Wars and Rumors of Wars

The Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, in the Bible has this passage concerning the Latter Days. Verse 6 says, “And you shall here of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” I take it to mean, the way this passage is written, that the wars and rumors of wars shall last for an extended period. These are the conditions that exist in the last days before Jesus will come to reign on earth.

According to trusted surveys, 40 per cent of Democrat Voters do not believe in God, so this prophecy would mean nothing to them and they would blindly not recognize the signs of the times. So what should be the attitude of the majority of our citizens who still believe in God. Should we decide that these wars and rumors will happen and ignore the problem? Or should we recognize those who start wars or consider starting wars the enemies of God and oppose them? I vote for the latter.

There has been some talk that President Trump might agree to Russia keeping the land they invaded in Ukraine if they will agree to stop the war. I hope that is a rumor started by Trump’s enemies to discredit him. To appease the Russians would be a fool’s errand. How quickly people forget the lessons of history. Neville Chamberlain of England thought he could avoid war if he did not oppose Germany’s invasion of its smaller neighbors. Soon the Germans were dropping bombs on England. And them there is recent history. No nation dared stand in the way of Russia’s invasion of Crimea, fearing war and thinking that would satisfy the Russians. Now a few years later they are invading Ukraine. And should I mention Putin wants Alaska back? If Biden had been returned to the White House. he might have agreed.

I am not suggesting we should declare war on Russia but there are lots of things we could do to disable them. Economic sanction could put the hurt on Russia if our leaders would not be timid on using them. The Russians have secretly been using cyber attacks to harm us. I think it is not wrong for us to do the same to them and we should not restrain ourselves in going after them.

It is important we get it right how we will deal with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. If there are no consequences, they will them start invading the countries Russia controlled as an evil Communist Regime and then Alaska. And, of course, what is left of Ukraine. And who is watching how we deal with Russia? China, Iran and North Korea come to mind. If China sees us make concessions to the Russians, they will demand their takeover of Tawain since the people there are Chinese. And then all of Asia. Iran wants to control the Middle East and they would demand the United States recognize their rights. And North Korea thinks they should have control of South Korea and the nations around them and an imperialistic United States should stay away.

Trump talks about using tariffs to get us a fair shake in trade. I am in favor of that. I also think we should stop trading with China. Their policy if to destroy our way of life and they make it no secret. If we had leaders with the courage to take down Communism China we could probably do it by refusing to trade with them. They would not have the money to be able to build up their military to menace their smaller neighbors. Our national goal should be to break up China into a number of smaller nations without the power to bully their neighbors. Then if they wanted to be belligerent, they could fight each other.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.