The Marxist/Democrat Plan for America

Marxists have always hoped to take over the United States and control other’s lives for their own gain. One of the greatest desires for many people including Marxists is power over others. Christains will immediately recognize power over people as one of the three temptations of Jesus. After Jesus had a prolonged fast Satan appeared to him hoping to deter him from his calling from God. His mission was to die for our sins so that we could repent and be worthy to live with God in the next life. Satan offered to give Christ all the kingdoms of earth if he would worship him. Lust for power would appeal to many imperfect men. Christains know the rest of the story. Christ ordered him out of his sight and completed his mission.

Marxists have tried to build a political party to offer false promises to people to get their votes. Give credit where credit is due. Marxists learned from their failures. They realized they could not win the support of a freedom loving people. Violet overthrow of the government was not a good option since so many people in the United States own guns and would come after the Marxists if they tried.

Then they went to plan B which has worked well. They would infiltrate all of our institutions with fellow evil ones. You do not have to have a majority in organizations to control the agenda. Once the evil ones get into power they can influence policy and use their influence to get other evil ones into positions in those organizations.

Marxists started where they could have control on what people are taught. Public education was an ideal starting place. This explains the opposition of the power structure in public education to school choice such as charter schools. Now Marxists are determining what is taught in public schools including many of Karl Marx’s theories. Recently a teacher’s union,and remember many unions are controlled by marxists, In Los Angeles have made demands in their contracts that look like a Marxist Playbook. They are demanding a right to decide what students should be taught.

The Marxist are having great success in higher education as well. They have succeeded in flippings entire universities to the left and discliplining and silencing any student who challenges them. They have also managed to keep conservativs out of many schools as surveys have indicated that most of the professors are Democrats.

We pride ourselves for having a free news media. One of the things that keep Marxists in power is they have control over the news media and are able to control what information they want peolpe to hear. Hats off to the Marxists. The have established control withour the government owning the press. What is often called the main stream news media is now the Marxist news media. They are deciding what news they want to omit. A good example is the Marxist news media indifference to the shady dealings of the Biden family in China and Ukraine. Most of the news media is an apologist for Marxism and a propganda outlet for the Democratic Party. Did you ever read a news article from the Associated Press quoting Donald Trump without the editorial comment “without proff” added? Did you ever read an Associated Press article saying “studies have shown” and then not being able to find such a study on the internet?

The Marxists have had great success but probablly their greatest success was marrying into the Democrat Party Family. The Democrats say they have a big tent which means they will get into bed with anyone if they see a political advantage in doing so. Now Marxists Ideas are eminatting like sun rays from he Democrat party. They are proposing strict gun control laws which would protect their allies in crime fron an irate gun tottng public. The Marxists/Democrats are even proposing limits on free speech which seems to be speech that does not conform to Marxist Theology. They had so much success in getting some free speech banned by calling it hate speech that they are becomming bolder. They are also on a power grab with their Democrat lovers to control voting at the federal level which is mandatory if the Marxist/Democrats are to gain and maintain power. Mail in ballots worked well last time with the Marxist/Democrats keeping control of the house, and getting control of the Senate and the White House..

Democrat leaning States that used mail in ballots last election happily discovered their is no way to prove if a mail in vote is vallid . Very convient since photo copies of ballots are so easy to print out. Remember in a Marxist Country the beloved leaders decide who runs to office and since no oposition is allowed they always win. They reason Marxist/Deomocrats are screaming about voter id laws is we can then verify if a vote is fradulent. Even the Marxists who have infilitrated businesses are parroting the lie that voter id is racist. You cannot even get medical care withourt showing an Id . Will the Marxist/Democrats now say requiring an ID’s for anything is racist?

The Marxist/Democrats had a wonderful plan for retaking the white house last election. Their preferred candidate was Bernic sSanders but they knew the people would not vote for him in sufficient numbers so decided on a candidate who was consided more mainstream but has turned into Bernie on sterriods. The Marxist/Democrats had two problems. One is that Joe suffers from dementia. They probably solved that by getting an agreement from the news media to agree not to mention Joe’s dementia. Then they kept hin in his basement and off the campaign trail for most of the campaign. The other problem was how could they get enough votes without joe campaigning?. They might not get enough votes . Mail in votes than cannot be verified might be the ticket to the top and thus was born mail in votes for everyone.

The Marxists picked a VP for Biden in case he becomes incapicated who would support a Marxist agenda and thus came Kamala Harris. It helped that she was from a realiably socialist state with losts of votes and black to insure they would have the black vote.

So if Joe is unable to function who is running the country . Likely the Marxist/Democrats who picked him and Kamala and his reliable Marxist advisors.

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