Will Crooked Joe Run for President?

So far, the Democrats are not giving any readable signals. The polls the Democrats do not control are not good news. Some Democrats are ready to hit the panic button. They are the party of “by any means”. I can well imagine them currently meeting behind closed doors crunching numbers. How many useful idiots can be persuaded to vote Democrat? How many people on welfare are there and how do we get their votes counted since many of them left on their own will not bother to vote. Can we organize a massive army of canvassers to go door to door in the projects to get their signatures on ballots to be harvested or mailed in by the canvassers? Will that be a better use of the money the Billionaires Leftists have given us rather than advertisements? Can we get nearly 100 per cent of their votes through the use of canvassers. How many votes can we get from drug addicts living on the street for the canvassers to harvest in exchange for drugs or money?

Can we secretly register millions of illegal immigrants and then find a way to block any investigation. Can we prep judges in our strongholds to rule that these investigations are meant to intimidate voters and would therefore be illegal. We did a good job of suppressing investigations last election and can do so again. We can count on the news media and social media to suppress any criticism and attack any who claims we are doing illegal things. We can also work with district attorneys in our strongholds to bring criminal charges against anyone who challenges us.

Once the Democrats crunch numbers, they can watch the polls and then decide if they can get enough votes counted to keep Joe, the unindicted criminal in the White House’ in office. They stakes are very high. Many Democrats depend on government to enrich themselves. If Joe does not return to office their gravy train will be stalled. Joe is the poster boy for becoming rich in government self-service. How do you become a multi-millionaire in government service? Joe Biden could write a book on that subject. Millions of dollars have flowed into the Biden Crime Family Businesses since Joe has been in office. Joe has been compromised by corrupt people in China, Russia and Ukraine.

The Democrats have to also be concerned about Donald Trump’s continuing popularity. They brought lots of charges against him to tie him up in courts. Now they are criminally working to get their criminal co-conspirators to put him in jail to keep him from campaigning and save the very senile Joe Biden from debating him. The courts that are trying Trump look no different from the courts in Communist China, Cuba, Russia or Iran.

If the polls get worse and the Democrat’s number crunching scheme begins to look doubtful an announcement will soon be made that Joe decided to not run to spend more time with his family. It is likely that the reliable Marxist Gavin Newsom is waiting with his cape on.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.