We Need a State Constitutional Convention

A rally, called Rally in Tally, was recently held in Florida. The purpose was to urge legislators and citizens  to support a convention of states. This is a process under the Constitution  where states can propose amendments to the Constitution.. There are other amendments to the constitution passed by congress but none passed by a convention of states.{COS} According to Brenda Karlin, a regional director for COS in Florida, “the COS being passed by state legislators is calling for states to meet and propose Constitutional Amendments. There are three specific topics the COS is hoping to address. The first is term limits for Congress and the bureaucracy of unelected officials behind them. The second calls for fiscal responsibility. That means more than just a balanced budget. You have to have some fiduciary responsibility with our tax dollars, controlling spending, not spending more that you are taking in. The third would address federal overreach” If we had term limits there might not be so many millionaires becoming rich in government service.  Joe Biden is a good example.  He spent decades in public office and is now a millionaire. How does one become rich in government service? Maybe selling favors?In order for this to pass 34 of 50 states have to be on board. Currently 17 of the 34 states needed have called for a COS. This might be a close call considering how many Marxists have infiltrated the Democrat Partly and their propaganda allies, most of the news media. A COS might be our last ditch method of taking back our government from the Marxists short of an armed revolution.

The Democrat Politicians have been borrowing and spending like drunken sailors for two years. It should be a felony for any politician to propose a spending bill that requires borrowing money to pay for it. And when someone like Joe Biden tells the American People a bill will cost us nothing he should be jailed without bond. Put the politicians in jail. The country would be better off. At the end of 2021 the federal politicians have indebted us to the tune of $30,012,386,059,231. That mind boggling debt is over $30 trillion! That means every citizen owes $90,271. If you have a child this year, that child will come into the world owing $90,271! A debt ceiling was once set to keep politicians from spending “too much”. They have always spent “too much”. They have increased the debt ceiling 78 times from 1960 to 2020 to spend more than they are receiving in taxes. The United States is going bankrupt. When spending surpasses our gross national product as in happening now we are no longer create wealth but are creating debt.

How will the debt be paid? It won’t unless we get a COS to stop the crimes the politicians are perpetuating against the citizens. You are seeing Marxist Economics forced on the citizens. The Marxist have a favored way to deal with debt. They can print more money and pay bond holders with that money which will have less value than it had when the people bought government bonds. We have already experienced that under the Biden Communist Regime. The Biden regime printed a lot of money to pay for government programs. With all that money coming into circulation the dollars are worth less. Or did you notice price increases as things cost more due to the Biden Regimes actions?

Unlike the federal politicians who can give themselves a raise to compensate for inflation ordinary citizens will have to do with less. Who should we blame for bankrupting the United States? Is it the politicians who enrich themselves or the citizens who allow them to play with monopoly money? I am shocked that in spite of the gross incompetence of the Biden Regime, if not outright treason nearly 40%  of the population support Biden if you can believe latest polls.

For those interested you can go to conventionofstates.com to sign a petition supporting COS. This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.