Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Mental Illness That will Not Go Away

Conservatives jokingly came up with an name for a mental illness that “never Trumpers” suffer from called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Despite the joking I am convinced it is a real disease and a serious one. You will not find Psychiatric Organizations labeling this syndrome a mental illness because so many of their members suffer from the illness. A Professional in Psychology would not like to admit they who treat mental illness are mentally ill themselves. This attitude is a disservice to millions who are suffering from the illness. Imagine how many people are suffering because they fear and loathe Donald Trump. Anyone, even those not in the field of Psychology. recognizes that those who are paranoid and hate others is in need of help. How much confidence can you have in a profession which ignores the desperate need of millions because they fear it might reflect badly on many of their members? The Psychologists came up with a list of, I think, 145 different mental illness. Surely they could add Trump Derangement syndrome to that list. The people who have convinced millions that sexual deviation is not only normal but something to be celebrated are failing the public.

I have a family member who has a severe case of the Syndrome. Just mention Donald Trump and he becomes unhinged. He lost his ability to think rationally long ago. I learned you achieve nothing by arguing with someone so deranged. It is like a drug addiction. One a person gets addicted to drugs they are unwilling to give them up and there is little you can say that will change them. Like a dug addict who gets drugs to feed his addiction these people talk to others so addicted and watch the left wing news media to feed their addiction. I once asked the relative what was his objection to Donald Trump. He said “you don’t know?” I admitted I did not. He said, “he is corrupt”. I then asked what he based that conclusion on. His reply was, “If you don’t know I won’t tell you”. That told me two things. One was he had no idea why Trump was “corrupt”. The second thing was he was only parroting what others have told him.

Millions of people have a herd mentality. They join a herd, and sometimes the wrong herd, and become subject to the philosophy of the herd. They are too lazy to do research or learn to think for themselves and feel comfortable to let others do the thinking . They pay a high price for membership in the herd. When the herd heads for the cliff they get carried away with them.

My counsel is to be kind to those suffering with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Help them if you can. Hating people and being paranoid brings extreme suffering to those so afflicted. My suggestion for dealing with those suffering is just to ask them questions. Some will realize, when they have difficulty answering, they are irrational. Since they cannot depend on Psychology to help them, perhaps they will turn to family and friends for therapy.

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.