The Latest Democratic Party Outrage

As if we needed any further evidence of the corruption of the Democratic Party they are now backing Joe Biden for re-election. What is wrong with that? Let me count the ways. Joe Biden is severely mentally incapacitated. While we should be compassionate toward individuals suffering like he is it is dangerous to have him as president. Recently Biden was caught on camera calling on a reporter who had preplanned with the Biden Regime a question that Biden had a crib sheet for. These are people we can really trust aren’t they? A good example of the danger of having Biden as President is the recent incursion of the Chinese Spy Balloon travelling across the United States. We do not know if Biden understood how serious this was. In his mental condition he is merely a puppet of his Corrupt Democratic Handlers. Their goals may be to appease the Chinese Communists in their goal to dominate the world with Communist Ideology, which is fine with many Democrats. If they can stay in power they are fine with that.

They whole world was watching news coverage of the balloons including the Chinese Communist Regime and the Russian Regime. If the Biden Regime would do nothing about the balloon until it’s spy mission was complete what would the Biden Regime do if a nuclear attack occurred? Are we in grave danger? The Russians and the Chinese have shown a wiliness to work together to advance their individual evils. Might this be an ideal time to knock out competition from the United States with a joint Russian and Chinese nuclear attack with a mentally incapaciated President and regime of questionable loyalty in power in the United States?

The President’s wife is surely aware of his mental incapacity. Why is she supporting his re-election? Does she enjoy the luxurious living she gets as the President’s Wife? Does she love the attention she is getting as the presidents wife. Is her vanity more important to her than the safety of the people of the United States?

In addition Joe Biden is breaking our immigration laws with the full support of the Democratic Party. This is an impeachable offence of both Biden and his regime. Biden and his regime are violating our bill of rights through prosecuting their political enemies in courts of law. Again they should go to jail for this.

Biden is receiving money from the Chinese Communist both in business dealings and through his Presidential Library. Does anyone think the Chinese do not get a pay off for these generous contributions? Biden’s corrupt political cronies in the FBI are keeping the Hunter Biden Laptop in their control to keep damming evidence on the Chinese Dealings from the public. It is time to defund the FBI. Without money they can do no evil.

The Biden Regime is involved in Marxist Propaganda being forced on those serving in the military as well as children in our public schools. This is contrary to our ideals of freedom in our Bill of Rights. Not only is this treason but it is also breaking the law. They are so corrupt the entire Democratic Party supports these things.

We should also remind everyone how the Biden Regime has destroyed our economy, racked up huge debts that we cannot repay and made us energy dependent pursuing a Marxist Green Energy Policy. All these things should make it obvious that no regime could be that incompetent. There is a deliberate plan to destroy our free society as we know it. As the infamous Senator Charles Schumer said the Democratic Party wants to fundamentally change our government. What he did not say was the fundamental charge was to Marxism.

All the polls, even those with a liberal bias, indicate the majority of the people in the United States do not want Joe Biden to run for office again. Why then would the Democrat Professional Politicians back him in running for office again when they know he is mentally impaired and the majority of the people do not favor him.

Could it be that the Marxists who now have operational control of the Democratic Party like having a puppet in the office of President? Do they not care what the majority think as long as they have someone in the President’s office they can manipulate. Are they willing to enslave the people of the United States in order to enrich themselves in public service and to be able to control other people’s lives? I think the answer is yes. Remember, two of the greatest temptations of man to do evil is the quest for power and money. Holding an elected position gives one a great opportunity to accomplish both. With the Democratic Party backing an unpopular Biden we get another clue of their plans. They are confident enough to believe they can get enough unverifiable votes to get him in office. With drop boxes available in many states, vote harvesting and unverifiable mail in votes coming in the Democrats may be able to get more votes for Biden than the population of the United States. As the Democrats and their Unholy co-conspirators in the news media will likely tell us population numbers are just estimates.

Who will take down the corrupt Democrats? The Republicans are doing a lot of hearings in Congress where they now have operational control over the Corrupt Democrats. But are these show trials like the Democrats were holding when they had control of both the Senate and Congress? Until I see some indictments come out of these hearings or see some government elected or appointed officials resign because of exposure of their corruption, I will consider the hearings show trials. That would mean the Republicans are a corrupt movement like the Democrats. And in spite of Biden’s mental condition and the attempts of his regime to destroy the United States we still await any efforts at impeaching Joe by the Republicans.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.