The Godless Democrats

The Pew Research Center did a study known as the Religious Landscape Study. According to this study 55% of the people who lean Democrat do not believe in God while 73% of people who lean Republican do. Based on the antics of the Democrats who hold power it is likely that most of them are nonbelievers. The believers who lean Democrat need to do some soul searching to determine if they want to march with God or the Adversary. As Jesus said you cannot serve God and Mammon. The strict definition of mammon is riches but a more extended definition is things not of God.

With the Democrats, who just over half believe in God, in control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate you can understand the negative direction the country is going in. Godly People believe in the sanctity of life. Godly People consider themselves partners with God in bringing his children into the world. Democrats are big supporters of destroying babies in the womb. With God every soul is of great worth. Our highest calling is to keep God’s Commandments and to serve our fellow man. All of God’s Commandments when followed bring happiness to us.

Democrats have embraced a Godless Concept called Communism. God wants us to have freedom to choose. Communists do not want us to worship God. They want us to worship a godless State. They want to control our every move. The Democrats have embraced Bernie Sanders and the Squad. It may be noted that they all claim to be Socialists but socialism is the “Royal Road to Communism”. That is part of the plan. Currently the desires of Bernie and the Squad seem to be the driving force of the Democrat party.

What are some of the things the Democrats have done and are doing to destroy the United States, hoping to usher in a Communist Regime? First Comrade Biden cancelled the big pipeline and suddenly gas prices skyrocketed costing the middle class billions. The middle class is the biggest threat to the Democrats plan to usher in Socialism. They need to wipe out the middle class and make everyone , except the great leaders, equally poor. The poor are dependent. If they do not follow dogma the communists can cut off their means of support.  After cancelling the pipeline Comrade Biden was begging oil producing countries to produce more oil to send to us. Why is it bad for us to produce oil but good for other countries? What kind of fool do we have in the White House?

Then there is also open borders. Are there two things in play here? Are the Democrats trying to bankrupt the country by forcing us to support these hoards of people who are totally dependent on government and do the Democrats plan to get votes from these people contrary to law. Without vetting these people there has to be thousands of cartel members coming for drug trafficking and sex trafficking. Biden belongs in prison without parole for perpetuating this great evil against the people of the United States. He is breaking immigration law. We have a lot of smart people in the United States. We need a nationwide organization of people dedicated to taking Biden down before he destroys the country.

It gets worse. Biden wants to bring in thousands of unvetted Afghanistan immigrants who may be Taliban Operatives.  Will we be having terrorist attacks on a regular basis in the US.? Now some of Comrade Biden’s underlings are suggesting we might give aid to the Taliban. Maybe we can give them ammunition to kill the women judges who served in government before Biden surrendered to the Taliban.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.