Will Democrats Dump Joe?

Rumors are circulating that the Democrats will Dump Joe Biden this summer before the November Election. But you many say this is just a rumor. Maybe. But in government and in politics sometimes the best source of information is rumor. As a former government employee, I learned when you heard a rumor it would likely soon happen. Why would Democrats dump Joe late in the election cycle? Is not that a dumb move to replace someone who has established presence as a candidate?

What could the Democrats be thinking? Let me guess. The party of “by any means”, who gave us unverifiable mail in ballots and unverifiable ballot harvesting along with a pre-planned strategy to prevent any investigation of voter fraud doubts it can pull enough votes out of the hat to win. You will recall them using their allies in the press to attack and discredit anyone who questioned wrongdoing in the voting process even universally using the term “the most secure election ever” in their propaganda and smear campaign. They were also involved in charging people who challenged the elections results with criminal behavior. All of this is criminal behavior, but Republicans would admit privately that the Democrats were brilliant in pulling all this off.

The Democrats in all their brilliance did some miscalculations. They made the assumption that their allies in the press could mislead the people into thinking things were going great and they would be much worse off with Trump. Unfortunately for the Democrats, the Trump Era was not that long ago, and people remember affordable gas and much lower prices on everything. Polls indicate the majority of the citizens do not want Biden as President. In a very close election, the Democrats would not be concerned because they can always find enough unverifiable votes to win. Now they are no doubt concerned they cannot make up the deficit as more and more people prefer Trump over Biden.

I suspect the rumor about dumping Biden is true. Even now Democratic Strategists are likely meeting behind closed doors trying to agree on who could defeat Trump. Biden will soon announce he has decided not to run “to spend more time with his family”. The Democrat’s Propaganda Organization, the leftist news media, will go into overtime praising Biden for all the wonderful things he has done for this country and rating him as one of our greatest presidents. This for a man who has spent the last four years working with his Communist Advisors in attempting to destroy the United States.

Who will the Democrats run for President? I am putting my money on Gavin Newsome. He is reliably leftist, a requirement for being a Democrat Candidate. The majority of Californians are leftist, and he would bring a lot of electoral votes. The hypocritical Democrats who promoted the image of a mentally impaired Joe Biden as having a sharp mind of great wisdom because of his age and experience would them attack Trump as senile. We know what is coming.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.