Was the “Capitol Insurrection” Staged?

Corrupt Democrats in the house and Senate, which we believe includes all of them, wasted millions in taxpayer money and everybody’s time in attempting to impeach Donald Trump on trumped up charges-forgive the pun-and failed miserably. That corruption and incompetence should have been a total embarrasement to Democrats but they even tried again to impeach Donald Trump after he left office. They were dumb enough to think they could impeach him of insurrection charges. How could people in a free country elect such fools to office?

Now we have a new revelation that one of the individuals who was arrested and charged in the Capitol Riot was one of their very own- a dedicated Marxist and regular at Black Lives Riots who already had pending charges for his actions in a riot elsewhere. This is the type of people the Democrats praise as peaceful demonstrators and racial justice advocates. According to newspapers reports he was seen on a video calling for revolution and burning down government buildings. He was also reported to be on video encouraging rioters at the Capitol as they broke into government offices. Isn’t that what happens at Black Lives Matter Riots? Now according to newspaper reports some Black Lives people are disowning him and suggesting he was an agent of Donald Trump, we presume to damage the sterling reputation of Black Lives Matter. Now can we expect that grand chorus of most of the News Media and the Democrat Party to chime in right on key singing the same song?

The attorneys for the person arrested, John Earl Sullivan, have released a contract he had to take videos of the “Assault”‘ on the Capitol. from CNN and NBC News. Many people feel most of the news media has become a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and an apologist for the philophies of Karl Marx. Which brings up some questions about what these so called news organizations were trying to accomplish in hiring John Sullivan. Why did they hire John Sullivan when they had their own experienced camera people? What was agreed to verbally between John Sullivan and CNN anc NBC and not in the contract to avoid a paper traail?

Was this a staged insurrection compliments of CNN and NBC? Why did they hire a person who was already facing charges of inciting a riot in another city? Will John Sullivan’s attorneys work out a plea agreement with law enforcement in exchange for his cooperation in giving all the details of what CNN and NBC wanted him to accomplish?

Will CNN and NBC soon be facing charges of conspiracy to starting a insurection? Will high profile Democrats be implicated in a “staged insurrection” given the unholy alliance that some see between the Democratic Party and most of the news media to bring insurrection charges against Donald Trump?

This in an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.