The Confusing United States National Election

We are now ending four disastrous years of a Democratic Regime Controlling the United States. What do we have as a result? A regime that went on a spending spree and our National Debt is so bloated some people think it cannot be repaid. There was no money to pay for this reckless spending spree and the Democrats had to borrow money and print money to pay for their devious plans. As near as I can determine the spending spree benefited mostly Democrat Supporters. With the borrowing a large amount of the wealth of our citizens will have to pay interest on the debts the Democrats accumulated putting a great burden on those still employed. Those interest payments will compete for funds needed to pay Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs. Social Security may be the first Dominio to fall as it is expected to be bankrupt in a few years. Then there is the printing of money to pay for the spending spree. That resulted in more money being pumped into our economy. With all that money chasing current production, prices started rising. These prices had a negative impact on everyone, even Democrats, as wages did not follow the price increases. Consumers are now paying a lot more for everything we buy without an increase in wages to compensate for the increase in prices.

The Democrats have broken our laws by letting in millions of illegal immigrants and supporting them with our tax dollars. They are coming in unvetted which is a crime against our citizens. Some are criminals and gang members coming to prey on our citizens. Others are terrorists who are likely now being organized to commit terrorist actions against our citizens.

Our freedoms are in jeopardy as the Democratic Regime is working with their partners in the news media to censure information they do not want us to hear and are deceiving the public. The Regime is also working with Social Media media to censure anyone who does not preach Democratic Propaganda. The Democratic Regime is using law agencies to charge their enemies with crimes. It is not only Donald Trump who has been charged with “crimes” in several Democratic Controlled Cities but other people in politics who they consider their enemies.

The Democratic Party has endorsed sexual deviancy, even having Joe Biden invite some of them to the White House. Parents are shocked to find our public schools with the support of the Democrats are even inviting Sexual Deviants to come in the class rooms to interact with young children. The Democrats are also supporters of destroying women sports by allowing men to complete as women.

What is shocking to me is after all these abuses of our citizens the polls seem to indicate the election will be too close to call. How can we survive as a nation if half the country is not outraged by these abuses? Are we becoming a nation like Germany after Hitler became dictator?

The close election concerns me for another reason. The Democratic Party has vowed to stop Trump by any means possible. The possibilities include impeaching him, attacking his character, bringing criminal charges against him and assassination. None of these things worked against Trump in this election cycle. In a close election vote fraud may the last resort for a real knockout punch against Trump. The Democrats invented mail in votes with no way to verify the sender and vote harvesting with no way to verify the honesty of the harvester. Surely the Democrats Bosses are meeting behind closed door to determine how to deliver a knockout punch against Donald Trump.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

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