Would a Kamala Harris Regime Be Even Worse Than the Biden Regime?

Would a Kamala Harris Regime Be Even

Worse Than the Biden Regime?

The Biden Regime brought much pain and suffering to the people of the United States. We were a country who were not only energy independent but were exporting oil and gas to other nations. When the Biden Regime took power all that changed. The Biden Regime went to war against our energy independence. Suddenly through them suppressing our energy production we saw prices skyrocket on gas to drive our cars and heat our homes. The increase in prices on gas and diesel fuel caused an increase in prices on everything that needed to be transported. Biden ended up begging oil producing nations to sell us cheap oil. That worked about as well as everything else he attempted.

The Biden Regime also supported the “Green Raw Deal”. This is a scheme to route taxpayer dollars to Democrat Supporters who develop expensive alternate energy. Lots of these “Green Raw Deal People” became very rich on taxpayer money, and who of course, made generous contributions to Democrat Candidates for public office. Another benefit that came to Biden Regime Supporters was making money from buying and selling Chinese manufactured alternative energy products. The Chinese have a monopoly in these expensive energy products. These Biden Regime Supporters also made generous contributions to Democrat Candidates for Office. We should also mention that the Biden Crime family made millions from “businesses” in China. Is that the reason Biden said, “We need a Rising China”? When Joe Biden used the word “We”, was he referring to the Biden Crime Family? Biden was against tariffs on goods from a country that has a goal to destroy the United States. They can only do that with money they get from trade from the United States. It has been nice for China to have Joe in the White House.

When Biden went into the White House he went on a tirade to destroy our economy. With full support of Democrats in the House and Senate he got bills passed to spend more money that we had. In order to finance such reckless spending the Democrats’ Allies in the Federal Reserve started printing more dollars. Democrats either do not understand economics or do not care, but what happens when the Fed prints money is it takes more of it to buy things you need. Our incomes do not automatically go up to cover the increase in prices. Suddenly millions of people were not able to meet their basic needs.

Under the Biden Regime millions of people have invaded our country at the invitation of a man who has done more to destroy the United States than any other President. He broke the law by refusing to enforce our immigration laws. He has harmed our citizens by putting millions of these people on welfare. These are costs we cannot afford. Thousands of Chinese Young men have entered the United States under Biden’s watch. No one does anything in China without the Chinese Communist Government’s consent. These young men are terrorists sent by the Chinese Communist Government to attack the United States. Already federal officials have discovered a lab in California set up by Chinese to produce things that will cause illnesses among our citizens.

The Chinese are selling death causing drugs to cartels in Mexico and The Biden Regime is letting cartel members cross our borders to prey on our citizens. Government estimates for people killed in the United States each year from Chinese Drugs distributed by Mexican Cartel is 100,000. If we lost 100,000 people to a war in a single year people would be rioting on our streets creating violence and demanding an end to the war. Why is there no concern about what the Chinese and Mexican Cartels are doing to the people in the United States?

It is difficult to believe any group of people could be as incompetent as the Democrats. It leads us to believe all the things mentioned above are done by design. The Democrats have embraced Marxism in their “Big Tent”. The have no problem accepting Marxists if they think it will keep them in power. They embrace Bernie Sanders, who believes in Marxism but prefers the term Socialist. They even welcomed him into their primaries as a Democrat Candidate for President. They have four members of Congress who prefer the title of Progressive, known as the squad, who champion Marxist views. The Democrat Party should be designated as a subversive organization and banned from office.

After lying about Biden’s fitness for office for months, the Democrat Bosses decided Biden might not win in November and pressured him into not running for re-election. They lied, as usual, and claimed he made the decision himself.  Probably the only people who were dumb enough to believe this are people who normally vote Democrat. The Democrat Bosses decided Kamala Harris should be the person who would run for office for the Democrats completely ignoring what the rank and file members think. No surprise here. Is that not the way the Chinese Communists pick their candidates for office? The Democrats lean heavily on Marxist theology in their decision making.

How bad would a Harris Regime be for the People of the United States? When Harris was in the Senate, she was rated the most Liberal, [think Marxist], Senator, even to the left of Bernie Sanders. Not surprising, considering what kind of Senate Candidate the California Democrat Bosses pick to run on the Democrat ticket. She is reliability Marxist. Running for office in California as a Democrat and Progressive, [think Marxist], is almost a guarantee of election. Did not sweet Nancy Pelosi brag that she could put a D, as in Democrat behind any person’s or object’s name and win an election, presumably in California. If you think Biden was supporting the Communist Regime, Harris would probably be sending them foreign aid.  

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.