The Godless Democrats

Our Constitution, in the first amendment, forbade the establishment of a religion by the government. This amendment states “congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. This prevented government from discriminating against people for their beliefs and forcing them to support through their tax dollars a religion they did not believe in. When a sizeable number of Democrats rejected God, 40 percent currently according to reputable polls, they decided to change the meaning of this amendment to fit their evil desires. They took the position that allowing mention of God or Jesus or allowing any mention of religious belief was a violation of law. Many leftist organizations with close ties to the Democratic Party began court suits to ban mention of God from public schools. Many Judges bought into this faulty reasoning with little push back from the public. Most of the public do not really understand what the amendment said so they have accepted the mention of God, Jesus, or their teachings is unlawful. Those same Democrats who fought so hard to get God and Jesus banned from public schools are now promoting the teachings of another religion in our public schools. This religion is Marxism.  If you approve of removing God and Jesus from the public schools you are indebted to the Democratic Party.

Abortion is an ugly sin and an Un Godly act and is promoted by the Democratic Party. God commanded Adam and Eve and their prosperity to multiply, which means to have children. It is a sacred act to have children and obey God.  The Democrats support ripping a child apart up until the moment of birth. In the late term those babies can feel pain as they are being torn apart. What kind of a person would torture and destroy their own child? For a child to show up at an inconvenient time does not justify destroying the child. When an entire political party supports such brutality against a child how evil can they be?

Bailouts of people  in debt is very attractive to most Democrats and many Republicans. What does bailouts get for politicians?  When big corporations mismanage their businesses they often turn to the government to bail them out. When they are bailed out they make big contributions to their benefactors the politicians. Your tax dollars are at work enriching the politicians. Politicians use the excuse the companies are too big to fail causing disruptions in our economy. How many people are too stupid to realize the helping hand is used to get politicians more money. The Democrats latest scheme is paying off college debts you did not make to buy votes from a few thousand college graduates. That would be stealing. One of God’s commandments is “thou shalt not steal”. One more reason the Democrats want to steal your tax money.

Another Christian teaching concerns not borrowing money you cannot repay. Democrats have always had a reputation for borrowing money we cannot repay. Since the Biden Regime has been in power they have gone on a spending spree of billions of dollars we probably cannot repay. Perhaps the Marxist/Democrats will try to cancel government debt by claiming greedy capitalists took advantage of the people. They may print more money to pay off debt causing even higher inflation destroying the purchasing power of your retirement savings. Now the Democrats are flirting with having a guaranteed annual income to people who do not work. God said “by the sweat of thy brow thou shalt eat bread”. The Democrats say by the sweat of your brow others shall enjoy a life of ease. Living on the work of others is not a Godly concept. Perhaps this is why it appeals to Democrats.

Communist Joe is inviting the world to break the law and come to the United States and he refuses to enforce the law. Comrade Joe is costing us billions of dollars to support these illegals. He is also enriching the Mexican Cartels and the Chinese Communist Party with the drugs flooding into the United States. You have heard it said “follow the money”. You wonder if they Biden Crime Family is getting

donations” from the Cartels or the CCP who are trying to destroy the country and in conjunction of American Politicians bringing us closer to a Communist Government.

“Thou shalt not lie” is another of God’s Commandments. How many lies have we been told by government officials. Our health agencies are exhibit number one. Telling us something one week and changing in soon thereafter. And what about suppression of information during the pandemic? They also violated our Civil Liberties confining people to their homes, forcing some people to get vaccinations as a condition of employment and stopping religious worship in churches. Apparently, the Biden Regime chose these people for their love of evil.

Communist Biden is at war with the American People saying the 70,000,000 million people who voted for Donald Trump are a danger to our society. Biden’s attorney General even sent a memo to the FBI asking them to investigate parents as terrorists who were not happy with the teaching of Karl Marx in the public schools. How much more information do you need to vote the communists out of office? Biden will not be held accountable for his crimes. If the Democrats cannot cheat themselves into a victory any move by the Republicans to punish Biden for his crimes will be stopped by the courts on the grounds that Biden is too senile to stand trial and rightfully so. Some added information on the hypocrisy of the Democrats comes from Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Recently some illegal immigrants were sent to this bastion of Marxist/Democrats. The citizens did their virtue signaling by hugging the immigrants and as soon as the left wing media left the immigrants were forced out of town with encouragement of the National Guard with a military escort. What hypocrisy.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.