Was there Election Fraud in the U.S. Presidential Election?

Was there fraud in the recent Presidential Election? Most Journalists either claim that there was non or too little to change the outcome. Surveys have shown that most Journalists at the most influential news organizations are Democrats so we would not expect to get an unbiased opinion. When the Journalists say there is no proof of fraud they are telling the truth because there have been hearings with people testifying fraud occurred but no real investigation has happened and until an investigation occurrs and charges made and a court of law finds people guilty no proof exists. But the news outlets are being dishonest in implying since no proof exists there was no fraud.

A lot of people have made sworn statements and have testified of corruption in non court hearings. Some corrupt politicians have have accused these people of lying but the news media have chosen not to take this course, Instead they are accusing Donald Trump and his supporters of corruption for asking that the alleged fraud be investigated.

The ironic thing about demands for an investigation is the party that is accussed of fraud has political control over whether an investigation happens. What kind of traction are you going to get on that?

In our country each year thousands of dollars are embezzled from PTAs ,athletic programs for children or teens or service organizations.
Part of this is from lax audit ovesight. Some of the embellezers are not convicted or convicted for stealing a lot less than they actually stole. They manage this by not leaving an audit trail. Transaction are not recorded which leads to no proof of wrong doing in a court of law. How does this apply to election fraud? Mail in ballots are difficult to audit. Voting officials are strict to get an ID from an in person voter but on mail in’s there is no proof of who did the voting. It is highly unlikely that the signaturses on millions of ballots are validated. So you see how the audit trail is missimg. States sent out ballots without knowing if the person is living at the address. Anyone in the neighborhood could have intercepted the ballot and completed it. A lot of people move each year. Some people die. A lot of votes are alleged to have been back dated when they came in after the dead lines. Ballots were counted after observers went home for the night. Ballots were not properly handled by election officials under state laws. One precinct even had more votes come in than there were voters. Do you see any audit trail problems here?

The number of votes cast for Joe Biden supposely made him the most popular Democrat ever. Do you really think that it is possibile for a guy who spent most of his campaigning in his basement?

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