Why Democrats hate Trump

Democrats realize this country will not accept a quick change to Socialism/Marxism so their plan is to bring it about slowly. When Donald Trump, the hated Capalist, announced his plans to run for president the Democrats did not take him seriously and were amused. As he began winning primaries they became alarmed and began unrelenting attacks trying to smear him. Soon most of the national news media, who surveys have indicated are mostly Democrats, joined in the fun.

If Donald Trump won the election that would derail their Socialist/Marxist Agenda for four years and possibly eight. Democrats Politicians and most of national news media focused on Donald Trump’s infidelity, which many of his critics along with some former Democratic Presidents have had experience with, and Trump’s Business Dealings.

Most of the news media has become a propaganda organization for the Democratic Party and an apologist for Marxism. They have been relentless in their attacks on Trump. The Associated Press, which was once a respected news agency, in their “news articles” when quoting Trump always added”without proof”. In every article his actions were either illegal illigal or morally wrong. He was even accused of being raciest, which the press likes to accuse people of when they are not advancintg the cause of Socialism/Marxism.

The Democrats, with the backing of most of the press even tried to impeach Trump for Russian Collusion , Even with some FBI Agents breaking rules and probably laws to frame Trump the impeachment failed. Even the FBI admitted their was no evidence sufficient for laws being broken. Not to be deterred the Democrats still tried. Now they are trying again. Trump encouraged his supporters to demonstrate in Washington, D.C. The Democrats have their own dictonary. The Democratic Standard Dictionary defines encouraging Republicans to demonstrate as planning an insurrection.

Where were these Democrats when their allies in Black Lives Matter were trying to destroy our cities? We will tell you. Some of them joined Black Lives Matter, even using bullhorns to encourage them. Most of them referred to the insurrectionists as peaceful protesters or social justice reformers. We hope you noticed that when Democratic followers did violence the Democrats called them peaceful protesters and when Republicians did the same thing they were involved in insurrection.

Now the Democrats are involved in another fake impeachment claiming Trump started an insurrection. Why are they doing this when Trump is leaving office? They are hoping to have enough corrupt politicians to vote for impeachment and banning Trump from running for office again.They fear Trump will again run for President, win and derail their plans for a Socialist/Marxist America.

The Democrats are playing catch up and their radical alllies who control media are doing their part in banning conservative voices under the guise of not meeting their standards for truth. We will intrepret that for you. Their standard of truth is people who oppose a Socialist/Marxist Agneda.

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