Trump’s Mandate

Donald Trump received a mandate from the people of the United States in last month’s election to get rid of corruption, incompetence and waste in our government. This sounds like an impossible task. Even Superman would likely approach this challenge with fear and trembling. Superman used to fight for truth, justice and the American Way. This was apparently offensive to the millions of left leaning citizens here who hate all the freedoms we have because it interferes with their goal of getting power and helping themselves to our tax money. They pressured the Comic Book company into changing Superman’s mantra to truth, justice and a better tomorrow. Businessmen are easily manipulated because of fear of offending anyone. The old saying is I cannot give you a formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure and that is to try to please everyone. Budweiser learned that lesson recently when they promoted sexual deviants in their ads and millions stopped drinking their brew. The leftists talked the Comic Book Company into getting The American Way removed and inserting a better tomorrow. I am assuming this was a compromise. I suspect the radical leftists preferred the American Way be replaced with A Marxist Society.

Cancer was once considered incurable, but it is very treatable today. Getting rid of corruption, incompetence and waste seems like a daunting task. Already the Democrats are raising millions to fight every effort Trump will make to bring sanity back into our civilization. Reports have been that one government agency has 90 per cent of their employees not coming into the office. One report was an employee was running a business on taxpayer time and also getting paid in his government job. That is a good starting point to clean up waste and corruption. If 90 per cent of employees do not come into the office, are they really needed? Government has in a lot of cases provided job to lower the unemployment rate. I would not be surprised if someone does not discover a government agency that pays people to dig holes and them fill them up with the same dirt they dug out. Some of the claims we have heard is it costs the government thousands to “create a job”. The Democrats need big government to survive. Those government workers are union members who give huge campaign donations to the Democrats to protect their jobs. Government to too large and needs to be reduced.

There is too much duplication on government agencies. Why have to go to several government agencies to get things done when one should suffice? My wife is involved as a volunteer in Virginia with a non-profit service organization. Each year they have to file extensive state forms to be approved as a non profit and not have to pay taxes on money they raise to help people. And guess where they send the forms? To the Department of Argriculture and Consumer Services. We have a tax department. Why do they not process those forms? I am sure we would find that same type of lunacy in the federal government. Elon Musk bought a company and discovered he had thousands of people on the payroll that did nothing to justify their being on the payroll. I feel confident he will find many on the government payroll in the same situation. The Democrats will put up their goal line stand. They cannot survive without big government. They are a huge obstacle to draining the swamp.

Donald Trump wants to stop illegal invaders from crossing our borders. The Democrats are vowing to fight him to their last breath. They are costing us billions. The Democrats are claiming it will cost us billions to send these invaders home. What they are not telling us is it will cost us billions more to let them stay. The Democrats do not care about these invaders well being. They are only concerned about them voting Democratic and giving them power over our citizens.

After four years of the Biden Democrat Regime many countries do not fear or respect us and are even threating us. When we had our troops in Afghanistan and a few guys showed in pickup trucks with guns our Commander in Retreat, Joe Biden, went into full retreat. No nation has feared us since. I hope Trump does not go into a retreat mode as President. It might bring him praise from the Democrats, but we did not elect him to please the Democrats.

Both the Chinese, the Russians and North Korea have threatened us lately. I am hoping Trump will use all the sanctions he can muster against them. The Chinese have made no secret of their plans to destroy us by any means possible, to borrow a phrase from the Democrats in reference to Donald Trump. Should Donald Trump raise tariffs on Chinese Goods? No he should not. He should refuse to trade with them period. Without our money they receive from trade they could not bully smaller nations or build up their military to threaten us or other nations. Joe Biden so infamously said we need a rising China. No, we do not. Joe Biden needed a rising China to funnel money to his crime family, but the United States does not need threats from them. With a strong resolve we can bankrupt this evil regime, and we should. I hope President Trump will not cave in to Russian demands to steal Ukraine territory. I hope he will not be a latter-day Neville Chamberlain who caved into Hitlers demands only to find out later that he wanted more. We have the economic power to hurt Russia with sanctions. Let us do it.

The Democrats were relentless in their attacks on Donald Trump for eight years and he did not bend. We pray that Trump will stand tall and fight against corruption, incompetence and waste in government and win the war.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.