The Scourge of Biden

Joe Biden’s term as president has likely been the worst curse even to come on the United States. We have had runaway inflation hurting every citizen, massive debt accumulation, unbelievable corruption among politicians and government employees, attacks on our rights enumerated in the Constitution, Marxism being promulgated in our schools by government edict, government law enforcement agencies investigating mothers concerned about the things their children are being taught in schools, government investigation and attempted intimidation of Christian Organizations, redacted information from government agencies when Biden is being investigated, a foreign policy that encourages our enemies to take advantage of us. an administration that wants to give the United Nations, an organization that is infiltrated by Chinese Communist Operatives, control over health decisions in the United States and politicians who are only concerned about having power over others and enriching themselves from public service. Not a pretty picture.

Joe Biden was recently investigated for wrongdoing. Can you imagine Joe Biden doing anything wrong? The person doing the investigation said he would not prosecute Joe and implied people on the jury would recognize his signs of dementia and would not convict him. He was probably under pressure from his corrupt bosses not to bring charges and this was the excuse he came up with. A new right has been invented likely hidden somewhere in the Constitution. The right to not be charged with a crime if you show signs of senility.

Joe Biden has indeed shown obvious signs of senility and should be removed from office. Who is going to do it? Certainly not the Democrats in Congress and the Senate. The Democrats do not think their voters care and are probably right. As long as they can stay in power and enrich themselves through their office, they will not act. What about the Republicans? My guess is they realize the Democrats have the power to block any opportunity for justice for the people of the United States and will exercise that power. That probably accounts for their luke warm attempt to impeach Joe. There is a lot of evidence of Joe Biden breaking the law. But as long as corrupt federal law enforcement agencies can redact incriminating information and the corrupt Democrats control whether Biden gets impeached, Biden will never be removed from office. And, of course, if Biden were ever charged with a crime a judge would probably rule he is not competent to stand trial and probably rightly so.

If Biden is too senile to govern the country who is running the country? How about his Marxists advisors. He is their puppet. He is also the puppet of the Chinese Communist Patry. Was he bought and paid for by the Communists through his son’s business dealings in China? And did not Son, Hunter, tell his family in e-mails on his infamous laptop he had to give ten per cent to the big guy? And what about the millions contributed to his library at the University of Pennsylvania by “Chinese Citizens”? Can you say money laundering?

Biden’s most recent caper is to pay of all student debt for former students in a hardship situation. Is not everyone in a hardship situation? The term hardship is a ploy to get our sympathy without us thinking about the repercussions. Why this new move? Do Biden’s Communist advisors think this might get him more votes from people who would love for someone else to pay their debts? They want to stay in power. They are having so much fun destroying the nation. Or is adding this debt another way they are trying to bankrupt the nation? We do not have the money to pay of these billions of dollars in debt. We would have to print more money causing more inflation. In addition, we would have a huge amount added to our national debt. That should be exciting to the younger generation who will have to pay off this debt.

The Democratic Party is under tremendous pressure to drop Biden as a candidate for President. Why do not they do so? Could it be the Democratic Bosses like having someone in the White House so easy to manipulate? Or do they think through the miracle of unverifiable mail in ballots and ballot harvesting they can get Biden back in the White House?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.