Virginia Discriminates Against White People

A recent report in the Richmond Times Dispatch indicated that Black people are under represented in supervisory roles in the State of Virginia employment based on their percentage of the population. Radical Democratic have sprung into action. Governor Northtan, according to the article, is trying to codify equal representation in supervisory positions. In layman terms he is trying to make it law that supervisory positions be alloted by race.

Sometimes when Democrats and Radicals try to build false narratives, like Black people are discriminated against in state employment by race, they get caught with their “pants down”. This is what happened in this article. According to the article although Black People only make up 20 percent of the population of the State of Virginia they have 29 percent of the State of Virginia’s jobs. For years Democrats and their Marxists Allies-remember the “big tent”?-have been telling us that inequity in representation proves discrimination. Now we have proof of discrimination against non blacks by the State of Virginia with 20 per cent of the black population getting 29 per cent of the jobs. When Democrats make it law that black peopole have equal representation in supervisory politions the racial disparity and discrimination against non blacks will only get worse.

The Democratics, who control the state did not see this revelation about discrimination coming. If they had known they could have refused to give out that iformation citing privacy concerns which is done when the powers that be do not want inconvient facts disclosed.

The Democrats even have set up a high paying job of Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Since there is now proof that non blacks are discriminated against what do these highly paid people do? Ovioulsy they are not concerned that non blacks are discriminated against. Govenor Northan has given this office authority to meddle in Department of Health matters. It is alleged that Covid 19 discriminates against non whites. Look for new laws banning Covid 19 from the State of Virginia.

The author of the newspaper article said Black people are well represented in the state classified work force. We do not know what he means by that. Is he saying that discrimination against non blacks is good? Why has not Governor Northan directed the State Director of Diversity and whatever else to look into this blatant discrimination. We would accuse the Govenor of of promoting equal outcome rather than equal opportunity but his record on affording equal outcome for non blacks is dismal. What should non blacks do when they are denied a job with the State of Virginia? They should file a federal discrimination complaint of course.

In another article in the Times Diaspatch a state panel is taking aim at “gifted” education courses in state education.It found-guess what?-that black students are not equally represented in gifted classes. This is of course is proof of discrimination. From what we read students of Asian Decent are over represented in gifted classes and schools. This must mean that Asian Parents have learned to game the system. Also teachers have an important role in recommending students which means they should be removed from the process. One of the members of the panel was quoted as saying parents could pay a private tester to determine if their child is gifted and then demand inclusion in gifted programs. The member of the panel called it “parent hacking” which we assume is a racial slur against Asian Parents. The only way to solve this problem is to designate all classes gifted. That way everyone will be happy.

There is discrimination in High School Athletics that Governor Northan needs to address. Football and basketball are easily the most popular high school sports. Blacks are over representated on these teams. This disparity is proof of discrimination according to what Democrats and Radicals have told us in the past. It is time for these sports team membes to be chosen by lottery. Each boy who wants to play football or basketbal should sign up for a color blind lottery and placed on the team if he wins the lottery. Those who do not win the lottery ? There is always a vacant field or basketball court nearby or they could opt for a private school.

This is an opinion blog. If you agree with the things you read here write you state senator or representative in the Virginia House demanding these changes.