“We Need to Get Trump Out of the Picture by Any Means Possible”

Do you remember hearing this by Democrats or other left wing radicals months ago? Do you see a pattern here? First was the false accusations that Trump colluded with the Russians to influence our elections. Then came accusations of insurrection against Trump as he and other people questioned dishonest voting patterns. Was it two attempts to impeach Trump? I lost count. Then there was three bogus court charges against Trump in three Democrat Controlled Cities. At least one DA’s even promised to bring charges against Trump when she was running for office. One even Trumped up 34 charges against Trump and a corrupt hand-picked Democrat Jury convicted him of every charge. It appears to me that the Democrat Judge, Democrat Prosecuting Attorneys and Democrat Jury should all be in jail.

Donald Trump has been tied up in court for months and I believe it was by design to attempt to discredit him and keep him off the campaign trail. At least one of the attorneys prosecuting and persecuting Trump visited the White House. I believe the Biden Regime is directly involved in these corrupt actions. The timing of the suits came at a critical time in the election campaign. That was not by accident.

The Democrats have made attempts to bar Trump from running for office. They also attempted to bar Trump from having secret service protection. Why? Did they want to secretly assassinate him or hope else someone did? The Democrats tried everything they could do to get Trump out of the picture and everything failed. I am not saying the would be assassin was on the Democrat Party Payroll but an assassination would have fit into the Democrats goal of removing Trump by any means possible.

I was fascinated by the early reports of the would be assassin. In only a few hours after the attempt news organizations were reporting he was a registered Republican. That would surely be a great cover if he were working for the Democrats. Also one conservative news source reports the bad guy had donated to at least one far left organization. If he were dedicated to conservative principles, why would he donate to a leftist organization?

I suspect the FBI will be investigating. Is not this the same organization that had two employees e-mailing discussions on how to stop Trump? Can we trust the FBI? If it turns out the bad guy had ties to some foreign power would it ever be revealed? The FBI classifies information that might incriminate them as national security information and even resists giving any information on its investigations to Congress. We have learned how the government organizations lied and withheld information during the Covid Pandemic and those involved were not punished. That would not have gone unnoticed by other government agencies including the FBI.

By the Grace of God Trump’s Brain was missed by about an inch. The fact that a shot was fired at Trump tells us the Secret Service is not capable of protecting Trump. Everyone wants to know how someone could have climbed on top of a building near the rally site and not be noticed by the secret service. It appears he would have to place a ladder on the side of the building. Where did he get sniper training? Who helped him case the area? I am sure the FBI will conclude the gunman acted alone. That would be more believable is he were standing close to Trump. I think shooting from a distance would require a little help in planning his evil deed. There are a lot of questions we need answers to.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.