The Curse of the Biden Regime

Joe Biden is truly a curse upon the People the United States. Senate hearings revealed that millions of dollars were funneled to companies controlled by the “Biden Crime Family” from foreign entities while he was in office. Were the Biden businesses charities and foreigners were making contributions because they were so kind and charitable? If the Democratic Party would have promoted a story like that millions of uneducated citizens would have bought it. This tells us all we need to know about our education system in the United States. Those who rate education achievements of students in the world give the United States a low rating. The radical leftists took control of most of our universities years ago and went from educating students to having propaganda schools. The leftists who love to control people realized how successful their college campaigns worked so they have now taken over secondary education. This is one of the reasons the Democrats have so much power. So many of our citizens have been so poorly educated they do not have the ability to make rational decisions.

What are the other curses of the Biden Regime? One of them is the breaking of the law by letting anyone who shows up at our border cross. Without any vetting we do not know why these people are coming in. Some of them are terrorists sent by foreign organizations or countries to do harm to the United States. The criminals in the Biden Regime know this but they want poorly educated people coming in who they think will vote Democratic. They hope to control both the Presidency and the House and Senate in the next four years to give these illegal invaders citizenship. Some of these illegal invaders are likely now being organized to carry out attacks on our society.

In addition to the safety of our citizens we are having great financial burdens placed upon us. These illegal invaders come in totally dependent on welfare and we cannot afford them. Our social security system is near collapse and the Democrats are putting those retired at great risks. They are even moving those invaders at the head of the line in government assistance and neglecting our own citizens. What are the Democrats willing to do to buy votes? In addition, local governments are having to pay for the education of the children of these invaders putting a strain on local government budgets.

Mexican, Central American and South American Gangs are invading and setting up shop in the United States to prey on our citizens. Our citizens are in great danger which is made worse by the Democrats practice of letting most criminals go back on the streets within hours of being arrested for a crime.

Our beloved Biden Regime has been working with their partners in crime in the News Media and Social Media to suppress truth and censure free speech in violation of our Constitution. The Biden appointed federal police have been bringing criminal charges against individuals who they consider their political enemies. Sometimes these individuals are kept in prison for over a year without a trial. Likely the thinking of the Regime is the prisoners will began to wonder if they will ever get out and accept a plea agreement. Our military has been so corrupted by woke policies that they cannot get enough people to join to meet their enrollment needs. In recent days it was revealed that an instructor in the military had been teaching that people who were against abortion were terrorists. Foreign countries no longer fear our military. We are not safe under a Democrat Regime.

We have accumulated massive debt under the Biden Regime with the full backing of all the Democrats in the House and Senate. Some people doubt we will ever be able to repay those debts. We have endured massive inflation under the Biden Regime as the Democrats have backed printing more money to pay for the money needed for the Democrat spending spree.

What is amazing about the pain inflicted upon us by the Biden Regime which Kamala Harris was imbedded is current polling. Even though most people did not have much confidence in the way the Biden Regime ran the country the polls seem to indicate a close race between Harris and Trump. Kamala will either give us more of the same or be worse than Biden.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

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