The Timid Republicans and Election Fraud

There were widespread claims of voter fraud in the U.S. 2020 Election. A lot of people involved in the election process signed affidavits that they witnessed illegal activities. Cameras in places where votes were being counted show illegal activity. Voting officials are refusing to cooperate with auditors when when under court order to do so. Democrats and other communists sympathizers such as most of the national news media are putting up a goal line stand against audits. The Justice Department is sending letters trying to intimidate auditors from canvassing to verify people who are alleged to be voters actually exist. Trained computers experts are finding logarithms that are far removed from what is considered normal. Computer experts also allege that voting machines were hooked up to the internet before, during and after the election making them easily vulnerable to hackers. Computer experts were also able to determine that hackers from adversary countries were very active in trying to access the voting machine tabulators during and after the election.

Democrats and their evil partners are claiming people who want an audit are conspiracy theorists. They often quite the guy who claimed the last election was the most secure in history. With all the evidence listed above do they understand what secure means? Does the above listed problems indicate that the Democrats and their big tent allies are the actual conspiracy theorists? Why have not the Democrats pushed for bringing fraud charges against people who signed affidavits that they witnessed voter fraud? Could it be that they do not want these people testifying in court?

The Republicans should be our best hope for getting audits accomplished. However they seem to be timid and even apologetic about doing audits. Some Republicans are even criticizing other Republicans for wanting an audit. When election officials refuse to comply with a court order the Republicans are asking them nicely to cooperate. No one has has ever won a war by being nice to their enemy. Those refusing to comply with a court order should go to jail. The Republicans even implied that if it could be proven Biden did not win they do not plan to overthrow the election. Why not? If Biden’s co-conspirators cheated to get him in office why do they want to reward them by leaving him in office? If the Democrats were able to win by wide spread fraud those involved should go to jail and the office holders should be removed from office.

Republicans are putting their hopes on getting back the house in the 2022 elections. If there was widespread fraud that changed election results in 2020 what would change in 2022? They would just get better at it. Do the timid Republicans have the energy to take down Joe Biden? He is wrecking our economy and allowing millions of people come across our borders. Some are either sick spreading their illnesses across the united States, criminals, terrorist’s, drug dealers for the cartels and most will be dependent on taxpayers support to the tune of billions of dollars for who knows how long. Republicans seem powerless to do anything about the Biden Regimes assault on the American People. Do you feel comfortable having the Republicans protecting your rights?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.