The Puzzlement of the U. S. National election in 2024

The Democratic Party has had either total political control of the United States with majorities in the House and the Senate for the first two of the last four years or Control of the Senate for the last two along with control of the Presidency for nearly four years. With this political power they have unleased much evil on the citizens. My opinion of the Democratic Party is, it is criminal organization that exists to enrich their members.

The “poster boy” for enrichment has been the Democratic Party Leader President Joe Biden. When Joe’s son Hunter forgot where he left his laptop after taking it to a shop for repairs it became the property of the shop. When an examination of the laptop revealed possible lawbreaking on the part of Hunter it was given to the FBI. The FBI is led by a Director appointed by the President. The FBI was accused of trying to keep the contents of the laptop secret. There were leaks to the press on some of the information contained in the laptop. The information which drew most interest was an email from Hunter to his family that he had to give the “Big Guy” ten percent of his take on his “business interests” in foreign countries.

The Democrats immediately began to circle the wagons. A group of Democratic Bureaucrats or former Bureaucrats signed a letter saying the laptop story looked like Russian Misinformation. That story quickly unraveled and the lie was exposed. The House began an investigation of possible criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. What they found were a number of companies controlled by members of the Biden Family providing no services but still taking in money. They looked like money laundering organizations. It was suspected that millions of dollars were funneled to Joe Biden for favors by foreign entities. Joe Biden has become a multi-millionaire in public service. How does one accomplish that? A salary of the President does not bring in that much money.

The Republicans in the House realized that the Democrat Party would block any attempt to impeach Joe, and thought was too late in his term to follow through anyway. I think it should have been done. If nothing else, it would have exposed the corruption of the Democratic Party.

Under the Democrat Regime of Joe Biden the Democrats went on a spending spree but did not have the money coming in to support it. They had to borrow money for their ill-advised spree. They also had to print more money. With all that funny money being pumped into our economy it caused prices to skyrocket causing great pain on the citizens because their wages did not rise like prices did. The other horrible result was the national debt skyrocketed. That debt must be repaid. Now we are paying more of our taxes in interests payments putting a strain on national budgets which must pay for things like retirement benefits. The Democrats are bringing us closer to National Bankruptcy every day.

The Democratic Regime has been involved in censorship. Investigations have revealed the Democratic Regime was involved with meeting with news media and social media to convince them to conceal information or to falsify information to hide the truth from the public. The Center for Disease Control was one government agency that concealed or falsified information to the public causing harm to many people. None of these criminals in this agency were every charged.

The Democrat Regime was very involved in using law enforcement to suppress their enemies. Criminal charges were brought against Donald Trump in places where corrupt Democrats were in political control. Other people who were considered associates of Donald Trump were also charged. When a political party breaks the law in pursuing their enemies the entire nation is at risk. That is what happens in China. Remember the unofficial slogan of the Democrat Party, “Remove Donald Trump by any means possible”? Any means is criminal indictments, slander, libel, unverifiable mail in ballots, unverifiable ballots from ballot harvesting, “finding” boxes of ballots after the ballots are counted, not purging people from voting rolls who have died or moved to have a source of “votes” if vote totals are not going well, and assassination.

Millions of illegal immigrants pouring across our border are another abuse poured on us by the Democrats Regime of Joe Biden. The Democrats are allowing illegal invaders into our borders for one reason only. They want to give them citizenship hoping they will be rewarded with their votes to cement their political power so they can turn our nation into a Marxist Country and stay in power.

What have the people received from these illegal invaders? For beginners billions of dollars in debt as the Democrats have dumped these people into the welfare system. These people have come into the country unvetted thanks to the Democrat Regime. Some are career criminals continuing their profession and are preying on our citizens. Most of them go to Democrat Controlled Cities where they know if they are arrested for committing a crime they will be bailed out by the time their victims get to the hospital. Thousands of them are illegal drug dealers who are killing about 100,000 of our citizens each year. Many of them have organized gangs which big city police do not seem to know how to deal with. Some of these invaders are terrorists who will soon be unleased on our citizens thanks to the Democrats.

Now the puzzlement. If we can believe the polls about half the citizens plan to vote for Kamala Harris. With all the abuses we have suffered and will continue to suffer how is it that people will vote for someone that many people think will be worse than Joe Biden? Is this an indictment of our educational system where people are no longer taught to think? Are those supporting the Democrats so dumb they have not noticed the bad things that have happened to our country with the Democrats in control? Has half the country become like California where the people cannot save themselves?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

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