When the Wicked Rule the People Mourn

The title of this blog comes from Proverbs 29:2 of the Old Testament. Joe Biden surely fits the description of a wicked person. Everything he does has evil purposes. Even going in “Public Service”, which was really self-service, was done to enrich himself. The Founding Fathers of this once great nation envisioned elected persons as those dedicated to the common good. Biden shows how far many politicians have strayed from this ideal. Biden has become a multi-millionaire in public service. If anyone claims Biden became rich through shrewd business dealings, they are either not sane or notorious liars. Elected positions are paid a good upper middle class income, but not a millionaire’s income. Therefore, what follows is when someone becomes rich in public service they are also involved in criminal activity.

The Republican have been totally incapable of dealing with a criminal of Biden’s magnitude. Even when Congressional Hearings showed many Businesses connected to the Biden Crime Family had no recognizable product to sell, but appeared to be money laundering organizations, they could not get an impeachment against him. Biden had a powerful criminal organization, known as the Democratic Party protecting him, but the Republicans failed to protect the People of the United States from these criminals.

What causes mourning from having a wicked Joe Biden as President? Deficient spending is one thing. Joe is the leader of the Democratic Party whose motto is “spend more, the people be dammed”. They are borrowing money for projects to benefit their supporters who in turn reward them with votes and money either from political contributions or under the table. What does borrowing cause? A rapid increase on prices which the middle class does not make up in increased income. Joe Biden and his Democratic Party make enriching themselves more important than the needs of our citizens. Millions are struggling to pay bills because of these criminals in public office.

We are victims of Democrat Party Censorship in the news media and social media. Whistle Blowers are now revealing how the government agencies are pressuring social media to censure content not favorable to government positions. Censoring is another form of lying. The Democrats have an Unholy alliance with news media with most of their content producers being registered Democrats. Two high profile examples to these abuses are the Center for Disease Control managing news information and Public Radio, who receive public funds, having 100 percent of their news staff registered Democrats.

Joe Biden has found a perfect way to break our laws. He makes edicts by executive orders. Some of his orders have been challenged in court and the courts have ruled against Crook Biden. What has been Crook Biden’s response? He either appeals using unlimited taxpayer dollars or tries to find other ways to circumvent the law. Every executive order Biden signs should be challenged in court. If Biden signs any executive order you have to know he is doing something illegal.

This guy is our Commander in Chief? Under his direction we could not win any war. Remember what happened in Afghanistan? A few guys showed up in pickup trucks with guns and Biden sent our once powerful military in full retreat leaving billions of war supplies behind for people who hate freedom to abuse others. I cannot help but think Biden planned this. If anyone attacks the United States while Biden in in power, I have no confidence he would even retaliate. Even now he is trying to pressure Israel and Ukraine not to retaliate against countries who invaded them by threatening to withhold weapons they need to defend themselves. Likely this is an idea from his communist advisors. It is difficult to know how much Biden understands with Jill Biden and the entire Democrat Criminal Organization hiding the truth about Joe’s mental state. Joe Biden is no longer the Commander in Chief but the Commander in Retreat.

One of Bidens greatest abuses against our citizens is breaking our immigration laws. Biden has invited millions to break our laws and invade our country hoping his fellow criminals in the Democrat Party will gain enough power to give them citizenship. He and his fellow criminals anticipate these illegals will vote only for Democrats. While he is breaking our laws our people are in danger from terrorists who are now being organized to attack us. We are paying Billions to support people who are not here legally. We are in serious danger as many criminals are entering the country as invited by the Criminal Joe Biden. Thousands are dying from drug overdoses thanks to cartel members entering the country to ply their trade.

Does Joe have any redeeming value? I know of nothing he has done other than those things that will enrich himself or his partners in crime to the detriment of the citizens. Someone once asked if Adolf Hitler had any redeeming values. The answer was he was good to his dog, which was a German Shepard. The Master Dog I suppose. The news media reported Joe kicked his dog. Sorry I cannot come up with any redeeming values for Joe.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.