What citizens can do about the Radical takeover of Richmond

Edmund Burke was an Irishman, political figure and Philisopher in the 1700’s in Great Britain. He is often quoted as saying “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Actually he never said that but it was someone’s interpretation of something he once wrote to a friend.

But it is a useful quote for us in this generation when evil people are organizing mobs to destroy our cities and subvert the will of the people by trying to force their will on the rest of us, with the encouragement of radical politicians and the leftist news media.

If you think politicians are going to save you from these people with evil designs you will soon be living ina communist society where the people are slaves to the state, Or a better way to express it is slaves to those who are able to obtain political power. What can we do when evil people are appearing to trumiph? The first thing to remember is the mobs make up a small percentage of the population of the Richmond Community and we don’t how many were imported into Richmond to attempt to force their will on the people of Richmond. The radical politicians and the radical news media want you to believe that nearly everyone supports the mob.

So what are some things yo can do to counteract evil. How many of you have ever written to your elected representatives? They make it easy. Go to their web sites where they have a convenient form for you to express your opinion and then all you do is press a button. You may think you opinion will not make a difference but that is a formula for failure, One thing a politician fears more than anything else is losing power. If enough opinions come in disagreing with their opinions they will quickly change their positions.

Remember when Mayor Stoney said he was against removing the Confererate Statues? What we think happened is he was afraid too many people would oppose the removal and he would votes, Then we think he flipflopped when he began to believe the news media’s “everyone’s on board” propaganda. You can ask the politician’s position on the mob’s destruction or some other subject. Politicians hate these questions and will often ignore them. However if that question comes in often they will be forced to take a positioin. Ask some of them, whose silence is deafening, why they have not critisized these mobs. Ask those poiiticians who want charges dropped against the lawbreakers why they are supporting lawbreakers.

You can even write to old “Taliban” Northam on line, Make his squirm. Ask him why he did not protect the Lee Statue, a magnificant work of art and a National Monument owned by the State of Virginia from being defaced by
people without culture.

Regardles of how you feel about Confederate Statues and the other white guy Columbus, you should be concerned that politicians are caving in to the demands of people who want to take away your freedoms and rule over you. The politicians also don’t seem too concerned about thier mob destructions. As we recal Stoney even grabbed a bull horn to to encourage them at one point.

One thing the good people of Richmond need to decide is should Stoney be removed form office. We do not see any evidence of confidence in his leadership. Remember the city attorney advised Stoney not to remove the statues. One of the city attorney’s responsibilities is to counsel office holders to prevent them from breaking the law, Stoney ignored his counsel and removed them anyway. Don’t expect the Governor or Attorney General to take any action on Stoney’s apparent breaking of the law. Just repeat their knicknames “Rubber Stamp”Herring and “Taliban’ Northam and you will know where they are going. By removing the white guy statues Stoney has sent a clear signal that white people are not welcome in Richmond. We also feel the mayor has pushed some agendas that the city cannot afford and even his city council balked. Do not be lulled into thinking that if the white guy statues are all removed the mobs will go away. They see victory with a mayor they see as an ally. They will come back with other “fake injustices” and will make more demands. With Stoney on the payroll we do not feel safe from the mob. We also feel confident Stoney will do the will of the mob and not the will of the people of Richmond. The best plan for dealing with politicians who support the mob is to vote them out of office.

This is our third opinion blog supporting values of conservatives and people of faith. Share with your friends. Send us your opinions.