In Comrade Biden’s first year in office 2.000.000 people illegally entered the United States with encouragement from an incompetent and corrupt president. And these are just the people who turned themselves in and not the thousands who slipped across the border, likely because they had criminal records. Joe is breaking the law and is committing treason and belongs in prison. The Republicans, who should be holding him accountable, for his crimes are either indifferent or too incompetent to figure out what to do about Criminal Joe. As you recall the Republicans were apologetic about wanting audits in the last election promising they were not trying to overthrow the election, presumably even if widespread fraud was occurring.
Think of how many trillions of dollars of the citizens taxes will be required to support these people, some for a lifetime. With Biden’s ending of title 42 restricting some illegals from entering the United States, it is estimated 500,000 will appear at our borders in conjunction with the repeal. Could there be as many as 20.000,000 people showing up at our borders while Crook Biden is in office? I do not believe the United States will have the resources or infrastructure to accommodate the ones who are already on their way to the borders. In short, you may live to see one of the richest countries in the world quickly become a third world country under Biden.
The Biden Regime has done so many things to destroy the country I do not think it is as simple as incompetence. Of course, he is incompetent but the things he is doing have to be deliberate. Biden and his Communist advisors have been flooding this country with illegal immigrants who they plan to make citizens shortly. They think these new citizens will vote Democratic and complete the transition they have already started to make the United States a communist country. It is likely that bankrupting the country is also in the Biden Regime’s plans. Remember the Communists are experts in convincing people that they, the Communists, can solve their problems. They can get the country out of bankruptcy by taxing the rich. They Communists can get two things accomplished: getting fools to believe them and getting their hands on rich people’s money while most of the people live in poverty. Even if the Communists did not keep these ill- gotten gains for themselves the wealth of all the “rich” in the United States would still not pay off the national debt.

As everyone knows by now Hunter Biden was paying part of his ill-gotten fortune from China and other places to the “big guy” according to his e-mail on his forgotten computer. Everyone but fools know Joe was the big guy.
Now it is believed that the Mexican Cartels make a lot more money from immigrants paying them for passage through Mexican to the U.S. than they do from the drug trade. So Joe is making the Cartels even richer by letting in illegal immigrants. Could it be the Cartels are delivering money to Joe too? Already China owns Joe. Why should the Cartels not own him as well? The Republicans think they can take back the House and Senate in the next election and neutralize Joe. Is this wishful thinking? Probably. As the other Joe, Joe Stalin, is alleged to have said, ‘It is not who votes but who counts the vote that matters. With Democratic leaning states having mail in ballots than cannot be verified, machine counters that are off limits to audits, and the ability to prevent any audits controlled by Democrats, I would say the Democrats might be in a position of winning by a landslide next election.
They likely will have advice from the Chinese Communist Party who have never lost an election. The Chinese Communist party is so beloved of the people that no one votes against them. Surely, the communists will teach the Democrats how to be so beloved and also how to count votes. Or maybe they taught vote counting before the last election. If Joe Biden lives to run in the next election he could get as many as 350,000,000 votes. Of course the estimated population of the U.S. is less than that but Democrats would point out population figures are only estimates and the majority of the people love Joe and his policies. We do not even know how many illegal immigrants are in the U.S. or how much they cost taxpayers. One estimate of the number of illegals put the number as high as 10,500,000 but no one really knows. It could be three times that. One so called fact check organization claims that Donald Trump’s estimate that illegal immigrants cost us between 200 and 275 billion each year is inaccurate.. Apparently their fact checking consisted of asking the opinion of four people . “200 billion seems inflated to me” said Randy Capps director of research for U.S. programs at the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute, “a little high ”said Robert Rector , a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “it sounds extraordinarily high to me” said Meg Wiehe, deputy director of the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy and “frankly absurd” said David Kallide , deputy director of the nonpartisan Fiscal Policy Institute told NBC News . No reason was given for these opinions which makes you lose confidence in fact checkers.
These fact checkers quoted another source as saying the bill was only $55 billion. Then the article admitted after attacking Trump that no one really knows how much illegal immigrants cost. Not to worry. After the US. collapses financially and turns to a communist society everyone will be equally poor and you will be happy because you will have great leaders. The good news is the national debt for each citizen as of July 30, 2021 was only $80,885.00. You can probably pay off your family’s share by the end of this year.
Is there any hope for our country’s survival beyond divine intervention or a real armed insurrection? Only time will tell but right now it does not look too promising.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.