The Sad Tale of the Destruction of the United States

My name is John Stone and I am writing the sad tale of the destruction of the United States. The year is 2040. I am an old man now and do not expect to live much longer. The Doctors tell me my cancer is incurable. I am writing about what we have lost so that perhaps it might be secretly printed and secretly passed to people in the former United States that they might rise up against those who enslave them. The United States was founded as a God Serving People who had a constitutional that ensured freedom for all.

There was a small group of people who favored the teachings of Karl Marx, an evil man who devised a plan where he and his followers could make the majority of the people their slaves. They were only interested in total power over everyone and their control over the economy to enrich themselves. They were a small group but they had secretly infiltrated education, the news media, the entertainment industry, the judiciary, government, labor unions and ever business. In the beginning they had little influence and few people took them seriously. What people did not realize is that communists realized their evil designs would take a long time to accomplish and had great patience as they planned the destruction of the United States.

They communists were a small minority but worked to get themselves in leadership positions in all of our institutions and assist other communists in their own organizations to get promoted where they could influence policy and help fellow travelers get hired. They engaged in a lot of secret correspondence with each other in planning the destruction of the United States.

Soon conservatives and believers in God were quietly excluded from college teaching and administrative positions. By the time Joe Biden was president of the United States nearly all college teachers and administrators were members of the Democratic Party, an organization which had embraced the philosophies of Karl Marx. These teachers and administrators taught naïve students that good was evil and evil good. They were so effective that a large percentage of young college educated workers believed the lies they were told and thought Marxism was a great vision for the United States.

Hollywood, the social media and the news media were quickly taken over by the communists and began manipulating public opinion. Soon many people believed their lies and rejected truth, which the communists called misinformation. Some of the greatest gains the communists made were in government, not only as elected officials but bureaucrats who had been fed Communists Pablum in college. The majority of politicians soon either became communists or lined up for the opportunity to enrich themselves by getting in bed with the communists. The politicians, Hollywood, social media and the news media worked to suppress anyone who opposed them.

A big turning point in political history happened when Barak Obama took office in 2008. Barak Obama studied at Harvard where many Marxists teach. His favorite teacher was a dedicated communist and Barak became a convert and decided to go into politics where he could carry the banner of Karl Marx. He was advised by his communist friends to talk to Bill Ayers. Bill Avers was an influential Marxist who had extensive contacts in the movement. Bill recognized him as a doctrinal communist who might be successful in political office and pledged his support and the support of his fellow communists in the news media. Barak Obama became the darling of the leftist news media whose support helped him get elected president. This was a watershed moment in the influence of communists in our government. A lot of communist sympathizers were appointed to government positions where they were able to get their partners in crime in governments positions. After Obama, Donald Trump shook the communist world by being elected president and began trying to stem the communist advance. By this time they had become so entrenched in our institutions they harassed him for four years through the federal police, the courts and the news media.

After four years of opposition the Democrats, who had embraced Marxist Philosophies, through the miracle of mail in ballots that could not be verified got Joe Biden elected. Then they worked with the news media to smear anyone who questioned the results. The Democrats got a real bonus in Joe. He was so senile he was easily manipulated. Soon the communists were in complete control of the presidency. They used the FBI and the Justice Department to investigate and harass any citizen who did not support them.

This was just the beginning. Soon the puppet Joe started The Division of truth in the Justice Department. This division was charged with forcing everyone to tell the truth, which was whatever our great government leaders said it was. Soon federal law enforcement started jailing those who did not tell the “truth”. Some were sent to re-education camps where they were forced to accept the truth. Others were tortured when they insisted their rights were violated. Others disappeared.

Soon the division required everyone wear a necklace to keep them safe from misinformation. The necklace acted as a video recorder and a listening device to enable the truth division to determine who people saw and make sure everyone was speaking the truth. In addition, cameras were set up nearly everywhere to track citizens by facial recognition to keep them safe from those who might not tell them the truth. Everyone was required to have a mug shot so they could be identified for their own safety.  Soon everyone was afraid to talk to anyone else and most social conversation ceased.

Soon Biden’s Masters had him sign an executive order nationalizing all law enforcement throughout the United States into one National Police Force to enforce the edicts of the Truth Division. His fellow criminals in government supported him in that.

A few years later the Federal Government decided to confiscate all guns owned by the citizens to keep us safe. Some refused to give up their guns and were brutally murdered by the National Police. Thousands were killed before the fear of being killed caused everyone to give up their guns. The truth is, no citizen is safe without their guns to defend themselves from the National Police who now have authority to arrest anyone without any legal restraints. There is widespread famine and millions have died because the government has taken over food production.

Once guns were confiscated the government seized everyone’s property and promptly took over all businesses. Those who worked hard all their life for the rewards of hard work lost everything. Those who had beautiful homes lost them and they were given to communist government officials. Then after losing their homes, they were forced to live in small government apartments with surveillance cameras everywhere.

Living under these conditions is not better than death. I encourage everyone who reads about what the communists have done to the citizens to rise up in rebellion. It is better to die for God, your family and your fellow man than is it to live in slavery.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.