The Pew Research Center reports that among Republican leaning voters 73 percent believe in God. Among Independents- what Pew calls no leaners- 62 percent are believers. Among Democrat leaning voters only 55 percent believe in God. With Independent Voters growing rapidly it would appear when combined with Republican voters who believe in God are in the majority. God gives us a choice of whether to accept good or evil. Remember Jesus, when he walked the earth, never forced people to do anything. He only gave an invitation. A big contrast to Communism or pure Socialism, which are really the same cat with a different name, total control is exercised over every aspect of people ‘s lives. Democrats are the party of Communism or Socialism, whichever title you prefer. The Gallup Poll Organization reports that 40 percent of people in the U.S. believe in some form of socialism. We are not sure what “some form” means and likely neither does Gallup. Probably most people in the U.S. think a partial retirement system like Social Security might be a good thing. If the majority are sane they would object to the incompetence of Congress in the way it is funded.
People who favor Socialism do not like to use the word Communism but both terms are about total control over every aspect of our lives. Communists like to cite the wonderful socialist governments of the Nordic Countries who have generous welfare benefits. So does the United States. What they fail to mention is these countries do not control every aspect of the economy so they do not qualify to be called socialist countries. What they also fail to mention is, like the United States, they are finding it difficult to fund the “free everything” society.
If the earlier mentioned polls are correct in the number of believers how do we find ourselves controlled by a Biden Regime when just over half of their supporters believe in God? First we do not know if the Democrats actually won the last election. There was a nationwide demand for audits and the Democrats were able to prevent them in most states. Where audits did occur lots of illegal activities were found to have occurred. Auditors were prevented from examining voting machines. One of the big issues was fraudulent mail in ballots. Even the Biden Regime’s Justice Department used coercion in attempting to prevent Arizona Auditors from canvassing voters to determine if fraudulent votes were cast. The Justice Department claimed the auditors were trying to intimidate voters which was a lie and they knew it. Does this sound like we are already living in a Communist Country?
The second issue is how could millions of people vote for Joe Biden when there were questions about his integrity being compromised by his family’s dealings with the Chinese Communists. This was common knowledge suppressed by the so called main stream news media but readily available from other sources. Should not people be well informed before voting?
The Biden Regime has embraced Communism. Everything they are doing seems to be designed to weaken or destroy the United States. The Republicans seem to think they can calmly said into the next election and win a majority in the house and senate. They did not learn their lesson from the last election where the polls showed them leading and they mysteriously lost in the middle of the night. All of the illegal activities of the last election will come back in the next election. The only difference is those who broke the law and were not punished will be back and will be better at cheating in the next election.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.