U.S. Election 2024

In the last National Election in 2000 in the United States the Democrats made the Republicans look like a bunch of fools. They came up with some brilliant new voter strategies never before tried, even by the Communist Chinese. While the Republicans were asleep at the switch they were planning how to operate a voting system that was perfect for permitting fraud. Mail out ballots to everyone, that could not be verified, and allow “vote harvesting” or collecting votes in nursing homes or neighborhoods with no identify required of those who collected the votes. Ballot drop boxes were also provided with no election official to determine if people bringing in large numbers of ballots were committing fraud.

You know much more of the story. Electors counting ballots at night after sending poll watchers home, more ballots coming in than there were registered voters in some areas, election officials putting covers on windows so no one could see what they were doing at night, ballots being counted in spite of coming in late which were contrary to local laws, election officials not verifying addresses or voters on mail in ballots, a higher percentage of people voting than would be even remotely possible and a great wave of votes for Biden when Trump had a lead at the end of the election.

The Democrats look to Communist China for inspiration but now the Communist Chinese are likely looking for inspiration from the Democrats. All the things done in the last election had to be carefully planned. Was it the Criminal Democrat National Committee who swore an oath to each other to secrecy like the Mafia? (I am taking the position that intelligent people consider the Democratic Party a criminal organization)Or did they set up a secret shadow organization to coordinate their voting schemes? The Democrat Controlled Voting Precincts had to have someone to advise them on what to do without getting caught. Where are the non profit organizations who investigate government wrong doing?

In addition to having a massive amount of planning to pull off these voting schemes, to protect the guilty, there had to be a lot of planning in covering up their crimes. One advantage the Democrats had was where the worst of the questionable schemes were happening the Democrats politicians had control of any investigation of wrongdoing. You read the news reports. The Democrats were screaming voter repression and intimidation when the real issue was the Democrats being exposed. Some places the Democrats were even trying to intimidate those who were questioning the legitimacy of the vote by threating to charge them with voter intimidation. And our criminal led Justice Department is always willing to send someone a letter if they think it might cause them to back off.

And of course the Left leaning news media is always ready to champion those trying to destroy our nation and the Democrats fit that description. The news media is ever willing to lie, hide information or ignore information if they think it will benefit anyone who is trying to destroy the United States. The current Democratic Party is their dream come true.

After the last election I wondered what new schemes the Democrats would come up with next election. To my surprise they came up with nothing new. The playbook they used last election worked so well , why change the plays. The Democrats have a problem. They are planning on supporting a Joe Biden who is unpopular with the majority of American Voters. The House Hearings appear poised to reveal the massive corruption of Joe Biden. Their continuing support of Joe Biden is very telling. They are so sure they can “produce” enough votes to elect Joe Biden they have no plans to make any changes. And the sad thing is the Republicans who we would expect to counter Joe Biden’s Criminal Regime do not seem up to the task.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.