The Secret Never Trump Society

Breaking news. A “mole” has infiltrated one of one of the world’s most secret organizations.  The organization members refer to themselves as the Never Trump Society. This organization does not have a charter or a web page, does not use E-mails, written correspondence, telephones all to avoid a trail for investigators. All messages are by word of mouth. There is no office to go to. The goals of this society is to bring down our Republic and replace it with a Marxist Society.

They consider Donald Trump as the biggest threat to them achieving their goals and plan to take him down by any means possible. The members have sworn allegiance and have vowed to give their lives if necessary to take down Trump and the United States. They swear to defend any member from any accusations of wrong- doing whether connected to the Never Trump Organization or not. The members of the society are also told they can never leave the organization until its goals are met and if they ever divulge what the society is working toward they and their family will disappear.

This secret organization evolved from a meeting of top Democrats in a secret meeting with Chinese Communist Operatives. According to the mole these secret meetings have been held quietly since the Democrats embraced Marxism and Donald Trump came on the scene. Some of Biden’s advisors have been receiving a lot of information from the Chinese Communists about arresting and charging political enemies of the Biden Regime.

According to the mole the raid on Donald Trump’s residence is an outgrowth of receiving recommendations from the Chinese Communist Party. The news media members of the society worked with a major news media official to have a camera crew on the scene when the FBI staged its armed invasion of Trump’s residence.

Meetings with anti-Trump court officials to help plan and justify the armed break-in with warrants were also held and to deflect blow back from the public. Members of the society with extensive criminal defense training worked for weeks on how to justify the illegal trespass on Trump’s residence and convince the public that they had hard evidence Trump was breaking the law and fed all this propaganda to never Trump news agencies.

According to the mole the raid was carefully planned to occur just before the November elections in hopes the people would think Trump broke the law and they would vote against his preferred candidates.

The society did not know what documents Trump might have so they convinced their partners in the FBI to go on a fishing expedition hoping they could find something damaging to Trump or at least cause the public to be suspicious of such which probably explains a lot about some of the items stolen from Trump’s Residence. Going through Trumps wife’s wardrobe was probably a trophy search for her underwear. Sounds creepy to me. Those FBI agents should be fired for that. Good luck on that happening.

The FBI carefully planned with legal minds, according to the mole how to avoid giving out any information that might bring up suspicion that they acted illegally by redacting nearly everything in their communications and their warrants. The society has been discussing leaking to Never Trump News Agencies that the FBI has found some extremely damaging information on Donald Trump. If this leak happens it will be a few days before the election for maximum effect.

The mole claims the society is very concerned that Biden has screwed up so badly that the Democrats will take a shellacking in the November elections this year. They are secretly meeting with news media to take action to convince the public that the tide is turning and millions of voters will vote Democratic in a landslide come November. They are fearful this strategy will not work. They think they will need to have twice as many votes for Biden than they did last presidential election.

Prominent Democrats are working to get more votes counted for Democratic Candidates. They are of course keeping their involvement with the society secret. The society is reviewing what things worked well in the last election such as mail in votes that cannot be verified, harvesting votes from senile patients in nursing homes, preventing the removal of dead people and people who have moved from voter rolls. They are looking to provide voting machines that can be manipulated and cannot be audited.

The mole has noticed members of the society are very excited about something they are not allowed to discuss. He can tell from their confident looks that they are working on something new. He has not been able to determine what they are planning but thinks it will be huge in bringing in millions of untraceable votes for the Democrats that cannot be audited. We cannot verify the “mole’s allegation so we will leave it up to you what information you feel is correct. You cannot expect any investigation because if the Democrats are collaborating with the Never Trump Society, as the mole says, it is obvious the Democrats, who control the House, The Senate and the Presidency, will prevent any Federal Investigation.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.