The Democrat Party’s Kamala Problem

The Democrat Party’s runaway train is interesting to watch. After lying to the Citizens for months about Biden’s cognitive condition and championing him for re-election, they pressured him not run for re-election. They finally discovered Biden was doing badly in the polls. It is quite late in the game, but Democrats have always had trouble recognizing truth. Remember the line from the Broadway Musical, “There’s trouble here in River City”? There is trouble in the Democrat Party.

First issue is a Vice President succeeds the President when he dies, is incapacitated, resigns or is removed from office. The Democrats Elites, who could not care less what their rank and file think, have decided since Biden is not running for re-election Kamala Harris succeeds him as the Presidental Candidate. In Marxist Organizations the rank and file are supposed to blindly follow their elite leaders. Suddenly one of their partner organizations, the Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement is demanding an open convention in the upcoming Democratic Primary. Could there be trouble right there in Chicago City? Democrat voters are usually robots following their elite leaders. Could there be an open revolt in Chicago?

More troubles confront the Democrat Party. Most everyone, with the exception of the mentally challenged, now accept the fact that the Democrat Elites have been lying to the Citizens about Biden’s senility. That could cause even some robots to go rogue. The number of Independent Voters has been growing larger in recent years. Surely many of them will realize the Democrat Party cannot be trusted. This year the “Democrat Brand” has been severely tarnished. This has to have an effect on the vote.

Now comes the Democrat’s Kamala Problem. It is a well-documented fact that Kamala Harris was tight with the politician Willie Brown in California. She was dating him before she got into politics. Willie had a powerful political position as speaker of the California Assembly and Kamala credited him with helping her win the role of DA in California. Later she became a Senator. Her association with Wille sure seemed to help. Many considered Kamala Willie’s mistress. Willie was married when he was seeing Kamala but was separated from his wife, which means he was still married.

Critics say that Kamala did not earn her political offices but relied on her friendship with Willie for them. She of course did not have to win an election as Vice President. Kamala has no great achievements recommending her as President. When she attempted the Presidential Primary earlier, she drew little interest. Her highly touted assignment as “Border Czar” was a total failure as millions of invaders entered our country on her watch and there is no evidence that she did anything to stop them. She is considered by many as incompetent. She is tied to a regime that was one of the worse in the history of the United States in spite of the lies of the Democrat Elites that Biden was one of our greatest Presidents. The polls indicate she is even less popular than Biden.

What to do? The Democrats have as ally some of the most corrupt, dishonest, devious propagandists on earth in the news media. They could package Kamala as the second coming of Jesus. They have already packaged Trump as the Devil Incarnate so their job is half done. That will ensure the Democrats retain the stupid vote which would include millions of people. Then a few million unverifiable mail-in ballots in Democratic Controlled States could spell victory. The Democrats situation is far from hopeless. What was the infamous quote by Nancy Pelosi that she could put a D behind anything and get it elected? The Democrats also have some friends who can advise them on how to win elections. The Chinese Communists have never lost an election. Surely, they will be flattered if the Democrats contact them for advice if they have not already

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.