The Terrorists are Active in the United States

Our country is in grave danger. Not from attack from China , Russia or Iran. We are endangered from having Joe Biden in the White House. Joe invited anyone who wanted to come to the United States to show up at our borders. Anyone who says that terrorists are not in the hoards of people massing at our borders is either a liar or a fool. Border Patrol have identified some terrorists even though they have little time to vet people coming in. Joe Biden thinks those people coming in will vote Democratic and thus insure that the criminal organization know as the Democratic Party will continue to get their hands on our money. I think it likely most of those illegally crossing our borders with the support of the criminal Joe Biden will be signed up to vote by Democratic Party Canvassers next election. Of course the Democrats will claim that election will be the most secure even while they work overtime with the help of corrupt news media to prevent any audits.

Terrorists crossing our borders is just part of our problems. We also have Mexican Cartel members coming in to prey on U.S. Citizens with the blessing of Joe. Given the millions of dollars Joe and his crime family have received from foreign entities your wonder if Joe has been receiving money from the Mexican Cartels, Communist China, Radical Islamists or other merchants of evil to let their agents come in to the United States.

We have had a taste of what the Terrorists are capable of with 9/11 and the murders at the Boston Marathon. The Terrorists are here and are just beginning to organize to start attacking our citizens. You see it on the news each night. They are starting with demonstrations. College Campuses are the hot bed of anti-Americans who teach or have infiltrated College Administrations. There they have thousands of immature students they can manipulate to carry out their evil. Students are the victims of our education system, managed by radicals, and many have never learned to think for themselves or even know how to reach rational conclusions.

After demonstrations have started, then physical attacks start on any opposition. This has already happened. They immature students attack anyone who opposes them as you have seen on the news media unless you only watch radical news. They are glorifying those who murdered women and children in Israel. They have become terrorists themselves.

Radicals and useful idiots are now marching in New York and even closed down the Brooklyn Bridge. These people art terrorists. The American Civil Liberties will claim that the Constitution guarantees people the right to demonstrate. That is true but the Constitution does not give people the right to be terrorists. Those demonstrating in favor of terrorists should be in jail. A lot of the demonstrators are people invited to invade our country by the criminal Joe Biden and need to be deported along with him. The Democrats are reluctant to criticize the demonstrators because they do not want to make their own voters mad.

It will likely only be a matter of time before blood and horror is common place in our beloved land. No longer will acts of terror be common in other lands but in the United States as well. Do you think the FBI will protect you? They are too busy trying to take down Catholics, the political enemies of Joe Biden and parents who do not like what the radicals are teaching their children in school. Do you think the Democrats will protect you. The radicals who demonstrate are Democrats voters. They will not action against their own supporters. What do you do when an entire political party is corrupt?

You can vote them out of office. But can you? The Democrats are supporting a Joe Biden who is very unpopular among U.S. voters according to recent polls. That tells me they are confident they can flood the voting places with unverifiable mail in votes and unverifiable harvested votes to keep Joe in office. They are also confident they will have the support of the radical news media to propagandize for them and convince a gullible public that the bad guys are the ones who would question the validity of mail or harvested votes.

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.