Will Hillary Clinton Finally Receive her Coronation?

Will Hilary Finally Receive Her Coronation?

As we look forward to the 2024 Presidential Election a few things become obvious. Donald Trump is very popular among Republicans and it is almost like he has a cult following. If he wants to be the Republican Candidate it is unlikely anyone on the Republican side could derail him.

The Marxist Democrats recognize the great threat Donald is to their lust to exert power and control over the American People, stay in power and fundamentally change our free society to a Marxist Movement. The Democrats worked tirelessly for months accumulating false reports and false testimony attempting to frame Trump for a fabled Russian Collusion. FBI and other government agencies committed crimes in trying to frame Trump. Even after he left office they were still trying to impeach him hoping they could bar him public office. Do the Democrats need to classed as a domestic terror organization?

If Trump is the Republican Nominee then who will the Democrats nominate? Joe Biden is too senile to run for office but he was too senile last election as well. That is not an issue with his Marxist Advisors who control the shots. The big issue is Biden’s approval ratings. Biden’s approval among the people is less than 50%. Even Democrats are smart enough to know backing Biden would be suicidal. Expect an announcement that Biden will not seek reelection. Without Biden who will the Democrats turn to?  It will not be kamala Harris. Her approval rating among our citizens has gone through the floor and into the basement.

What other options do the Democrats have? They need a candidate who is loved by the left which is the Democrat party base. Would they consider Bernie Sanders. They would love to have Bernie as President but would not likely pick him as a candidate. Although the communists have succeeded, through their allies in the educational establishment, in convincing young people that communism is the hope of the future most Americans do not buy those lies. They will not vote into office a communist who prefers to be called a socialist. Bernie is out. So why not Hillary Clinton? She has not admitted to being a Marxist so she is less controversial than Bernie. She is a proven vote getter carrying the leftist states of California and New York. That is a lot of votes and electoral votes. She is the darling of the radical left. She moved to New York and ran for Senator and won. She has name recognition being married to Bill Clinton who was re-elected even after his very public affair.

The Democrats realize they have to control the votes so Hillary will not get shut out by the electoral vote count. Will the Democrats have enough power to do away with the electoral vote? Their default move could be vote manipulation. The big Democrat cities usually do not purge the rolls of people who have died or moved. Fertile ground for getting a lot of mail in votes from people you cannot identify. If someone wants to canvass to determine if voters exist the Justice Department will come to the rescue and accuse them of attempting to intimidate the voters.

The success the Democrats had in getting votes that could not be verified exceeded their expectations in the last election. Do not expect the Republicans to do much to prevent fraud. They were the same people who got caught flat footed in the last election. If widespread fraud occurred like half of Americans believe there no reason to believe it will not happen again. Votes counted that cannot be verified, suspect voter rolls and voting machine that came from foreign countries that the owners refuse to give passwords to prevent an audit. Expect a replay next election.

Do not be surprised if Hillary is crowned as Queen and President of the United States after the next election. She has already been on national television reading her acceptance speech of the office of president which she was planning to deliver before Donald Trump derailed her. Hillary had not given up her obsession to become president.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.