The Democratic Party, Our Migraine Headache

Is everyone’s head reeling from the antics of the Democratic Party recently? After lying to the public about Biden’s mental condition to run the country they have suddenly pressured he and his family supporters into a decision for him not run for re-election. If he was mentally sharp like they claim and one of our great presidents like they claim, why would they not support him for re-election? I think they realize most citizens recognize Biden is unfit for office and they have been lied to by the Democrat Party. The Democratic Elites are pretending Biden made the decision on his volition, another lie, thank him for his service and move on. If you are alarmed about the Lieocrats, I mean Democrats, lying to the public they are only following the dictates of their God. Not the God most of us worship Who said, “Thou shalt not bear false witness”. They are following the dictates of their God, Karl Marx, who assured his followers it is permissible to lie if it furthers the goals of Communism.

Now the Democrats are in a dilemma They have a Vice President who according to surveys is less popular than Biden and also considered very incompetent by most voters. And the polls indicate Trump was very likely to win against Biden. What to do? If they dump Kamala they will anger their base, the Black Citizens of the United States. Methinks the Democratics are stuck with Kamala. What avenue. does that lead for the Democrats to win? They could start a rumor that Trump is getting money from China or that Trump is a serial killer. Not many people would believe that so I would not call that a winning strategy. What is left? What about some guidance from the God of the Democrats, Karl Marx. “It is OK to cheat if it helps accomplish your goals”.

Manipulate the vote is the answer. There are millions of illegals in this country the Democrats can pay to fill out a form. Register them before the election. Will anyone notice? Likely only the cheaters. Then fill out a absentee voter ballot. Cannot read or write English? No problem the Democrats will fill out the form and mail it in. The Democrats were good at preventing investigations of voter fraud in the last election. Remember charges of voter suppression hurled at anyone suggesting the possibility of voter fraud? Remember the statement this was the most secure election ever? Remember the survey one organization sent out in one geographic area where about 20 per cent of responding voters admitted they had done something illegal in voting? But then, if the Democrats can prevent investigations why not just send in absentee votes for people who did not vote? How can this happen? Democratic strong holds are slow to get the votes counted. That gives them time to determine what candidate is leading in the election and who voted in their own precinct. Those who did not vote are names that can go on absentee ballots. In the last election some boxes of ballots were “found” that no one had noticed before all the votes were counted. Where did they come from? The Democrats are in a quandary since Trump dodged the bullet. The party of “get rid of Trump by any means possible” have their backs against the wall. They need solutions fast.

A lot of questions need to be answered. Not likely from the FBI who are said to be investigating the assassination attempt. This was the organization investigating Trump for the bogus charge of Russian collusion. They also had two key agents exchanging e-mails on how to stop Trump. We need to know how the would be assassin was able to get on a roof in broad daylight and not be seen until getting in place for a shot seconds before firing the shot that missed Trump. Information has now been revealed that the attempted assassin had some encrypted accounts that were based overseas. Who was he communicating with? Do you trust the FBI to either find out or reveal this information if they do?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.