentally divided and ambivalent about the fatherhood idea. Some people do not even remember it. Others are offended by it. Others, including more than a few family scholars neglect it or disdain it. Many others are not especially opposed to it nor are especially committed to it. Many people wish we could act on it but believe society simply no longer can or will.”

In spite of the emphasis God put on families many prefer to ignore it. By the will of God the father is to lead their family in love and righteous and to protect their families from danger including spiritual dangers. Fathers are irreplaceable. Study after study of families prove that children growing up in a home without a father tend to have more failures in life than those who do. Whether it is a lack of education to enable them support themselves, a life of in and out of jail or a life of poverty they suffer from not having a father figure in the home. Now some will say they know children who grew up without a father in the home and they did well in life. There are some and I applaud the mothers who reared them and their children’s ambition’s but they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Years of research in families show this. Years ago I was trying to convince a man who had a child out of wedlock that he should be involved in his child’s life. He told me that he did not have a father in his life and he had done fine. His life was living proof of the need of a father in the home. He had little education or training to enable him to support himself or the child. He acted irresponsible by having a child out of wedlock and probably sentencing both the mother and child to a life of poverty. How different his life might have been if he had a devoted father in his home when he was growing up. A good father wants his children to succeed. And I do not consider barely being able to support themselves and having a child out of wedlock makes you a success. Making sacrifices by a father to support and rear children is difficult but brings great rewards as they watch their children succeed.

Children need to experience seeing their father love and take care of them, their mother and others. They need a father who will show by example how to love and respect them and their mother. They need a father who will teach them to work and serve family members and others. They need a father who will teach them how to take care of their property and hopefully repair things needed at home. They need a father to teach them to serve God and their fellow man. When we have strong caring families we have a strong society.

There are many attacks on families in our society done by Marxists in our education system. Children are even being taught to embrace teachings that the family that God decreed is not acceptable. While banning the teachings of God they are indoctrinating children to accept Un Godly life styles. They are promoting their own religion in the schools which is Marxism. They are an important and perhaps the most important group in the Democrats “Big Tent” with their counterfeit religion. Surveys have indicated that about 40% of Democrats do not believe in God. We do not know what percentage of Democrats are Marxist but we do know some Democrats are labeling some Biblical Teachings as hate speech. As you know some crimes receive extra charges if the victim is black and the perpetrator is white. Some Biblical teachings condemn homosexual Behavior. How long will it be before Democrats push through laws punishing anyone who condemns such behavior calling it a hate crime.

The Democrats are fond of quoting what is claimed to be an African Proverb that “It Takes Village to Raise a Child”. I think what appeals to the Democrats is Village really means Government. Democrats feel that Government is superior to the family in raising a child. You hear the Democrats promoting big government but rarely do they mention families influence on children

What this country needs is not more government agencies but encouragement of strong families. A good father is important in teaching children to follow the commandments of God and serve others. When Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment his answer was to love God which implies the hearer will keep his commandments. He then went on to say the second was like unto it and that was to love our neighbor as ourselves. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone followed the Ten commandments and treated everyone as they wanted to be treated.

I understand that some women have to rear children alone because of death of a husband, or divorce or having a child out of wedlock. I am sorry if that is your lot in life and I appreciate the difficulty of rearing children alone. I am just the messenger. God chose the ideal situation in life and that is to be in a family with a righteous father and mother rearing children to serve him.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden he then declared it is not good for man to be alone. He did not make that statement because he suddenly realized Adam needed company. He was stating an eternal principle that we all need to be part of a family with a father, mother and children. Indeed, he commanded them to multiply (have children). He gave Adam a wife and commanded him to cleave to her and no other woman. This commandment was meant to apply to all men on earth. When Adam and Eve had children, Adam then became a father. Father is an eternal word and is the word our Father in Heaven wants us to use in referring to him. David Blankenhorn, author of Fatherless America said “Today American Society is fundamentally divided and ambivalent about the fatherhood idea. Some people do not even remember it. Others are offended by it. Others, including more than a few family scholars neglect it or disdain it. Many others are not especially opposed to it nor are especially committed to it. Many people wish we could act on it but believe society simply no longer can or will.”

In spite of the emphasis God put on families many prefer to ignore it. By the will of God the father is to lead his family in love and righteousness and to protect his family from danger including spiritual dangers. Fathers are irreplaceable. Study after study of families prove that children growing up in a home without a father tend to have more failures in life than those who do. Whether it is a lack of education to enable them support themselves, a life of in and out of jail or a life of poverty they suffer from not having a father figure in the home. Now some will say they know children who grew up without a father in the home and they did well in life. There are some and I applaud the mothers who reared them and their children’s ambition but they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Years of research in families show this. Years ago I was trying to convince a man who had a child out of wedlock that he should be involved in his child’s life. He told me that he did not have a father in his life and he had done fine. His life was living proof of the need of a father in the home. He had little education or training to enable him to support himself or the child. He acted irresponsibly by having a child out of wedlock and probably sentencing both the mother and child to a life of poverty. How different his life might have been if he had a devoted father in his home when he was growing up. A good father wants his children to succeed. And I do not consider barely being able to support themselves and having a child out of wedlock makes you a success. Making sacrifices by a father to support and rear children is difficult but brings great rewards as they watch their children succeed.

Children need to experience seeing their father love and take care of them, their mother and others. They need a father who will show by example how to love and respect them and their mother. They need a father who will teach them to work and serve family members and others. They need a father who will teach them how to take care of their property and hopefully repair things needed at home. They need a father to teach them to serve God and their fellow man. When we have strong caring families we have a strong society.

There are many attacks on families in our society done by Marxists in our education system. Children are even being taught to embrace teachings that the family that God decreed is not acceptable. While banning the teachings of God they are indoctrinating children to accept Un Godly life styles. They are promoting their own religion in the schools which is Marxism. They are an important and perhaps the most important group in the Democrats “Big Tent” with their counterfeit religion. Surveys have indicated that about 40% of Democrats do not believe in God. We do not know what percentage of Democrats are Marxist but we do know some Democrats are labeling some Biblical Teachings as hate speech. As you know some crimes receive extra charges if the victim is black and the perpetrator is white. Some Biblical teachings condemn homosexual Behavior. How long will it be before Democrats push through laws punishing anyone who condemns such behavior calling it a hate crime.

The Democrats are fond of quoting what is claimed to be an African Proverb that “It Takes Village to Raise a Child”. I think what appeals to the Democrats is Village really means Government. Democrats feel that Government is superior to the family in raising a child. You hear the Democrats promoting big government but rarely do they mention families influence on children

What this country needs is not more government agencies but encouragement of strong families. A good father is important in teaching children to follow the commandments of God and serve others. When Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandments his answer was to love God which implies the hearer will keep his commandments. He then went on to say the second was like unto it and that was to love our neighbor as ourselves. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone followed the Ten commandments and treated everyone s they wanted to be treated.

I understand that some women have to rear children alone because of death of a husband, or divorce or having a child out of wedlock. I am sorry if that is your lot in life and I appreciate the difficulty of rearing children alone. I am just the messenger. God chose the ideal situation in life and that is to be in a family with a righteous father and mother rearing children to serve him.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.