What Can Save the United States

What Can Save the United States

The United States is like a human ravaged with cancer whose recovery looks hopeless. What are some of these cancers that are destroying the country? One is the destruction of the family, the basic unit in our society. When we have a mother and father who love and care for each other and feel the same way about children born to that union magical things happen. The children learn to love and care for each other from observing their parents. They learn to be kind and patient with others. Caring parents teach their children how to work by giving them chores at home and making sure they know how to do their assignment well to feel a sense of accomplishment.  The children will also receive satisfaction in achieving family goals. Some great bonding occurs in activities such as raking leaves, doing yard work or working in a family garden. Children who live in a traditional home with both parents fare better, while living at home or after leaving home, according to every study made of families. Children in two parent homes are less likely to commit crimes, drop out of school, have children out of wedlock or live in poverty after they leave home.

For those who do not have a traditional home environment through no fault of their own I applaud them for trying their best. If a person wants to give their children a better chance of success in life they should get married, then have children and stay with their spouse.  Many are choosing not to get married to their own detriment and for society as a whole. Some organizations are presenting non traditional families as equal in value to traditional ones which is false.  Even government agencies are joining in trying to devalue the family and even try to change the definition of what a family is. How much stronger would our nation be if we had more strong families. If people returned to God’s teachings on marriages and families and fidelity to spouse what an impact that would have on society.

The United States was founded by mostly Christians who believed in God and serving him. The Constitution and the Bill of Right embedded many of the teachings of Christianity on how people should be treated. Today a large percentage of our citizens have rejected God and his teachings. When this happens they only think of themselves rejecting the rights of others and voting into office politicians like themselves. We have many elected officials who are in office not to serve our citizens but to bring power and money to themselves. We see how the Chinese, after allowing the Communists to take over the government have lost their most basic freedoms. The Russians have voted in corrupt leaders and now it appears they have lost their ability to get rid of them. Could this happen in the U.S.? I understand over 50% of the population thinks there was widespread fraud in the last election and Biden did not win the election. The winning party and their allies in the news media push the narrative that there was no fraud trying to discourage anyone who had the audacity to want to investigate calling them conspiracy theorists. It seems to me if they were convinced there was no fraud they would not oppose an investigation that would prove it. Now in several states investigations indicate guess what? There was fraud. If that happened they will be sure to do it again. Then we become slaves to Marxists or dictators.

One theme stands out in the scriptures. When the people obeyed God he prospered them and helped them defeat their enemies. When they turned away from him he let their enemies prevail. It happened to the Jews twice

We cannot depend on our politicians to protect us. Many of them only want power and money and do not care about us. Look what happened when corrupt politicians gained power in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. The people lost most of their freedoms. IS the United States next? God can vanquish even evil and corrupt leaders if we serve him. Sometimes when the people suffer enough they return to God. Will all the things we have suffered under the Biden Regime be enough to turn us back to God? It seems everything the Biden Regime has done was to weaken and destroy our beautiful country. We cannot control what others chose to do but we can commit to serving God or to become a more devoted follower. If we do we can make our country a better place to live. God bless America.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.