The Fox is Guarding the Henhouse in the United States

There is an old saying that you do not want a Fox guarding your henhouse. Unlike some animals, chickens do not have claws or big teeth to fight off predators. Foxes love eating chicken so you would never hire a fox to guard your chickens. We citizens of the U. S. find ourselves in much the same position as the chickens in the henhouse in having people whom we cannot trust to be responsible for our welfare and safety. Who are the foxes? Why the Democrat Party of course. You might protest that it is not fair to call all Democrats Office Holders Foxes but I think this position is warranted. With the Biden Regime in charge, and support from Democrat Majorities in the house and Senate all three entities were unanimous in seeking to destroy our nation. As one infamous Democrat, whom I consider to be a dedicated Marxist, said after the Foxes took control of the Presidency, House and Senate, “Now we can fundamentally change the United States”. I think everyone knows he meant change to a Marxist Society.

The Democrats have embraced Marxism. They have four members of the House that most rational people consider Marxist and they fully embrace them. They also invited Bernie Sanders to caucus with them. Yes, I know that Bernie calls himself a Socialist but he could also call himself a Christian but that would not make him one. Apparently the Democrats believe that the best way to ensure themselves more wealth and perpetual power is to change our form of government to a Marxist one.

Breaking our immigration laws, destroying our energy independence, running up debts we cannot repay, printing money causing runaway inflation, weakening our military, destroying our retirement security and losing respect of most of the world is not an accident. It was coldly calculated to destroy our society. Finally some Republican Office Holders have the courage to say that. I applaud their courage although it is coming late in the game. Too many were afraid to speak out because they knew the American Communist News Media would try to destroy them.

We need some real positive action by the Republicans. They have been having hearings on the abuses of the Biden Regime bringing to light criminal activity of the Biden Regime. Now is the time to take legal action. These criminals need to be charged in a court of law. Joe Biden should be the first one to be charged.

The Democrats are planning on supporting Joe Biden in another election even though only about 36 per cent of the population are in favor of Joe running again. It is hard to believe that 36 per cent of our population are brain dead. It is amazing that the Democrats do not run away from Joe. This tells us two things. One is they have a puppet in the White House they can manipulate to support their Marxist Agenda. Two, through the miracle of vote harvesting and unverified mail in ballots they feel confident they can win and with the help of the American Communist News Media they can shame us into not questioning the results. I see little difference between what happens politically in the United States and China. I see two types of people who support these corrupt Democrats. Those who use politics to gain wealth and authority over others for their gain and those who are too stupid to recognize it. And do I need to remind you Joe Biden became a multi-millionaire in government service.

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.