The Woke Agenda
As everyone knows Marxism is all about gaining power over the lives of others. They claim they promote equity when the real goal is having dominion over the lives of others and enriching themselves. It has been said that it is the nature of nearly all men when they have power they will immediately attempt to take unrighteous dominion. This may explain the abuse American Indians and Blacks endured in times past in the United States.
The extreme example of unrighteous dominion is Communist China. There everyone is forced to submit to the will of the “Great Leaders”. The citizens are spied on, under video surveillance, arrested when they displease the great leaders, sometimes murdered or if they are lucky given long prison terms, put in indoctrination classes, forced to confess to some crime against the state, beaten when they do not comply with state rules and have fewer protections against abuse than do animals in the United States.
The People of Evil in control of China have broken the will of the Chinese People. Is it any wonder why China depends on stealing the innovations and trade secrets of other nations in their manufacturing? They have suppressed the creative spirit of the Chinese People. You have the phrase “soon to come to a theater near you”. The Chinese Communist Show is now playing at American Theaters.
In education it is said that 90 percent of college professors are Democrats. The Democrats embraced Marxism when they invited the Communist Bernie Sanders, who prefers to be called a Socialist, to caucus with them and embraced the leftists known as the squad in the House. The Marxists have infiltrated the Democrat Party and are their most prominent policy makers. And what does that tell you about the Marxist-Democrat professors in our colleges. They now control teaching and administration and are free to use the same tactics Chinese use in propaganda and control over the masses.
The Communist’s goal is to destroy our freedoms in the United States. Control over education and government gives them great leverage in reaching their goals. The grossly incompetent Joe Biden is used as a tool by his Communist Advisors to appoint people of their own kind to lead government agencies. And of course since the Democrats have embraced Marxism their people in the house and Senate will approve them. Thus we have an FBI and Justice Department using tactics developed in China to suppress the enemies of the great leaders in the house, Senate and the Presidency.
One of the agendas of the Marxist-Democrats is to attempt to erase from history great Americans and attack our culture. They are at war against the people in the United States. When the Marxist-Democrats were in control in the State of Virginia they went on a tirade against white people in the state. They were renaming streets, buildings and colleges that people of Virginia had a great love for. One example is John Tyler Community college named after a Virginia President. The Marxists the Marxist-Democrats named to the board of the community colleges changed the name to Brightpoint Community College. As near as I can determine this was a coined Marxist name for equity. What a joke. Communist only believe in power for themselves and slavery for the masses. Not only did we have to suffer those Marxist-Democrats fools but they cost untold dollars in changing all these names and forced us to support Marxism ideology. Finally the people were able to get rid of those abusive communists and flip the state from the Democrat Party

Now the Marxist-Democrats are planning on changing the names of some military bases that are named after White Southerners. The price tag? Sixty million dollars. The Marxist-Democrats are willing to spend millions of dollars of other people’s money to support their radical agendas One more reason to vote the Marxist-democrats out of office in November.
The people of the U.S. have apparently awakened to the threat to our freedoms from the Marxist-Democrats with polls indicating the majority of the people are not happy with the direction the Democrats have been taking us. It would appear the only way they can win in November is by cheating. As you know the Democrats and their left arm supporters the news media proclaimed that last presidential election as the most secure in history. A review of the most secure election is in order. Voting rolls were not culled for deaths or people who had moved, voters showing up to vote and being told they had already voted, vote harvesters who showed up with votes with no way to determine if the votes were legitimate, a judiciary unwilling to get involved in allegations of laws being violated, a corrupt Justice Department that tried to intimidate anyone questioning whether the voting results were valid, voting machines that were off limits to auditing, counting of votes after poll watchers were sent home by election officials. a Republican lead that miraculously disappeared as thousands of Democrat votes showed up in the night, votes coming in and counted after missing the state deadline, millions of mail in ballots that could not be verified as valid, duplicate addresses on some ballots and a national news media that attacked anyone questioning the results. Is this what a secure election looks like?
Will all these things be repeated in the next election? Of course. Will there be any new questionable practices. Maybe not. As they say in business, if your business model works , why change it?
This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.