Xi Jinping and his Puppet Joe Biden

The Chinese Economy is collapsing. What is happening? If you say the Chinese are following the example of the Biden Regime in spending more money than they have you would be covering some of their problems. Rumors are now flying out of China that Xi Jinping’s mishandling of the Chinese Economy puts him in jeopardy of being removed from office by the Communist Party Central Committee. The rumor is they fear an uprising from the people and losing their power. One rumor is Xi asked in a meeting closed to the public in San Francisco with Biden that Joe find a way to get a $900,000,000 in a bailout for China to save his butt. These rumors are said to be from insiders at the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. Now you might say you cannot put any faith in rumors. So let us talk about rumors in government. I have found that the best source of information on what government people are doing is rumors. When you hear a rumor in government you can rest assured that it is accurate information. Government Officials usually do things in secret. If a reporter asks them anything they will lie or refuse to cooperate or plead the fifth amendment if they are giving testimony. So that is why rumor is the best source of information in government.

Now lets talk about the real reasons Biden’s Communist Advisors and the Democratic Party want to prop up Xi Jinping. First they want Xi as an strong ally to put pressure on nations to adopt Marxism. The Democrat Party adopted Marxism when they accepted Bernie Sanders into their caucus in the Senate and accepted the squad into full fellowship in Congress. They do not want the Big Bully to fail and embarrass the Marxist Movement. When they attempt to change our Republican Form of Government to a Marxist Government the people might raise up armies in rebellion and a dissolved Chinese Army would not be available to send troops to help the American Communists.

Will Biden attempt to bail Xi Out? Could you even doubt that he would not? Millions of dollars in money from China has made its way to the University of Pennsylvania to support Joe’s Presidential Library. Was this money laundered to make it look it came from private donors in China? Are you fool enough to believe Joe is very popular in China? Money has also found its way into shell companies owned by the Biden Family coming from China. The committee investigating Joe for wrongdoing is having problems finding out what services were performed for the money. So far they have not found any thing. Expect the radical left news media to start campaigning for help to China in the form of taxpayer funded grants.

Here are some of the arguments you will be hearing from the Biden Regime or from their corrupt supporters including most of the news media. “We cannot let China fail. We depend on them for so many goods and services if they implode it will cause serious harm to our economy. If the Chinese Economy collapses it will cause a devastating world wide depression. We need China to manufacture clean energy products like cars so we can have clean air and have our civilization survive. China is too big to fail. If China is divided into a lot of small nations some of their nuclear weapons might fall into the wrong hands and their weapons might be aimed at us at us causing millions of deaths in the United States. If China fails millions of Chinese might starve and we cannot let that happen. The United States has always been a generous nation and our citizens will support helping China. If we do not bail out Xi he will get mad and we do not need a leader of a country with lots of nuclear weapons to be mad at us.

Now is the time for the United States to act. For years the Chinese have openly vowed to destroy the United States. Let us stop trading with them. Without United States money they cannot bully or wage war on other nations. The Chinese Communist Party is a Criminal Organization that can be starved from lack of money from the United States. What a grand time to eliminate Chinese Communism. Once they collapse they will have a breakup like the one that happened to Russia. We will do well dealing with a lot of smaller nations rather the the “Big Bully” China.

We hear that the inquiry into Joe’s corrupt dealings in government is revealing damming information on Joe. Apparently the impeaching of Joe is a sure thing. The Republicans have a slim majority in Congress and when you count Republicans who are really Democrats with a Republican title they may not have enough votes to sustain an impeachment attempt. You know what probably every single Democrat in the Congress will do. I think the Democrat Party is an anti American criminal organization. They are not going to sustain taking action against Biden for doing what they themselves are doing or will be dong if they get a chance.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.