Will the United States be Split into More than one Country?

We are now seeing a political divide in the U.S. that probably exceeds the one that led to the Civil War. The Far West and Northeast States have political leaders who are Socialists who are into that philosophy because they hope to completely control the lives of the slaves and enrich themselves at the same time. Control and riches are their motivation. In order to meet their goals they need the support of many useful idiots who will continue to vote them into office and they have them. When the great leaders are in political office they have control of our education system and can train useful idiots from K through 12. The children will learn that government will solve all their problems and that capitalism is an unjust system. Once a person becomes a useful idiot they are no longer to able help themselves. Case in point is California. They have a Marxist Leaning Governor. When the freedom loving people of California got enough signatures to recall him, the were outnumbered by useful idiots who love Newsome.

So California will continue to have severe water restrictions because their leftist governor is controlled by people, who call themselves environmentalists, and work to have any attempts to build reservoirs blocked. The useful idiots in California are faced with the highest taxes in the U.S., inability to afford a home, rising crime as the great leaders do “rehabilitation” experiments by releasing criminals as soon as they are arrested, the worst K-12 schools in the country and regulations that destroy small businesses which is the primary employer of our citizens. A high price to pay for great weather. The Marxist have promised we will all be happy in a Marxist Society which should be re-assuring to Californians.

Do I think the divide between radicals on the West Coast and the northeast and the people in states who prefer freedom will lead to a Civil War? No. There would be too much bloodshed. Even the useful idiots would not be willing to shed their blood and the great leaders will not go there as they realize it might be their blood that is shed.

So what would likely happen? How did they formerly refer to it?  An amicable and uncontested divorce? Those who love freedom in the south and Midwest could continue be the U.S. and continue with the Constitution and Bill of Rights and our traditions of freedom.


With an extreme radical left population on the West Coast and a radical left population on the East Coast it might be too cumbersome to be one government because of geography. The most likely scenario would be a California People’s Republic including California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii modeled after the People’s Republic of China.  The state of Washington would change its name to Karl Marx State because Washington was a slaveholder and a Capitalist. The other country could be called the People’s Republic of North America also modeled after the people’s Republic of China.

What’s not to like about that possibility? The Marxists have promised under Marxism everyone will be happy. The slaves will be happy because the great leaders will tell them they are happy. The great leaders will be happy because they will have slaves to control and steal from to enrich themselves. Having people to control and to steal from is the essence of Marxism. Having three countries to deal with will surely make the Chinese Great Leaders happy because they will gain two new allies and face a United States greatly reduced in military might. The people left in the United States will be happy because they are free. There is something for everyone.

Since Biden took office the Chinese have correctly labeled him as weak and incompetent and have become bolder in their threats. They may soon demand the partition of the United States. Biden will probably be favorable to that idea. After all, the Chinese could quickly close down the Biden Family Business in China if they get mad at Joe.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.