We Should Have a New National Holiday Called Non-Labor Day

We have a national holiday honoring working people. God said, “By the sweat of thou brow thou shalt eat bread” We in effect are honoring those who do what God tells them to and that is working. Democrats have overlooked how discriminatory this holiday is. How grossly unfair it is to honor people who work while not honoring those people who want to eat bread provided by those who work.

The other issue is 40 percent of Democrats do not believe in God with the other 60 percent soon to follow like sheep. If God does not exist, the command to work is misinformation and working versus non-working is equally valid. I am sure Biden’s communist advisors can get him to cancel Labor Day by executive order. He can then replace it with another Holiday called Non-Labor Dey.

Why should we honor people who do not want to work? It is likely our constitution prohibits forcing people to work for their daily bread rather than giving them government assistance. The Constitution  does mention “the pursuit of happiness”. A lot of people consider not working and receiving government assistance a “pursuit of happiness”. Is not that promised in our Constitution?

We as a society honor and admire those who work hard and succeed in life. That is so archaic. Why not honor those who have learned to get by not working? Why not honor them for their genius? Many years ago I was working at a government entry level job and a lady came into my office. In the course of our conversation this unemployed lady told me of the government assistance she was getting such as a government check, rent assistance, food stamps, utilities assistance and free medical care for herself and her family. After she left, I tried to put a monetary value on all her freebies along with her government check.  To my shock she was doing better financially than I was after accounting for my dependents. She did not have much incentive to work

My big issue with government assistance is there is no program to help people become self -sufficient and total indifference by politicians and government workers to that outcome. Another experience I had as an insurance salesman was talking to a man I thought might be a candidate for an insurance policy. He quickly told me he was receiving government disability. Just receiving disability does not disqualify someone for insurance so I asked what his disability was. To my surprise he said “whatever I want it to be”. Was that a clue that someone can shop around for a good lawyer for himself who will find and ideal doctor who will find some kind of disability? Many people have some type of medical problem. Why not turn it in a disability?

First order of business for people who do not want to work is gaining respect. Gay people were once disrespected and ever despised. Politicians to get their vote and with the help of the news media painted them as victims of discrimination and oppression. Now they are not shunned by most people and are actually embraced or even championed by those In education and religion. Being tolerant of these people is one thing but championing them reveals character flaws.

The dignity of not working needs to be added to our education curriculum in K-12. No on should be disrespected or shunned because they have different goals. We should be preaching equal outcome for all and the United States can afford to take care of all our citizen’s desires. If we run short of money we can just print more and continue to be prosperous.

The Non-Working citizens should organize to get their fair share just like workers did with labor unions in the past.  A union for non-workers has a fresh and progressive ring to it. The old model of strikes needs to be tweaked with a new approach. In the past businesses would lose a lot of money when workers went on strike forcing them to consider raising pay and other benefits. If non-workers went on strike everyone would laugh at them. The new model would be to disrupt our society if their demands for equal outcome were not met. At first they could partner with Black Lives Matter and Antifa and riot In our cities. The big city Democrats would bow down to them and give them what they want in exchange for votes. Then they could shut down highways, airports and subways without being stopped. The would be given favorable treatment in the news media as mostly lawful oppressed demonstrators. National laws would soon be passed requiring government s to meet with them to consider their grievances. Then the union could grow and buy politicians throughout the United States. Having a powerful union to represent their interests is an idea whose time has come. We encourage everyone to write their congressman demanding a holiday for non-workers and requiring office holders to do collective bargaining with Non-workers.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.